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Quick poll to see how the community feels about this, I am of the opinion changing back to a HR system would make the activity a bit more unique and not the same store copy pasted 20 times.

For those of you who do not know, changing to the HR system would mean all SR structures (the shops) would be removed, and instead the HR circle would be placed on already existing areas of the map, such as streets, buildings, etc.

Please voice your opinion and if enough people want to change back to HR I can look into scoping what's needed to make the change happen.


Edit; Just to clarify - this would be a purely cosmetic change as to where the markers would be. None of the current functionality of the SR would change.

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Just disable vehicle collision inside marker and ramming wouldnt be an issue. Add a rule to disable those water tanks and problem solved <3

HRs were harder and therefor "scarier" and funnier :D

pliz make this happen <3

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@AkyZ said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

Just disable vehicle collision inside marker and ramming wouldnt be an issue. ~[Add a rule to disable those water tanks and problem solved <3]~(red)

HRs were harder and therefor "scarier" and funnier :D

pliz make this happen <3

That exactly defies the vehicle's purpose. It's meant for these situations.

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@Kain said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

@Estinoge said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

I was able to find an old screenshot of mine that shows what HRs used to look like for those of you that never had the chance to see them, bringing them back the same way they used to be would be awesome.

alt text

Now imagine this with a full FBI rancher of SWAT cardropping on your face and ramming everyone?

Sounds fun, right?

onMarkerHit => Destroy the vehicle problem solved

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@Tut-Greco said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

@AkyZ said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

Just disable vehicle collision inside marker and ramming wouldnt be an issue. ~[Add a rule to disable those water tanks and problem solved <3]~(red)

HRs were harder and therefor "scarier" and funnier :D

pliz make this happen <3

That exactly defies the vehicle's purpose. It's meant for these situations.

What would you say if we disallow them only at HRs?

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HR was fun back in 2013. It was an entertaining and thrilling event. I think if we switch to this kind of robbery people will have so much more fun. Although there must be some changes.For instance,cops must not be allowed to spawn near HR since there is no roof in HR and basically cops can just run to us and arrest us easily. Some features which make cops superior over criminals (like swat tanks) can and will bother criminals. In short, nostalgia will give joy to us and with some slight changes and new rules why not bring it back.

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Thats was fun tho :d
especially this one: tsunami xd

idk how it gonna work now becuase the game changed a bit , what about to add it for a week or 2 and see whats gonna happen?

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If you make both HR + sr we have will be great for change cause really all feel boring from sr but after I see old HR will be little fun with huge problems so make both of them will be good idea
or create something new :hype:

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It's just people are bored from attending SRs everyday, nothing special. And yeah the majority of people who play the server now wasn't there when HR was a thing in the server including myself. So I'd love to try that shit for sure

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You all vote for yes lol, lets see your reactions week after once it gets pulled in. Beside that I'm from the times aswell when HRs used to exist, they were awesome in other hand but they should leave in the past considering the cops ability nowadays. Come up with something new or leave the SR system as it is.

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I don't like the HR that much, it's just a marker at a random spot and somehow criminals earn money with it. To still bring something new to the server, I would like to see new SR locations

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@AkyZ said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

HRs were harder and therefor "scarier" and funnier :D

pliz make this happen <3

^^exactly this
yes hr is abit harder than sr for crimes, but it brings back the actual fun of an cops vs crimes fight, instead this shitty dumb afk on sr roofs.

& someone who have been at hr-sr times, i can say that most people become mad when hr was replaced with sr, and i really cant remmember people complaining that someone pushed with cars out of circle, specially since hr had mostly some bigger roofs. neither the "spawning inside hr" wich was almost never happening & by far less annoying than nowdays where houses arround sr owned by 90% of cops.

the only op thing i can imagine is the armored water tank, going to hr, but this can be handled after actual seeing how hr works nowdays

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Ehhh I feel like the water tank wont be that big of an issue. Its easy to be shot down if you have that many players shooting at it. I still get shot down at JBs

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why don't we just have both of em ? mixing things would bring much fun
i don't see any reason to have either sr or hr , let's get both of them por favor

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No from me....SRs are way more better than those old HRs. Cops are already a bit OP these days; replacing SRs with HRs will mean a disaster for crim side. I love the system as it is right now. Maybe it a bit repetitive, easier etc but I don't need extra pain in ass as long I'm getting the fast decent money.

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Actually there's many new people who doesn't know how actually HR worked, so they might be against that. I actually loved the old house robbing system, it was way fun. So yeah, I'm upvoting the HR system.

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@Hatchet said in [Vote] SR vs HR?:

No from me....SRs are way more better than those old HRs. Cops are already a bit OP these days; replacing SRs with HRs will mean a disaster for crim side. I love the system as it is right now. Maybe it a bit repetitive, easier etc but I don't need extra pain in ass as long I'm getting the fast decent money.

dude sometimes people stay for long time in the Sr roof afk because they went afk during an SR ive done it already, because it's boring.
when you got a lot of crims protecting it you don't even need to bother protecting it, would be cool for both sides, easier for cops to retake it and funnier for crims cus they will be doing it activly and not just standing in the roof scratching the balls.

that's my opinion and ofc that everyone has the right to have his own _()_/

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