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Fire Department Application - Remp-21/06/2020

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Section 1 - Non-RP Information
Old nickname/Other used names ingame:Rempiw
Age:18 years old
Current G/S:M
Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):
ICE:I left becuase very inactive squad
CDC:inactive gang
GJMC:kicked (i can explain in game)
INKAS:I left to help my friends in new gang
NavM:I left becuase i want to join other gang active
X:Kicked becuase i have problem with HQ
How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank?
Fight Club member
WFS member
SGS member
Ap member HQ
CS member
Current groups:AP,FC,WFS,SGS,CS
Prevous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):N/A
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you received them:No
Tell us something about yourself:Hello,my real name is ayoub im 18 years old i live in algeria in small country and i like play video games ,my name in SAES is Remp i like play this server so much .

Section 2 - Questions
Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department?:Yeah
What is your goal within the Fire Department?:My goal is to help people turn cars off and also to make my friends happy with my job.
Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly?:Yes sure thing

Section 3 - Detailed Profile
What are your strengths?:Im good in shooting/driving/killing/arresting/parashuting/RolePlaying..
What are your weaknesses?:Drop FPS
Why do you want to join the SAFD?:Becuase i like this group and i realy liked to help my friends to be happy and i have a lot of friends there .
What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department?:The thing I want to learn from the fire department is to become a real firefighter and disciplined in my work.

Applicant's signature:Remp

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San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team
1st, july, 2020

Applicant, @The-Best1

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days.

We wish you best of luck!

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Role Play Date:04/07/2020
Story:On such a beautiful and wonderful day while I was with my friends at the firehouse and after a few moments, someone called me and said that there is a burning house and a car on fire too ,also a man are injured. I told him we are coming now then we went on my way and I told my friend to call a Medic to help The injured people, and after a few minutes we got there and saw the place with fire, and then the Medic car arrived and I was happy to arrive at the right time and then we started our hard work, and my fear was all about the injured people, then I went to the protection man and told me that the man He died and I was worried and very sad and I said to him please do what you can to protect his wife and then he said well and then I went to my friends and we continued to extinguish the house from the fire and after a few minutes we finished and we were very tired and then we went to the hospital and when we arrived I went Hurried to the medic's place, then I saw the protection man. He told me everything is bad cuz the man died and then I went to the house and the other day I went to the place where the man was buried and when i finished i went to my house again.
District: LV,LS
Participants: @The-Best1 @Ferthis @ALIJR007 @FTH @Ikillyou_today @Leonard


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