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SAI - Contributions & Activity log

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Involved SAI members: @Riley .

Involved also: @iTsMe @DyamDouglas @shah @MouRiS @Moley.

Divisions involved: @SAPA .

Date, time and duration of activity: 15/04/2020 20:00 server time.

Activity type: Road Block.

Activity Details: So after a quick RP of a drunk fire truck driver we decided to set a small road block near SAPA base, SF-LV, we set up the RB and strated checking peoples cars for any iligal items. We stoped a criminal which had a massive amount of drugs in the back. The RP was awesome and we stopped some ciriminals who were disturbing the RP. All went awesome! I want to say a special thanks to @SAPA for the great cooperation!

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: Alexander_Mahone (( @Rowdy35 )) // Rooster_Cogburn (( @SAMCRO ))

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: None.

Date, time and duration of activity: 15/04/2020 -- 35 Min.

Activity type: Patrolling

Activity Details: Las Venturas was also coming to the evening hours. My friend called me and called me to the SAI base. I put my clothes on and headed for the SAI base. I went to the SAI base, my friend was there waiting for me, I went to him first and we had a little chat. He told me he was bored at home and he said he called to patrol. So I agreed, we went to the car and started patrolling. We saw someone driving a Motor and he was going too fast and we approached him and told him to stop. He listened to us, went to my friend and did the routine checks. We gave him a ticket for endangering traffic. We saw a truck driver, he was making dangerous moves with the truck. We went up to him and we told him to stop, he listened to us and he slowed his car down. My friend went up to him, and the truck driver pulled out his gun and started shooting. My friend immediately got in the car and we started chasing him. We followed him for a long time and he crashed, he started shooting and running. My friend shot in the air and we told the man to stop, he listened to us and surrendered. After doing our duty, we went to our homes.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0tAVVEH

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Involved SAI members: Thomas_Garcia(AntiRug)

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) HSPD

Date, time and duration of activity: 17/04/2020 -- 47 minutes

Activity type: Speedcam checks on the highway.

Activity Details: Sergeant Hopkins hopped on the bike for the first time in 2020. The weather was beautiful for some riding, so the Sergeant headed upto the highway and completed many successful traffic stops after clocking the drivers on his speedcam.

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: @Ardron @shah @Henry @ alexander mahone.

Involved also: @ZoRo @Klay @Jemmyx46 @Kristiina @Nishki @Hash @Morena @Gotchi .
(If I forgot someone please PM and I will add you).

Divisions involved: @Peaky-Blinders .

Date, time and duration of activity: 18/04/2020 17:00 server time.

Activity type: Patrol and SPTU RP.

Activity Details: So the day started with a regular shift, we made a couple of speed traps, and arrests were made, after more SAIs went in we decided to do an SPTU RP with @Peaky-Blinders, the RP was about searching for iligal stuff in there base. The RP went very well, one arrest was made and one escaped. I want to say a specail thanks to @Peaky-Blinders for the great cooperation!

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: Rooster Cogburn (( @SAMCRO ))

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None

Date, time and duration of activity: 18/04/2020 ~42 minutes

Activity type: Regular patrol , Speedcam control on highways.

Activity Details: One spring night, i've hopped into my car reported i'm on duty to control. Headed to LV-LS highway to place a speedcam. Once i did that; A green cab gone over speed-limit so i've made some paperwork on him. Continued on patrol and after that i saw nothing ongoing anymore, parked my car on headquarter back and went my house.

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: @shah @bas260

Divisions involved: None

Other involved people: None

Date, time and duration of activity: April 19th, 2020 - 10:30 to 11:40

Activity type: Roleplay

Activity Details: It was lovely afternoon while i was patrolling and saw a car speeding which i followed in order to check on it and do further inspection,I called for assistance which @bas260 responded and after doing checks on the citizen,It turned out that the citizen was in rush cause her wife was in hospital so I let the citizen go with a warning.

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: Alexander_Mahone (( @Rowdy35 )) // Sam_Nake (( @shah ))

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: None.

