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"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

You might learn something from this.

If not, then your "space" is underdevelopt apparently.

Nothing to be a shamed off, but something to see as a challenge.


@ChasinTLSN don't worry I will even if he didn't came ill proof that I was there btw a cool guy will come with me only for you



"If you was in Germany and in my city and acting like this. They will kill you I swear to god"

Saying that like Germany is the deepest Favela in Brazil. I aM GoNnA GeT YoU kIllEd mY FrIeNd, jUsT WaIt tIll i cAll mY fRiEnDs.
alt text


Do we need to supply free bleach for people's eyes and display health warnings due to the levels of cancer this can inflict before you can view this topic?

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