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MIT - Application Form
Username: Freezoom
Account name: maxismuz4141
Age: 17
Nationality: Turkish
Languages: English,German
English skills (1-10): 9
Do you have Discord: Yes

How long you play SAES/RPG: Since 2014
How much in-game hours do you have: 2400+

Do you have Procop Diploma: Ofc Im Fuhrer
Previous Gang/Squad/Company: SWAT,UE,MMC,MI6,FBI,TST
Have ever been banned before: Yes reason was multiaccount

Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail:
Explain Rule 3: Always try to do teamwork dont patrol alone If your squad mates is online
Explain Rule 4: Dont arrest under 5 star crims also give them 5 seconds to reach for your RP
Explain Rule 6: You are not criminal dont do DM marker arrest park kill and arrest
Explain Rule 8: Dont arrest at hospital and events you are not traniee

Why do you want to join us ?: Because I like MIT Roleplay and teamwork I want help them in their career in SAES




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MIT - Intake

dear, @Olivier1TN ,(account name: Viking1)

You have been tested by @nCov

You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Subsequent you will become officially part of the squad

also l would like to warn you about any adminjails or a Punishment given by SAES staffs in this period, will cause exclusion from MIT without warning

Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)

Welcome to MIT - Military Intelligence Team

alt metni


MIT - Intake (Accepted)

Dear @Freezoom,
Thank you for your apply.

You are one of the qualified police officers and your VIP title in MIT gives you direct access to membership.

However, your VIP status will now be lifted.

We wish you a great time with us.

Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black).

Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team
Thank you.
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MIT - Intake (Denied)

Dear @Lisner (sikla) (account name : moha00)
Thank you for your application and your waiting.

After consultation with HQ members, MIT does not want to continue with your application. Reapply in 48h if you are still interested.

Your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red,black).

Thank you.
MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
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  • MIT - Application Form

Username: AndreaS
Account name: sousou03
Age: 18 years old
Nationality: Algerian.
Languages: English,Arabic and some Frensh.
English skills (1-10): 7.5
Do you have Discord: Yes i have.

How long you play SAES/RPG: 8 months.
How much in-game hours do you have: 445+

Do you have Procop Diploma: No idh.
Previous Gang/Squad/Company: CDC/CDS/X/ROGUE/CRIPZ/THC
Have ever been banned before: No never.
Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail:

  • Explain Rule 3: You cant patrol alone in game.

  • Explain Rule 4: You can arrest from 5 star's+,and you can do RP with the crim.dd

  • Explain Rule 6: Dont break the rules and follow MIT rules.

  • Explain Rule 8: You cant arrest in HOSPITAL and event's and dont go afk in those place's.

Why do you want to join us ?: i want to be a part of MIT because i'm very Like it and their members , and i want to help MIT with my activity and loyality.


MIT - Intake (accepted)

Dear @AndreaS (sousou03) Thanks for application, VIP member of MIT > Andreas tested by @polat and passed all of tests, proved himself to us with his efforts and activites with MIT members.
Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED.]~(green,black)
Welcome to the MIT Family ( Military Intelligence Team )
~[Milli stihbarat Tekilat]~(teal)
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MIT - Application Form
Username: Spider
Account name: kaka02
Age: 15
Nationality: Algerien
Languages: English arabic
English skills (1-10): 9/10
Do you have Discord: Yes.

How long you play SAES/RPG: 5 years.
How much in-game hours do you have: 1134 hours.

Do you have Procop Diploma: Nope.
Previous Gang/Squad/Company:

NavM: kicked cuz i've been fought with a gangvice
UE: kicked the same reason above but not with gangvice with a membre named Keo.
X: Wanna to go for a better squad .
CripZ: I was intersting to join X.
Have ever been banned before: yes i got banned cuz i dmed a player when i was new one.

Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail:
Explain Rule 3:Patrol with members if they are online and dont patrol alone .
Explain Rule 4: you can not arrest criminals with 5 stars and less , and always give 5 seconds to the criminal you are chasing .
Explain Rule 6:You have to follow all MIT rules , and breaking it is not even allowed .
Explain Rule 8: Going AFK in Hospital , events or trying to arrest there is not even allowed .

