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Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name :
-Nickname and forum name-ReDBuLL
How long have you been playing on the server :First i started to play SAES in 2014 and i was playing 2 years to 2016,after this i stopped and now I'm playing againg
Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation :No,I haven't
Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server :Yes,I have.Before I was SAPA member(SAPA***),but i stoped to play and delete the game and my old accont
Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) :No,I don't
Have you read the SAPA application and training Process :Yes,I have
Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer :I want to be in SAPD,because I'm good police officer and i want to grow in SAPD and i future i would like to join S.W.A.T or FBI.
What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) :S.W.A.T or FBI,but maybe the S.W.A.T,because they are the best(sorry to each other :D)
Do you have Discord :Yes,I do
Your age :18
Your location :Bulgaria
Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game :The Roleplay is a part of the game,which is acting.I think the RP is a connection with a real life,I mean that it is acting of a real situation.
Rate your English skills from 1-10 :Maybe 6
Have you ever been adminjailed or banned from the server:

PART II - Rules for Patrol [X = PICK A LAW FROM THE 10 LAWS]

With your own words, Explain law x :Don;'t brake SAES rules; Don't brake SAPA rules;Don't rage on the mainchat
With your own words, Explain law x :Respect higher ranks and other players in the server
With your own words, Explain law x :Always wear SAPA tags
*With your own words, Explain law xDon't arrest 1-2-3 stars criminals,just bribe them


@ReDBuLL said in ReDBuLL' SAPA application:


Your server login-name, server nickname and forum name :
-Nickname and forum name-ReDBuLL
How long have you been playing on the server :First i started to play SAES in 2014 and i was playing 2 years to 2016,after this i stopped and now I'm playing againg
Have you ever been a member of a Criminal Gang or Organisation :No,I haven't
Have you ever been in a Police Organisation before on SAES or another server :Yes,I have.Before I was SAPA member(SAPA***),but i stoped to play and delete the game and my old accont
Do you already have PC Qualification (Procops Access) :No,I don't
Have you read the SAPA application and training Process :Yes,I have
Why do you want to be a SAPD Server Police Officer :I want to be in SAPD,because I'm good police officer and i want to grow in SAPD and i future i would like to join S.W.A.T or FBI.
What unit within SAPD would you like to join after training (like SWAT, FBI, etc) :S.W.A.T or FBI,but maybe the S.W.A.T,because they are the best(sorry to each other :D)
Do you have Discord :Yes,I do
Your age :18
Your location :Bulgaria
Explain the concept of "Role play", what do you think that means for a police officer in-game :The Roleplay is a part of the game,which is acting.I think the RP is a connection with a real life,I mean that it is acting of a real situation.
Rate your English skills from 1-10 :Maybe 6
Have you ever been adminjailed or banned from the server:

PART II - Rules for Patrol [X = PICK A LAW FROM THE 10 LAWS]

With your own words, Explain law x :Don;'t brake SAES rules; Don't brake SAPA rules;Don't rage on the mainchat
With your own words, Explain law x :Respect higher ranks and other players in the server
With your own words, Explain law x :Always wear SAPA tags
*With your own words, Explain law xDon't arrest 1-2-3 stars criminals,just bribe them

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