Make this a cash drain. Make crims be able to pay some cash to have jail time lowered (50k = 30-50% jail time?) ((** WE CAN TALK ABOUT THE MONEY** )) . AFK gameplay isn't that fun, and 6 minutes is a lo g time to wait in a room
Idea is so fucking simple and perfect and make sense. cops will vote NO just bcuz they are cops but holdon and use your mind, more free criminals = more arrest/activities/money also how about giving the money that criminal pay to reduce the time to the cop ._.
@Bunny said in Less jail time for inactive players:
Idea is so fucking simple and perfect and make sense. cops will vote NO just bcuz they are cops but holdon and use your mind, more free criminals = more arrest/activities/money also how about giving the money that criminal pay to reduce the time to the cop ._.
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