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Section 1 - Non-RP Information

Nickname: Ocelot
Username: ocelot
Old nickname/Other used names ingame: -
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Current G/S: TRF
Previous G/S (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): -
How long have you been a member of your current G/S and what is your current rank? Almost a month, lvl 1: Corporal
Current groups: on probation for ALT
Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out): -
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s) and why did you receive them: Adminjailed when I was new to the server for randomly killing people.
Tell us something about yourself: My name is Sebastian. I consider myself friendly and trustworthy. I like to play the bass, watch anime and play games with my spare time.

Section 2 - Questions

Do you understand that you will be given a couple of firefighting lessons/instructions before joining Fire Department? Yes
What is your goal within the Fire Department? I'd like to be a well trained firefighter and help the people in the server.
Are you ready to be active daily and post activities in media archive regularly? Yes

Section 3 - Detailed Profile

What are your strengths? Teamwork, loyalty, friendly guy to chill with.
What are your weaknesses? Shyness, might have periods of inactivity
Why do you want to join the SAFD? I want to experience different types of roleplays, as well as become a good firefighter.
What specialization would you like to learn within the Fire Department? Firefighter

Applicant's signature: alt text
Date: 15/04/2020


San Andreas Fire Department
HQ Team

20th April, 2020

Applicant, @Ocelot

Thanks for applying for San Andreas Fire Department, after discussing with the rest of HQ team, we have decided to proceed with you to the next step. Keep doing daily activities, and expect to be tested in the upcoming days.

We wish you best of luck!

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Fire Commissioner,


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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Night (22/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 23

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Participants: Ocelot
District: Las Venturas / Los Santos
Shift period: Afternoon (22/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 34

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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Night (23/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 34

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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Evening (24/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 31

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Participants: Ocelot
District: Los Santos, Las Venturas, San Fierro.
Shift period: Night (24/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 25

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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Afternoon (25/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 36




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Participants: Ocelot
District: Las Venturas, San Fierro
Shift period: Night (25/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 31

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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Afternoon (27/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 26

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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Night (27/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 32

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Participants: Ocelot
District: LS, LV
Shift period: Evening (28/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 21

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Participants: Ocelot
District: LS, LV, SF
Shift period: Afternoon (28/04/2020)
Number of vehicles: 24

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Participants: Ocelot
District: All around San Andreas
Shift period: Night (2/05/2020)
Number of vehicles: 22

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Participants: Ocelot
District: Los Santos, Las Venturas
Shift period: Night (4/05/2020)
Number of vehicles: 29

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