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Creation date: 04/06/2020
Name: The DrifterZ
Tags: [TDZ]Nick|Rank and [TDZ]Nick|P (Probationary member)
Motto: "DRIFT Like there is no Tomorrow "
Color Code:
Founder: Gyula
Recruitment status: ~[Closed]~(red)
Discord Link:
Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/19556/the-drifterz-media-archive

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2019: James was driving with his friends around Mount Chiliad one night,and they thought something about starting something with their car, the next day they started assembling their cars and then they started tuning them from the internet and the shops they put their cars together and when they were ready they started going out on the street with their tuned cars many people looked at them their friends who just looked at what kind of cars they have and knew that they have a good car in vain if they can't drive well they hired their best friend Gyula who taught them to drive and use drift and the knowledge it lasted for a long time then they stopped and the cars started to go bankrupt and a team member was lost unfortunately in a car accident.

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  • Try to do RP as much as possible.

  • Be active within the group.

  • Do not crush the vehicles of other members

  • make sure you have one drifter car like :Elegy , ZR-350

  • Respect the rules of the server

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Mechanic: Drive around San Andreas with your car and repair other players vehicles. Being respectful and helpful with your customer and the your customer be happy off your speedy mechanics

Driving around San Andreas, looking for a car to steal it, if you found one make sure you not spotted by police and the car's owner go to safe place very quickly and hide the car the cooldown is went down you can call the car's dealer and sell it

Driving around Los Santos with your drifter car and cruising the roads, while the other people trying to beat you but you try to win the drift race also watch to the peoples in road and the police officers

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Vice Director
Top Drifter
Probation Drifter

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  • Gyula |Director

  • Ragnar @RagnarTN |Vice Director

  • Soza @SoZa |Vice Director

  • Luffy @Luffy |Vice Director

  • Orten @Orten1 |Drifter

  • SkeS @Skes |Drifter

  • Spon @ahmedajili |Drifter

  • Ali @ALIJR007 | Drifter

  • Assasino @Assassin-C |Probation Drifter

  • Khal1kulov @Khal1kulov |Probation Drifter

  • Jesse @Jesse421 |V.I.P

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                      ~[if you would like to join our team, answer these questions]~(orange)

  • Nickname:

  • Account name:

  • Do you have discord?

  • Rate your English skills from 1 to 10:

  • What languages do you speak:

  • How long are you playing SAES:

  • Current G/S/C:

  • Current Groups:

  • Previous Groups:

  • Rate your driving skills 1 to 10:

  • Why do you want to join us?:

                                              ~[Thank you all for reading through]~(orange)


@GyulaVarga12 said in The DrifterZ:

Nickname: TF_Luffy

Account name: Jordy05

Do you have discord? Yes i do

Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 5/10

What languages do you speak: English and Spanish

How long are you playing SAES: 4k hours


Current Groups: N/A

Previous Groups: ETERNIA

Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 5/10

Why do you want to join us?: Drifting is the only thing I do at MTA right now, so I would like to be in a group with people who do the same as me.


So many racing groups in the game, I advice you take a really unique role so you don't lose your chance to get spawn.

Topic seems so cool anyway, good luck!


@Assassin said in The DrifterZ:

So many racing groups in the game, I advice you take a really unique role so you don't lose your chance to get spawn.

Topic seems so cool anyway, good luck!

I am sure it is drifting group


Dear applicant @Luffy your apply isalt text

congratulations on you meeting our expectations!Find me in-game for more.


@GyulaVarga12 said in The DrifterZ:

Nickname: VeX
Account name: vex12345
Do you have discord? Yes ofc.
Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7
What languages do you speak: English, German, Croatian and other balkan languages
How long are you playing SAES: sinice 2013
Current G/S/C: The Company
Current Groups: The Saints
Previous Groups: The Forgotten
Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 5
Why do you want to join us?: Because i like drifting


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Nickname: AndreaS
Account name: sousou03
Do you have discord? ye
Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 7.5
What languages do you speak: English, Arabic , Frensh
How long are you playing SAES:
Current G/S/C: CripZ/Rogue/CDC/CDS/Generation X
Current Groups: Fight Club
Previous Groups: N/A
Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8/10
Why do you want to join us?: Because i'm Very like Drifting.


  • Nickname: Darude

  • Account name: darude

  • Do you have discord? Yes

  • Rate your English skills from 1 to 10: 9

  • What languages do you speak: English, Balkan languages, German

  • How long are you playing SAES: Started in 2015

  • Current G/S/C: Gypsy Jokers MC

  • Current Groups: GXT, ZIP, SAFD

  • Previous Groups: Cluckin' Bell

  • Rate your driving skills 1 to 10: 8

  • Why do you want to join us?: I want to help my friend Gyula and have fun drifting around San Andreas

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