Date, time and duration of activity: 20/04/2020 -- 1 Hour

Activity type: RoadBlock

Activity Details: It was a beautiful day in Las Venturas. My friend and I decided to do a Roadblock. We went straight to our cars and set off to go where we were going to do roadblock. We've done roadblock and checked people who are suspicious. A few hours later, we finished the RoadBlock and we went to the SAI base. We finished our work and went to our homes.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9EXY89x

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Involved SAI members: Alexander_Mahone (( @Rowdy35 )) // Sam_Nake (( @shah ))

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: None.

Date, time and duration of activity: 21/04/2020 -- 1 Hour

Activity type: RoadBlock

Activity Details: Las Venturas was also daylight hours. My friend called me and said he was going to make a RoadBlock. I wanted to do something like that, so I put on my clothes and went to my friend's. It was almost evening after we made routine checks on the drivers we stopped. My friend and I decided to end it and we went to have dinner. After dinner , we went home and finished the day.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JBKi6gl

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Involved SAI members:

Involved also:

Divisions involved:

Date, time and duration of activity: 25/04/2020 18:00 server time.

Activity type: Patrol.

Activity Details: So there wasn't something series, it was just a routine patrol and speed traps, I managed to arrest some wanted criminals and also I was in a crime scene which I investigate.

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: Alexander_Mahone (( @Rowdy35 )) // Adrian_Shepherd (( @Shadro ))

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: None.

Date, time and duration of activity: 30/04/2020 -- 1 Hour

Activity type: Speedcam

Activity Details: It was a beautiful day in Las Venturas. I went to the SAI base and I was looking for a friend to patrol. I saw someone and I said I wanted to patrol, he agreed. I got into his car and we set up a speed camera on the LV-LS Highway. It was like a blue car had been in an accident a lot of times and it passed very fast in front of us. We immediately turned on the sirens and started following. We got so close to him, and I told him to stop on the megaphone, he wouldn't listen to us, and I told him again that this was the last warning. He didn't listen to us again I shot at his tyres and he had to stop his car and we did the task we had to do. After we had finished our work, we went back to our post and re-installed the speed camera. This time one engine passed and we followed him, when he saw us he immediately slowed down and stopped his engine. We made the necessary rules and went to eat. After eating, we went home.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7BcW5qF

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Involved SAI members: Larson_Hopkins(AntiRug)

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) HSPD

Date, time and duration of activity: 1/05/2020 -- 34 minutes

Activity type: Speedcam checks on the highway. Routine stops.

Activity Details: It was an amazing day, so Sgt Hopkins decided to take the HPV1000 out on a patrol. Some routine traffic stops were conducted, and also a few tickets were issued.

Screenshots: SS

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Patrol, Roleplay

Involved SAI members:

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID)

Other involved people:
@Ragnar ?, @Jemmyx46 , @SAFP-Stoner

Date, time and duration of activity:
5th of May 2020, 11:00, 45 Minutes

Activity type:
RP Patrol

Activity Details:
I left the State Police station at 11:00. I immediately spotted someone driving recklessly and pulled him over. He complied and I brought him to the station. After a while, I figured that the RP wouldn't go anywhere. He didn't get the /do and /me.
I drove around some more and picked up Jemain who I wanted to assist in a traffic stop but when I arrived he had already arrested the suspect.
We heard about a traffic stop by SAFP so we went to west Las Venturas and assisted the officer we secured the scene. And make sure that oncoming traffic kept moving along. I also performed a MDC check on the stopped vehicle. Later I brought the trucker to the depot and the safp officer back to the LVPD.


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Involved SAI members:

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID)

Other involved people:
@Ardron @SAFP-Stoner @Kaos171 @Kristiina

Date, time and duration of activity:
4th of May 2020, 1 hour

Activity type:

Activity Details:
We decided to set up a roadblock along the LS - LV, because we were trying to stop to the people cause COVID-19. We stopped all cars, bikes and trucks in the roadblock and found a sick, he was taken to the Los Santos Medical Hospital. "Stay at home"

(This is probably a traffic checkpoint. ^Bas)


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Involved SAI members:
Jemain_West (@Jemmyx46 ), Riley_Crimson (@Matthews ), Frank_Stone (@SAFP-Stoner ), Adrian_Shepard (@Shadro ) , Rhaskos_Abigail (@DoM )

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID)

Other involved people:
James_Smith (@Filippo ), @Jay , @Ragnax @Asexyno @Brooklyn

Date, time and duration of activity:
8th of May 2020, 22:00, 2 hours

Activity type: *
General Activity

Activity Details:
I'll write this later today..


