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Section 1 - Non-RP Information

Nickname: nCov
Username: orkunzeytun623
Old Nickname/Other used names ingame: Only nCov
Age: 15 years Old
Gender: Male
Current G/S: MIT <3
Previous G/S (List the reason, Why you left or not kicked out):

(TST): I left because TST was closed
(ICE): we wanted to open a new Squat and that's why I left
(CripZ): Because the guilty side is not fun

How long have you been a member of your curret G/S and what is your current rank?: - Like 1week ago , and i'm a member . Current groups:

Member of: The Motor Heads - TMH

Prevous groups (List the reasons, Why you left or got kicked out): N/A

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them: N/A
Tell us something about yourself: I am nCov 15 years old and live in Istanbul. I dream of a football player. I want to be a football player like all football players. But if I want to be a footballer, I have to work hard and be very determined.

Section 2 - Questions

Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department?: Yes, Of course
What is your goal within the Fire Department?: My SAFD goal is to be a very good rank and a very good SAFD member.
Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly?: Yes, Of Course

Section 3 - Detailed Profile

What are your Strengths: Good Weapon use and Good Shamal use.
What are your weaknesses?: I can't use Helicopters and Ferries.
Why do you want to join the SAFD?: Because it has a very nice Group and a separate panel which makes me very happy and my pleasure to play the game increases.
What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department?: I want to learn ETM.

Applicant's signature: nCov
Date: 03/08/2020
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Participants: @minx <3
District: Around Las Venturas and BC
Shift Period: Afternoon Shift (03/08/2020)
Number of vehicles: 5


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Participants: Alone
District: Around LS and SF
Shift Period: Noon Shift (04/08/2020)
Number Of Vehicles: 6


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Participants: Alone
District: Around LS
Shift Period: Noon Shift (04/08/2020)
Number Of Vehicles: 11


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Partipants: @minx <3
District: Around LS and LV
Shift Period: Afternoon Shift (04/08/2020)
Number Of Vehicles: 10


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Partipants: Alone
District: Around LS and LV
Shift Period: Morning Shift (05/08/2020)
Number Of Vehicles: 4


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San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team

5th August, 2020

Applicant, @nCovv

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to not proceed with you, unfortunately you have been DENIED at this time. However that doesn't mean you cannot join SAFD, you can hang around with us, and if you're enough active and show off effort towards the group, you might get chance.

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Fire Commissioner,

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