Why do you want to join us ?: i want to join this squad because it had a nice and active also skilled membres which is the good squad i can help it to reach lvl5.


MIT - Intake

Dear @Spider , (account name : kaka02)
Hello and thank you for your apply.

Please use your own words to explain the rules and do not directly copy.

We put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) 24h waiting you to correct your apply.

Thank you.
MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
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Applicant corrected his application.

Contact an HQ ingame to pursue.


MIT - Intake (Denied)

dear @Spider (account name : kaka02)
Thank you for your application and waiting

as HQ team we have decided to deny your apply, re-apply in 2 weeks if you are still interested.

Your application has been ~[DENIED]~(red)

MIT - Military Intelligence Team.

alt metni


MIT - Application Form

Username: Romiro
Account name: minou04
Age: 15
Nationality: Algerian.
Languages: English/Arabic
English skills (1-10): 7/10.
Do you have Discord: Not yet.
How long you play SAES/RPG: 4H-3H
How much in-game hours do you have: 310Hours

Do you have Procop Diploma: No.
Previous Gang/Squad/Company:

1-ICE/HQ : I leave becuase they is very inactive.
2-TST: Dead
Have ever been banned before: N/A.
Read the rules and explain them in detail: Ok.
Explain Rule 3: Don't play solo if you have teammates online.
Explain Rule 4: It's not RP to arrest players under 5 stars. And it's forbidden.
Explain Rule 6: Don't play no RP, don't play like a cow-boy.
Explain Rule 8: At respawn/hospital or event it's forbidden to arrest player and don't afk at Hospital.

Why do you want to join us ?: Becuase i want to help MIT and my old freind and .


@romiro702 said in MIT - Official Page / Application:

MIT - Application Form

Username: Romiro
Account name: minou04
Age: 15
Nationality: Algerian.
Languages: English/Arabic
English skills (1-10): 7/10.
Do you have Discord: Not yet.
How long you play SAES/RPG: 4H-3H
How much in-game hours do you have: 310Hours

Do you have Procop Diploma: No.
Previous Gang/Squad/Company:

1-ICE/HQ : I leave becuase they is very inactive.
2-TST: Dead
Have ever been banned before: N/A.
Read the rules and explain them in detail: Ok.
Explain Rule 3: Don't play solo if you have teammates online.
Explain Rule 4: It's not RP to arrest players under 5 stars. And it's forbidden.
Explain Rule 6: Don't play no RP, don't play like a cow-boy.
Explain Rule 8: At respawn/hospital or event it's forbidden to arrest player and don't afk at Hospital.

Why do you want to join us ?: Becuase i want to help MIT and my old freind and .

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Application is DENIED. We reviewed your application. It is not enough to join us. Re-Apply again 48 hours later, but prepare your application carefully. Give long answers. Re-answer on rule 6. By the way you can hang-up with MIT Members in game until new application. Thanks for application.


MIT - Intake (Pending)

Dear @Bedrok123 (Account name:Bedrok123)

First of all thank you for Application

Your English Skills are not good enough but as HQ team we decided to give you a chance to know you better. Hang with our members and join our activities.

We put your apply on ~[PENDNG]~(orange) to see your results.

Thank you.

MIT - Military Intelligence Team.

alt metni


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MIT - Application Form

Username: Anwar
Account name: horir
Age: 15 years old.
Nationality: Algerian.
Languages: English/Arabic and some frensh.
English skills (1-10): 7/10.
Do you have Discord: No , but i'mm create one.
How long you play SAES/RPG: 2-3 hours.
How much in-game hours do you have: 300h+
Do you have Procop Diploma: No.
Previous Gang/Squad/Company:
Have ever been banned before: Yes.the reason its already explained.
Read the rules and explain them in detail:

Explain Rule 3: Do not patrol alone , if there any officers available.
Explain Rule 4: It is strictly forbidden to arrest players under 5 stars. Always privilege tough criminals. Let the criminals 5 seconds to react for your RP ask.
Explain Rule 6:Do not Deathmatching, Mark Kill, Marker Arrest, Park Kill and Park Arrest is strictly prohibited. Ramming on criminals is highly discouraged. MIT tolerates this type of action only once against a criminal. Ramming on a criminal more than once is prohibited.
Explain Rule 8: Dont arrest at hospital and Events , if someone escapes to an event wait for them to come out , dont go afk at hospital.