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Involved SAI members: Jemain_West (@Jemmyx46) , Adrian_Shepard (@Shadro ), Thomas_Reed (@bas260)

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A

Other involved people: N/A

Date, time and duration of activity: 00:00 - 01:30 hrs. Duration of activity: Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes.

Activity type: <RP Patrol or General Activity (Roadblocks/Checkpoints)>

Patrol and speed check zone

Activity Details: In an effort to keep the highways safe, we started our patrol all over the highways. We spread out and and responded to each other when needed.

Over some time, we noticed that the hot spot for speeding was actually the LV-LS highway so we decided to set up a speed check zone in order to decrease accidents and fatalities caused by excessive speed.

The goal of the speed check zone was simply to cause vehicles to slow down on the highway by placing strategic obstacles on the highway while still maintaining a great level of safety.

The speed check zone was a success, as we quickly saw the decrease in speeding vehicles along the highway.

Screenshots: (Spoilers and album link please)


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Involved SAI members: Jemain_West (Jemmyx46), Riley_Crimson (Matthews), Frank_Stone (@SAFP-Stoner), Thomas_Reed (@bas260), Rhaskos_Abigail (@DoM)

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) n/a

Other involved people: James_Smith (@Filippo ), @Jay , @Ragnax @Asexyno @Brooklyn @Nuno @Jokerulty

Date, time and duration of activity: 08/05/2020, from 10pm till 12am

Activity type: RP Patrol

Activity Details: We started our patrol from SAI HQs, we cought a few speed offenders so we pulled them over and ticketed them as we usually do. Then we deployed a speedtrap on Red County's interstate, trying to get even more offenders. Later that night, the dispatcher reported an illegal race in progress in San Fierro. As we arrived there, we knew that we were late. So we spread, trying to catch one of the racers. Fortunately, I spotted one of them. So I kept following him from a distance without sirens while determining the best apprehension method in my mind, I took the traffic and the geographical area's population density into consideration as he may be armed and a gun fight in the middle of the street is not the best idea. I thought about the weather, time of day, lighting and the location of back-up units. I decided to call for back-up and keep following until 3 units arrived and surrounded the racer's orange Cheetah. We took our positions, pointed our sidearms and shotguns at him while other officers ordered him to step out of the vehicle a few times but he kept refusing, we had to use force. I tried to sneak to his car and get him out. Suddenly, multiple sports cars arrived on scene, they were the other racers. They were armed and they pointed their guns at us. We had no other choice but retreating. We took cover positions but they quickly got back into their vehicles and escaped with the orange Cheetah. We tried to keep following and called the High-Speed interception units, but we weren't fast enough.
However, the San Andreas Interceptors will continue to track them, eliminating street racing is our top priority.





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Involved SAI members: Alexander_Mahone (( @Rowdy35 )) // Adrian_Shepherd (( @Shadro )) // Frank_Stone (( @SAFP-Stoner ))

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: None.

Date, time and duration of activity: 10/05/2020 -- 1 Hour

Activity type: RoadBlock

Activity Details: At Las Venturas, it was nightfall, and we decided to build a roadblock. we stopped the drivers we suspected and made the necessary checks. It was late and we decided to go home and first we removed the barricade we had set up and we went to the SAI base. After we put our clothes on, we went home.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DTXUjp6

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Involved SAI members: Larson_Hopkins, Jemain West, Sam Nake, James Aran, Thomas Reed.

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) HSPD

Date, time and duration of activity: 13/05/2020 -- 30+ minutes

Activity type: Speedcam checks on the highway. Routine stops.

Activity Details: Many Units were patrolling the LV-LS highway and controlling the traffic very efficiently.

