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^[We are the 21st division of a private military company that has gone rogue. After a couple of years working together we have decided to create a gang located in San Andreas. It has been created on the 2nd of January 2020 and it's official gang color is #144000. We have our base located in Los Santos East and a gang value above 150.000.000$. More information below!]

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March 20, 2003 - U.S. led forces invade Iraq from Kuwait to oust Saddam Hussein.

About 125.000 U.S. and British soldiers and Marines are in Iraq. By the end of April, U.S. says it will add 100.000 more soldiers to the U.S. -led invasion force. Confidentially, the U.S. also calls special forces for covert operations.
PMCs (Private military companies) also work for the United States in Iraq. One of the PMCs is Titanium Defence Services, that supported the armed forces through supply runs, escorts of logistic convoys, protection for VIPs and even through hosted live ammunition trainings.

April 6, 2003 - Division 21 of Titanium Defence Services has the task to escort a logistics convoy of the U.S. army to forces in combat in Baghdad.

Due to poor intel, the convoy runs through no-mans-land, in which the convoy gets ambushed by hostile forces.
Division 21 wins the battle but loses faith in their superiors because many men died in consequence of a mistake that could have been avoided.

May 1 - Hostilities are over.
Between March 20 and May 1, 138 U.S. troops are killed, Division 21 suffered 3 wounded and 21 casualties out of 45 men.

After the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, the U.S. contractors have extended deals with its "private security guards". Titanium Defence Services especially have been granted a contract renewal, as their services during the war were outstanding. Throughout the years, the PMCs were tasked to defend fortified compounds across the country with access to radars, reconnaissance drones and ambush-protected vehicles. Division 21 has been assigned to hold one of these compounds.

Over the years, Division 21 has gained plenty of experience in handling unexpected threats such as ambushes & guerilla warfare. While disputes over the years weren't very frequent, a new conflict emerged in 2014 (Iraqi Civil War). Titanium Defence Services and Division 21 was part of CJTF-OIR (Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve), a joint task force established by the US-led international coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. With all the experience, Division 21 was quite successful, taking no casualties while executing escorts of coalition transports & combat operations.

During one mission, however, things turned out quite differently. Two convoys, one led by Division 21 and one by Division 13 passed through the desert of Iraq to supply troops. Division 13 was ambushed and hit badly. They were pinned down and insisted on help through the radio, however, high-command could not immediately dispatch troops as they were still preparing. Division 21 requested to help them out since they were pretty close to each other, but high-command immediately denied the request due to the danger and risk that the supplies could not be delivered. Knowing that high-commands intel is not always correct, especially after the Iraq war, Division 21 relied on their thinking and intuition. Therefore, they decided to reject the order of high-command and help out their fallen comrades. Proximately after their decision was made, they arrived at the skirmish, taking out the hostiles efficiently one-by-one. It did not take long until the battle was won. Though Division 13 was saved, high-command did not appreciate Division 21s disobedience. The contractors quickly informed Titanium Defence Services and as a consequence, Division 21 was pulled out from the war by their superiors and stationed on San Andreas soil as a punishment.

Having their faith shaken even towards their own company, Division 21 decided to have a compensation for their longterm services. They planned to intercept and steal a shipment of military weapons and vehicles that belonged to their company. This heist turned out more than successful, having stolen almost everything of the shipment and nobody knowing who had hit it. That marked the beginning of the involvement of Division 21 in criminal activities.
With the equipment & the investments of Titanium Defence Services, the doors to the San Andreas underworld have been opened for Division 21. And it is not to be wasted. Through their pseudonym "Rogue 21" Division 21 now acts in the crime of San Andreas, seeking profit with the aid of what they can do best: Security & Warfare, but criminally.

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Top 10 Donators of Rogue 21 (High-Command is excluded)

1.@Rivals$150.000.000 Donated in properties

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These are our gang rules that EVERYONE has to follow and acknowledge. The principle is ROGUE.

(R)eliability: Support Rogue 21 through reliability. Stay loyal to the gang and its members. Moreover, stay loyal to our alliances and help them when they ask. Be reliable for them as well!

(O)bedience: Follow the orders of the commandership. They have more experience and they know how to deal with all sorts of situations. This is the most important rule and without it, the gang cannot work.

(G)rounded: Stay grounded. Keep it professional and therefore avoid causing trouble in public. Think before you talk. You represent yourself as much as you represent the gang.

(U)nity: ALWAYS work together, because this is how we achieve the unthinkable. No matter if it is against the police, against a gang or in gang activities. We are a unit; that is how we position ourselves in the server.

(E)agerness: Show eagerness in gang activities. Be ready to participate in every gang activity as long as possible. Only through eagerness can we achieve unity.

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We do have a property as well. A big factory located in East Los Santos, next to the stadium. It's the official base of
Rogue 21 and will get rebuilt once we're able to do so.

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Our recruitment procedure runs through our Discord server. Feel free to apply whenever you want there, it is totally anonymous & easy! Good luck!

Discord: https://discord.gg/Rh8FWtC

Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14550/rogue-21-media-archive
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