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[QoL] Enable to put ammo count in ammunations


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The title explains it all, it only gives you 10 bullets per purchase in ammunations and you can't see how many bullets you have bought. Adding a space where you can enter an amount of desire of the magazines and calculates the price might be a great addition, share your comments below.

24 answers to this question

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NIGGA WHY U PUTTING the NO first people voted on no bcz they thought its yes lmao
edit the poll and let people change their votes

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Even a blind would likely be able to choose the right option between ''YES'' and ''NO''. People would only be voting once as this is not some kind of a trick game right there, changing the voting now will remove all of the votes so it stays as it is right now.

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@Nishki Im voting no cuz we as criminals have arms dealer, so this suggestion will be good for cops, and as we know every cop voting no on even little buff for crim side, why not to do the same ? ;3

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@krecik an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind

Voting no on a suggestion which can be very useful for cop side just because it doesnt apply to you, and or just because you assume cops vote no on every topic is kind of dumb not gonna lie :/

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Putting the "No" option above "Yes" option, probably the worst decision while making a poll lol. I've almost selected "No" :crank:

I'd be pleased to see this suggestion coming ingame., along with the 'set as current' fix.

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@Matthews Is it ? Yes, i agree, but i also see a little bit hipocrisy - when u re doing same thing, is it still pathetic or not ?

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@Velona I've put ''YES'' option at first but it somehow appeared below NO, nothing personal, it was my first time creating a poll on the new version of the forums.

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