Screenshots: SS

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Involved SAI members: @Henry (H.Hernandez), @BrianL (Brian Lamberg)

Divisions involved: SAI and HLS

Other involved people: @DJO (U-199)

Date, time and duration of activity: May 16th, 10:10 - 10:55 (45 minutes)

Activity type: Road-block

Activity Details: Deployed a roadblock on the LS-LV highway in an effort to curb the number of speeding drivers. Additionally, we had asked citizens of San Andreas where they are traveling too. Upon close observation by Deputy Brian Lamberg, a member of a secret organization by the looks of the government of San Andreas participated in our activity. The suspected individual was not approached nor was his intentions clear.





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Involved SAI members: @CheeseBotMk2 @Pika

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: @Sanfara

Date, time and duration of activity: 16/05/2020, 1 hour

Activity type: Speed control.

Activity Details: A speed control in LV-LS highway to alert the San Andreas citizens to moderate their velocity.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7mIqHSN

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Involved SAI members: @Pika @Flippy10

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: None.

Date, time and duration of activity: 17/05/2020, about half an hour.

Activity type: Patrol around San Andreas.

Activity Details: Checking for speeding in the Highways of San Andreas.

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Involved SAI members: James Aran (myself)

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) N/A

Other involved people: Sons of Anarchy members - @DezZolation and @Ethan

Date, time and duration of activity: May 16th, 2020 - 00:30 to 01:10

Activity type: RP Patrol

Activity Details: I started my county patrols at 00:30 when I located two bikers that gave off a bad vibe near Bone County. I trailed them and saw the bikers go in the wrong lanes of traffic. I initiated the traffic stop and made contact with the first biker - Ethan - and introduced myself as a Deputy. He was very well and compliant, so I grabbed his documents and searched them through the MDT to only find a single speeding ticket. I had no reason to hold the driver nor search his vehicle at first so I asked him to hang out until I get done with the other biker. Again, I made contact and started collecting the documents but we had a slight issue - Dez did not have his vehicle insurance nor registration. For policy regulations, I detained the driver and searched his name through the NCIC. Oh boy the driver was in for a stroke of bad luck as he had a warrant for his arrest. I started to detain the biker but his posse was approaching dangerously close - so I removed my tazer and held him at gunpoint until he backed down and surrendered. The first biker was detained and placed in the back of my squad car, so I went to the first suspect and detained him for approaching and obstruction. During the pat-down he had his rear clenched, being determined I reached down and managed to find at least a gram of illegal substances, so he was arrested of course. The pat-down revealed nothing of interest - so I started to search the bikes and located nothing but a bat. After all this time, the members were transported to BCSO for processing.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PVpRhw7

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Involved SAI members: @Pika

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: @soniN

Date, time and duration of activity: 17/05/2020, about half an hour.

Activity type: Patrol around San Andreas.

Activity Details: Checking for speeding in the Highways of San Andreas. Found a civilian parked in the wrong side of the highway as well, and took him to the police department.

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Involved SAI members: @Pika @Absent

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: @Dean

Date, time and duration of activity: May 18th, 2020, during about half an hour.

Activity type: Roleplay.

Activity Details: As we were patroling in the highway a civilian paassed through us with excessive speed, making us to pull him over. Commander Len started to interrogate the man, asking for his documentation, as Deputy Perez was searching for suspicious objects inside the trunk of the vehicle.
Deputy Perez jumped in the trunk of the vehicle and found a fully loaded Colt, which, after some research, was found as illegal, and with no ID. The civilian was found to have a link with a motorcycle club called Rebel, and mentioned that the weapon could be a trick used by an enemy gang to incriminate him.
We applied the normal procedure and drove the suspect to the SAi HQ, where we registered Dean's profile and got him in to a 48h custody, as he waits for the trial.



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Involved SAI members: @Pika

Divisions involved:(ND/HSPD/RSD/CID) None.

Other involved people: @Rocoso @Ramby @Mannan
Date, time and duration of activity: May 18th, 2020, during about half an hour in the afternoon.

Activity type: Roleplay.

Activity Details: A guy called Mannan was convicted of having an affiliation with a gang named CripZ. We could track his location using his smartphone GPS and got in to him really fast. As he was trying to escape we stopped him and started the interrogation. As Deputy Perez was confirming the identity of the suspect, the other officers found a gun in the possession of the suspect. Fortunatly for him, the gun was legal, and owned by him. But, as we wanted to interrogate him, we took him to the Las Venturas Police Department for custody.

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