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Participants: Myself
District: LV-LS
Shift period: Night Shift [11/04/2020]-42mins
Number of vehicles: 36


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(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398519310798290944/698614695418134558/mta-screen_2020-04-11_21-48-28.png)alt textalt textalt text



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Roleplay type: Securing and cleaning a deserted warehouse
Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): The government had given the Fire department an assignment. An abandoned warehouse needed to be taken down in Las Venturas. Before anything could happen, the area needed to be checked and declared safe for demolition. For safety reasons, we asked SAM to join us. Arrived at the scene a hobo was present who lived there apparently. The SAM unit took care of the innocent bystander, who seemed a bit confused. The SAFD unit searched the perimeter and found some interesting ancient items, props requisites, etc, but nothing suspicious that is considered harmful. Suddenly, an old dumpster caught fire and the whole scenery escalated into a fire hazard (might be some sun reflecting on a piece of glass). The SAFD unit took their extinguishers and came into action, and got the situation under control after a rough battle against the elements. The litter laying around all got burned, so there wasn't a whole lot of cleaning up to do. The ashes that were lying around were cleaned up and at the end of the day, a report was written down for the government, about the situation regarding the warehouse and events.

~[Big thanks to our members who showed up and the SAM unit.]~(red) :fire: :fireworks:

Location: Las Venturas
Participants: @ramby @Ferthis @Darude @Juby @Ram @Cruz @Sanfara @LAPD_Spanish_VEN and our Hobo @ReD
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RRlbFmz


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Participants: Me
District: ls-lv
Shift period: 10mins
Number of vehicles: 7
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/bWoRtQM


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Roleplay type: Vehicle Accident at Bridge
Description of roleplay: Main has dispatched to Los Santos Firehouse to respond to code 904A, which is automobile fire. Accident happened at bridge, south east side on Los Santos. SAFD responded with 1 battalion chief car and 2 fire engines. Once SAFD arrived to scene, they took out fire, stablised car wrecks, put oil barrels to the side along with all other car wrecks with the help of tow truck. Once scene was code 4, they returned back to LS Firehouse.
Participants: @Ramos - @Markus - @Toolbox - @Shadro - @Bas - @NORI999 - @Juby - @Ethan
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EO1ac9g


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Roleplay type: SAFD Meeting
Description of roleplay: Fire Commissioner has hosted very important meeting in San Andreas Fire Department, at LS Firehouse. Group's projects, activity and everything else has been discussed.
Participants: @Ramos - @Juby - @Henry - @Darude - @buddler - @Daryl - @Bas - @Matthews - @DJO - @Ntruder - @ZoRo - @Glayd - @Ferthis - @Richard - @Howlze - @Ethan - @Toolbox - @Markus
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RK5klGd

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Participants: Me
District: ls-lv-rc
Shift period: 30mins
Number of vehicles: 13
Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/1Spx5Ii


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Participants: @Paulie
District: San Fierro
Shift period: Evening Shift (12-04-2020)
Number of vehicles: 26
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1Ystbnf


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Participants: @Ethan and I
District: San Fierro
Shift period: Evening Shift (12-04-2020)
Number of vehicles: 38
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0X7piJA


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Roleplay type: Vehicle Accident at LV-LS Highway
Description of roleplay: LS Firehouse has been dispatched about vehicle accident located on LV-LS highway. SAFD responded with 1 engine and 1 battalion chief car. SAFD cleared up scene, while SAI controlled incoming traffic. After scene was code 4, SAFD arrived back to LS firehouse.
Participants: @Ramos - @Shadro - @Henry
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EmsshLl


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Participants: Juby
District: LS / LV
Shift period: Afternoon (04-15-2020)
Number of vehicles: 21
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bSZpBHh


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Participants: Juby
District: LS & LV
Shift period: Afternoon (04-16-2020)
Number of vehicles: 28
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/E0vSo12


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Participants: Myself
District: LS, LV and RC
Shift period: Night (04-17-2020)
Number of vehicles: 23
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Lbu4Dyb

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