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Pay to reduce the jail time?


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@Bunny said in Less jail time for inactive players:

Make this a cash drain.
Make crims be able to pay some cash to have jail time lowered (50k = 30-50% jail time?) ((** WE CAN TALK ABOUT THE MONEY** )) . AFK gameplay isn't that fun, and 6 minutes is a lo g time to wait in a room

Idea is so fucking simple and perfect and make sense. cops will vote NO just bcuz they are cops but holdon and use your mind, more free criminals = more arrest/activities/money also how about giving the money that criminal pay to reduce the time to the cop ._.

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Okay, one big point I forgot to mention is /surrender. If a crim surrenders to you it cuts their jail time by 50% or so, if you add bail, then the time spent in jail is laughable.
And with that either all crims wont bother running away, knowing they can surrender and bail out. Or no one will surrender, knowing if they get caught they can bail out.
Probably a mix of the two.

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Just remove surrender, it's a stupid mechanic anyways imo. (If not removed, make it that it has to happen inside police stations or such)

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Right, because when you can get 50% time off jail time if you surrender it's stupid. Most if not all squads have binds for surrender, and not just one.
You already have a mechanic that takes off time for you, if you want to have 0 risk then just say it straight. I want to kill, and if I'm arrested I don't want to wait because I have money. That's what you're basically saying. Money is nothing now, you can't use it as means of saying what is valuable. What is valuable is time in this game.

Surrender is in no way a stupid mechanic. It's one of the best things for both cops and crims. I don't want to arrest a trucker with 12 stars when I have a choice of him RPing with me and then surrendering. It's very narrow-minded how people only look from the criminal side. Think about civilians, the cops. It's all about criminals. Criminal this, criminal that.

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Why surrender? Because cops initiate an RP with you if your wanted level is not through the roof. I give every trucker that is not 42 stars an option to RP and follow up with a bribe if wanted level is small, or with a /sur. If you plan to run away and realise "oh fuck, I won't make it" and try to abuse /sur, sure, too bad for you then, because that's not how it's meant to work. It's meant to work as a compromise between the a crim and a cop. Not a way to escape justice by abusing a mechanic. And that's why you have those 3 seconds of standing still. You will be surprised how many crims and truckers actually do /sur.

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@Dice We really appreciate your suggestions and your opinion in bunny's suggestion, but now you are just making shit between cops and criminal as i smelled before

@Garcia1999 said in Pay to reduce the jail time?:

i smell shit gonna happen between cops and criminals, please just use your mind and its for both sides. i'll say it again :

so please, your opinion has been noted above and some of cops do agrees with this suggestion so refrain from spamming and thanks.

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@Rzz0 You speak from a crims point of view, however, there are civilians who can get wanted stars as well. Trucker most notably. Doing crime is a risk, and there should be punishment for it. Punishment is not meant to be fun. I just think that money alone is not the way to go to deal with this problem, while I understand it's not fun to AFK, but there has to be some sort of punishment for it. And money alone just doesn't cut it. A lot of players have huge amount of money. This is nothing to them. They can bail 24/7. Sure, that can be said it's the reward for playing for such a long time, but that just creates an unfair advantage for newer players.
Bottom line is, I am not against the idea of tweaking the jail time, I just strongly believe that throwing money at the problem is not the way to go.
All due respect, not meant to agitate anyone.

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@Rzz0 The DM arena is way better option that throwing money at it imo. It would be fun for me personally. And you can do something during those 7 minutes, you can get someone to jailbreak you. I just want to finish this chat by saying, don't throw money at the problem. There are many things to take into account, such as JBs and value of money. It's really not simple, and like I said, throwing 50k at it won't solve it. It will be another layer to the mess.

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@Dice listen up, you got a point, but Garcia isn't telling to remove jail for criminals, just buffing the jail time. A game should be fun not staying fucking 6 mins closed in a room...

I absolutely don't know why you cops disagree lol. I mean how more wanted crims there are how much money you can get.

Also a good way to fix the economy a bit.

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I'm 100 per cent in with this suggestion, it's just ruining the gameplay to afk 5 mins in a room, with -out doint shit. I also would like to suggest to add a button in jail to, spectate your gang members while jailed that makes the jail more interested and we can avoid less people being afk in jail

Also what I have mentioned before, add a button in jail to spectate your gangmembers

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Dice 7 mins is just a retarded amount and playing to reduce the timer will help not just the economy with 1 more money drain but help decrease a timer that in itself is dumb the old 36 system was already a long time but with 42 oh boi i would even vote to decrease it back to the 6 mins or even 5.

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one sr = ~40k, how thefuck new players cant have enough money for this like old players? + old players spended time for theyr money anyways = they deverse the chance to use it. i mean many people lives in germany long enough to have bigass 3x family houses, why thefuck they dont give some rooms for free to refuges? why new workers should earn less than someone working for 20y? this logic mens.. and goal of a game is to have fun, if want punishment for crimes, go as real cop & punish real crimes, they deverse it for real (not all though)

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@Crash To be honest, I thought about this for a couple days now and I have changed my mind to a some degree. If I was a criminal, it wouldn't be fun to afk for 7 minutes. However, my problem is throwing money at this thing. But I think there are better alternatives out there, like doing something for those 7 minutes.

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All alternatives need heavy scripting and possibility of finding bugs or other methods to find way to get out earlier or to use f1 im stuck. They also would maybe lesser the amount of jailbreaks, and don't affect economy in positive way

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I guess that there's no reason to keep this suggestion since jail time has been nerfed down to 7.14 seconds per star from 10 (5 minutes when you've 42 wanted level)


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