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As everybody knows, Sniper is the most valuable and usable weapon in the turf wars currently, people dont really use other weapons. Why don't you remove headshots from every turf war and put it like before only on 1 city or in county cities. Sniper was already very very strong weapon before adding headshots to it in every turf zone. Also sniper's range is 300 metres which is very very powerful itself, makes it much superior to any other weapon. I understand that some people might find it very fun, buttt... it is not really balanced

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Well , I don't agree with you , headshots in turfs finally shows some skills instead of going in close range and spamming shotguns . and as you said , it finally adds some fun to turfs .

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@Bodo420 I have already stated the issue releated to it, sniper was already a ''skilled'' valuable and usable weapon before adding HS. Sniper is now being used 75% of the cases this poll is to add some kind of variety when it comes to using different weapons other than sniper :D

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Make it 1 week hs and 1 week without

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Yes for reverting it back to like it was, sniper HS in some areas only (SF, bayside, whetstone etc.), not all turf zones.

With HS enabled in all zones, sniper is too dominant and popular of a wep. Even before HS, sniper had its utility as a great long range wep, and it was widely used in turfs. But with the added 1 shot thing it gained a bit too much power compared to other guns that didn't receive any HS ability.

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Well, I totally agree with you Petrow, headshots in all the turfs are making the way of playing mediocre, people is using only sniper in turf wars now while there're other weapons which can make the game more interesting, now players are used to be good only in one weapon which is sniper what seems me really bad and out of sense, personally I don't have any problem with the sniper and I can headshot properly but even like this, it's really boring to only use sniper in turfs, added to this, now there's a crouch bug which you have reported Petrow, where you can't see when somebody is crouching or standing and it's getting really abused since now you don't know where the head of your enemy is when he's crouching.

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@Bodo420 said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION:

Well , I don't agree with you , headshots in turfs finally shows some skills instead of going in close range and spamming shotguns . and as you said , it finally adds some fun to turfs .

I can downlaod porn and be better than you in headshoting

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also i agree on the statement that only sniper is booring, ye its skills, but alot times i see the chances to go with some mens from behind/sides etc & rush them, instead just sniper, also war-tactics are lost with hs sniper.

but myself i want both, hs sniper & non hs sniper, need find solouten for it, here few ideas:
-like someone said, making a week with hs & a week without hs (or a day/2 days/whatever)
-making 1-2 citys with hs/without
-making randomly 50% of turfs without hs/with hs
-choosing turfs wich fits best for hs sniper battles & choosing turfs wich fits best without hs sniper (my favorite yet)

there is a bug about crouching/or notnwith sniper?

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@Cornelius said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION:

@Bodo420 said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION:

Well , I don't agree with you , headshots in turfs finally shows some skills instead of going in close range and spamming shotguns . and as you said , it finally adds some fun to turfs .

I can downlaod porn and be better than you in headshoting

Ugh , Kinda true mate .

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Its funny to see that most of anti-headshot supporters are never known as good snipers and almost everyone that support hs is good with sniper.

I personally support headshots and think that its pretty good thing and actually shows the skill, so the turf advantage is now less dependent on the quantity of centrain gang, but also skill isnt less important than quantity. If youre tired of getting HSed on turf then do something about it, find ways how not to get HSed, whatever. F.e people in ThC kept nolifing at hospitals with sniper and now theyre one of the hardest gangs in turfs. The only thing thats missing is a better sync.

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@Petrow said in TURF WAR SUGGESTION:

@Bodo420 I have already stated the issue releated to it, sniper was already a ''skilled'' valuable and usable weapon before adding HS. Sniper is now being used 75% of the cases this poll is to add some kind of variety when it comes to using different weapons other than sniper :D

sniper being used 75% of the time as opposed to old times in turf with "variety" when 75% of the time it was combat shotgun

alt text

(i still use cs most of the time, before u complain)

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headshot is the best thing that happened to saes in a while, brings a lot of fun, takes skill instead of firing 3 CS shots at a person within close range with drugs on which takes 0.3 seconds

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If it's not sniper now, it will be deagle with drugs and then you see the same old suggestions coming back. Just stick to what it is now, and think of strategies to combat headshot. I think that with the default deagle back, weapons will be varying more soon. The people who are using headshot regularly didn't just happen to use it, they trained and put effort on mastering headshot. So next to sniper HS being fun, it is possible to balance it by finding ways to combat it, not by reverting every update SAES makes every time.

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