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  • Section A: Personal Information:

Nickname: Ram

Account name: Ram20

Age: 18

Country of residence India

Primary Language: English

Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: Since October 2019

Current S/G/C and rank: Cluck

Other RP groups you're in: None

Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): N\A

Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: None

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  • Section B: General Questionnaire:

Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) San Andreas Medics is responsible for the lives in San Andreas, it takes care of the health of the people in the city, it rescues people from all health issues like physical injuries such as accidents etc. It is also a good roleplaying group of SAES RPG. It also makes me satisfied when i heal people who are abt to die and save their lives and it makes me happy and proud to serve in San Andreas Medics.

What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most

Who founded SAM? Joe aka Daryl - heyheuhei

Who is the current leader? JohnnyEnglish - johnnyenglish

For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: I have been playing as medic most of the time now.

Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: We are responsible for the lives of people belonging to San Andreas City .

Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: We cannot turf as medic when we belong to some gang.

Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Yes, i mostly play SAES when ever i get time so i can certify my activity

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  • Section C : Aptitudes:

1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? With all respect i would obey him and do what he says and act accordingly.

2. Why exactly are you applying today? i have enough time of playing as medic and i am trying serve in SAM and ensure the lives of people so applying today and not making any delay.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths would be good driving saving lives by quick response. weakness would be my network etc.

4. Why should we accept you to our team? I might be the one you are searching for becasue i love to serve as medic all the time and heal people all over the San Andreas and ensure their lives are brought to safety


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Patrol #1
Participants: Myself and @King
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 89 mins
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/VTqYHdf
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Patrol #2
Participants: Me, @Pazoo and @Cruz
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 62mins
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/SMVgoA1
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Patrol #3
Participants: Me and @Cruz
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30mins
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/C8o4NKr
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Patrol #4
Participants: Me and @King
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 mins
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/JYumtlF
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Patrol #5
Participants: Myself
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 3Hours 10mins
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Mwgnalu
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Patrol #6
Participants: Myself
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 60 mins
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/1MrHzRs
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Greetings, Dr. Ram
The SAM HQ team would like to gladly notify you that you have been accepted to join our team. Your application, determination and skill-set satisfies the requirements required in order to be one of us. Without further ado, I welcome you in!
We hope to see much more of you as a member of the group, don't let us down!

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Johnny English
SAM Chief of Medicine

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