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Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name : My server Login-name is witti , my server nickname is MIT|Witti and my Forum name is Wwitti .
How long have you been playing on the server : 5 years ago .
Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation : Yes UnderGround Empir , Black Bullets , Rogue , INKAS , Generation X and also Medellin Cartle .
Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server : Yes , The-Stike-Team , ICE and MIT .
Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) : No.
Have you read the SAPA application and training Process : Yes .
Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer : because i want to be ProCops and also i want to learn more about Cop life .
What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) : i'm MIT .
Do you have Discord : Yes ,
Your age : 18
Your location : Algeria
Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game : RolePlay means acting like real life , the police officer may roleplay before each arrest because the server is RolePlay one also the job of police officer is RolePlaying before each arrest.
Rate your English skills from 1-10 : 9/10
Have you ever been adminjailed or banned from the server: Yes , banned one time for multiaccounting , and some adminjails in past .

PART II - Rules for Patrol [X = PICK A LAW FROM THE 10 LAWS]

With your own words, Explain law 1 : The rule means : read all server rules and respect it Like Dont Dm players and Dont rage or inslut in the mainchat.
With your own words, Explain law 4 : Dont Try to arrest give a chance for a RP first If he Dont wanna to RP give him other chances and dont Spam ur Binds. if he dont Stop after Some chances Open the fire.
With your own words, Explain law 5 : u are not allowed to patroll alone if u are SAPA*** or SAPA**** after 2 weeks u can Got SAPA** u can Patroll alone but if u havnt Partner Only you cant . if u are PC u can Patroll alone and always u should Has Partner Better. and who got DD+ can Spawn as Warden Traine,Police officer trainee , State Trooper and Official Squad Spawn.
With your own words, Explain law 8 : u must always use SAPA tags when u spawn as SAPA once u got invited use SAPA****|Nickname , ur Ranks is Ur Name Like SAPA|Nickname|PVT . after every week u will lose 1 star ask an Instructor Befor u Delete Ur Star.


Current SAPA recruitment is closed at this moment, please keep checking this topic for future updates and announcements.

Corporal Matthews

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