Why do you want to join us ?:Well, i want to join MIT-Police bcz its a new active squad in my mind also MIT has a friendly members , plus they have a good experiance for everythings.and maybe i can post as well in media.


MIT - Intake (Denied)

Dear @Bedrok123 (Pticoff) (account name : Bedrock123).

Your application has been withdrawn by yourself.

We therefore consider your application been ~[DENIED]~(red,black). Reapply if still interested.

Thank you.
MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
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MIT - Intake

Dear @Anwar-X, (account name : horir)
Hello and thank you for your apply.

Your application meets our minimum selection criteria.

BUT, we have doubts about your loyalty, based on FBI statement about your previous application in them. But we still want to give you a chance to show yourself in the game with MIT members. Hang around 48 hours and I will personally give your test if your behavior is deemed admissible.

In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black).

Thank you.
MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
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MIT - Application Form
Username: Witti
Account name: witti
Age: 18
Nationality: algerian
Languages: english and arabic
English skills (1-10): 9/10
Do you have Discord: yes .

How long you play SAES/RPG: like 4 years .
How much in-game hours do you have: 2500+

Do you have Procop Diploma: Nope .
Previous Gang/Squad/Company: BB , UE , INKAS , MIT ,M, X.
Have ever been banned before:Yes, banned one time for multiaccounting .

Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail:
Explain Rule 3:If there's Memebers of the gang which are ingame , you have to patroll with them you cant patroll alone
Explain Rule 4:You are allowed to arrest more then 5 stars criminal , you cant arrest 5 and less .
Explain Rule 6:Deathmatching, Mark Kill, Marker Arrest, Park Kill and Park Arrest is strictly prohibited also ramming on a criminal more then one time .
Explain Rule 8:Dont arrest in events and around the hospital also care and dont stay afk in the hospital area .

Why do you want to join us ?: I want to join this squad as i was member of it already but i left it for shit thing , now i want to back and help it with my activity , loyality and also my respect , there is alot of my friends there : andreas , sollozzo , polat and also Ncov


MIT - Intake

Dear @Wwitti , (account name : witti)
Hello and thank you for your apply.

Your application meets our minimum selection criteria, contact an HQ ingame to pursue.

In the meantime, we put you on ~[PENDING]~(orange,black) while to see your results.

Thank you.
MIT - Military Intelligence Team.
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MIT - Intake (Accepted)

Dear @Anwar-X , (account name : horir)

You have been tested by a MIT member, who validated it.

You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad.

I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning.

Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black).

Welcome to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team
Thank you.
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MIT - Application Form
Username: Minato911
Account name: minato
Age: 22
Nationality: Tunisian
Languages: Arabic , French and English
English skills (1-10): 9
Do you have Discord: Yes

How long you play SAES/RPG: 1 year
How much in-game hours do you have: 300

Do you have Procop Diploma: No
Previous Gang/Squad/Company: P"B
Have ever been banned before: No

Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail:
Explain Rule 3: Do not patrol alone if there are officers available
Explain Rule 4: It is strictly forbidden to arrest players under 5 stars. Always privilege tough criminals.

Explain Rule 6: Deathmatching, Mark Kill, Marker Arrest, Park Kill and Park Arrest is strictly prohibited. Ramming on criminals is highly discouraged .
Explain Rule 8: Do not arrest at Hospital and in Events. If someone escapes to an event wait for them to come out. Do not be AFK at Hospital, leave the area immediatly

Why do you want to join us ?: I wanna help this squad to get higher , which contains my friends irl ( yami and tarakudo ) which will make patrol with em much easier , i'll be loyal and do my best for the squad .


MIT - Intake (Accepted)

Dear @Wwitti , (account name : witti)

You have been tested by a MIT member, who validated it.

You will enter a probationary period of 1 week. Thereafter you will reach the hierarchy of MIT and be officially part of the squad.

I would like to warn you that only one error in this period means the exclusion from MIT without warning.

Your application has been ~[ACCEPTED]~(green,black).

Welcome back to the MIT - Military Intelligence Team
Thank you.
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