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The DrifterZ|CLOSED


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Nickname: Draxler
Account name: africano02
Do you have discord? i dont have right now
Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7
What languages do you speak: English, Arabic
How long are you playing SAES: 2020
Current G/S/C: Clandestine Mob
Current Groups: N/A
Previous Groups: N/A
Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8
Why do you want to join us?i want to joing this group bcz i like drifting and i want to help this group and my friend Gyula

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Account name:bibou02

Do you have discord? Yes

Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7/8

What languages do you speak: English,Arabic,Francais.

How long are you playing SAES: Started in 2018

Current G/S/C: ICE-POLICE /Pirus /Rebels/GJMC.

Current Groups:N/A

Previous Groups:N/A

Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 7

Why do you want to join us?: because i like to join this group and i need to help this group, i like drift around San Andreas.

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Account name:boubi
Do you have discord? Yes ofc
Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7.5/8
What languages do you speak: English,Arabic,
How long are you playing SAES: Started in 2017
Current G/S/C:ICE/CDC/Rebels_MC.
Current Groups:N/A
Previous Groups:N/A
Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8/10
Why do you want to join us?i Want to join this group bacause i like drifting around SA and i can help this group for everything's,like event's,Roleplay etc......

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