Mr_A Posted July 6, 2020 Author Posted July 6, 2020 Section A: Personal Information:Nickname: Mr_AAccount name: TheOnlyAndersonAge: 29Country of residence United KingdomPrimary Language: EnglishSince when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: Joined back in 6th July 2013 (Link to my old account: ) I was playing on and off until 2018, but more recently I started playing again on 5th July 2020.Current S/G/C and rank: NoneOther RP groups you're in: NonePast groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): NoneMention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: None^[]Section B: General Questionnaire:Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) The San Andreas Medics is a team of dedicated role-playing medics, who aim to provide a great experience along with the other emergency service groups on the server. Whether its a fall from a bridge, a car accident, or a bullet wound they'll be there fast in a ambulance to heal you.What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us mostWho founded SAM? Joe aka Daryl - heyheuheiWho is the current leader and vice leader? ohnnyEnglish - johnnyenglish and Griffin - zafer305For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: On and off from the 6th July 2013 to 2018 where I'd mostly just play as medic. More recently I started playing again on 5th July 2020, where I patrolled for 5 hours reviving / healing people, and 2 hours today healing several people around the map.Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: You're not allowed to spawn as medic and heal people in turfs when your gang is involved in the current turf war. Even if your gang is only helping with an allied gang or if you aren't officially in the gang and just a gang helperMention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: DON'T help criminals to escape or even Cops to arrest, you are just standing there inside your ambulance, waiting the injured person to get in.Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: I am working from home, so I currently have alot of time on my hands. I'll ensure to be active atleast once a week if things do change and I suddenly become busy.^[]Section C : Aptitudes:1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? Listen attentively to the criticism, then actively approach it as a positive way to improve or resolve the issue.2. Why exactly are you applying today? I used to mostly just play the medic role during 2008 to 2018 on various SA-MP role play servers and MTA SAES. It's the one role I really enjoy doing due to the random encounters. Yesterday I spawned as a medic and went on a 5 hour patrol. During the patrol Idrove to Las Venturas to revive the vice president and heal his guards after someone flew a jet into them, drove around Los Santos to heal several police officers during robberies, healing several police and prison guards caught in the crossfire of people trying to break out prisoners.3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths: Friendly, dedicated, have alot of skills in various subjects, and quick to learn anything new or technical. Weakness: At times I tend to try and take on too many tasks at once.4. Why should we accept you to our team? I have played SA-MP, MTA San Andreas for several years on and off on various RP servers as a medic, so have alot of experience.
Mr_A Posted July 6, 2020 Author Posted July 6, 2020 Patrol #1Participants: MeAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 20:37 to 22:58 (2 hours and 21 minutes).Screenshots: Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 7, 2020 Author Posted July 7, 2020 Patrol #2Participants: MeAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 9:25 to 11:08 (1 hours and 43 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 7, 2020 Author Posted July 7, 2020 Patrol #3Participants: MeAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 22:47 to 23:42 (55 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 8, 2020 Author Posted July 8, 2020 Patrol #4Participants: Me & @RamAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 19:19 to 21:07 (1 hour, 48 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 9, 2020 Author Posted July 9, 2020 Patrol #5Participants: Me, @Ram, @Filex , @SpanishAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 18:10 to 19:15 (1 hour, 5 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 11, 2020 Author Posted July 11, 2020 Patrol #6Participants: MeAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 17:18 to 18:03 (45 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 18, 2020 Author Posted July 18, 2020 Patrol #7Participants: MeAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 12:57 to 13:32 (35 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
Mr_A Posted July 18, 2020 Author Posted July 18, 2020 Patrol #8Participants: MeAmount of healed or Time of patrol: 13:43 to 15:00 (1 hour, 17 minutes).ScreenShots: ( or Expand the spoiler tag below.::::::
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