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alt metni
alt metni
Guardians of Peace is a hacker organization that claims to have participants worldwide. It is suspected to have first attacked SONY corporation on November 24, 2014 and subsequently hacked SONY on December 5, 2014. In an email, the group said that it planned to eliminate all of Sony Pictures Entertainment. "Removing Sony Pictures on earth is a very tiny work for our group which is a worldwide organization," the email said. Personal information of its 3,803 employees has leaked online along with a spreadsheet purportedly listing salaries of top studio executives, and five of the studios films.The group posted hacked notices on the emails of SONY employees, which read: I am the head of GOP who made you worry.Removing Sony Pictures on earth is a very tiny work for our group which is a worldwide organization. And what we have done so far is only a small part of our further plan. Its your false if you think this crisis will be over after some time. All hope

Our Role:
We are a criminal group. Our main role is Crack. We are cracking banks and other criminal groups. Sometimes we are cracking companies and we are making JB. Also we can make Store Robs. when we go to store rob we are cracking store safes. And when someone try to make something to us we are Hacking them. But always bank robs and JBs more important than other roles for us.

alt metni

Group Name: Guardian Of Peace
Group Tag: [GOP]Name , [GOP*]Name
Founder: FoxZilla
Motto: No Guardian Of Peace Hackers, no kiss.
Color Code: #00ffda
Creation Date: 25/12/2019

alt metni

  • You must respect the server rules.

  • Respect to all group members.

  • Don't try to betray us.

  • You must listen your higher ranked members.

  • Don't lie to us.

  • When you spawned as Robber you must wear our tag.

  • Don't Ask for promotions.

  • If you have any problem with any member, Talk with highed ranked members.

  • You Must help any other member of group when he/she asks for it.

  • You cant make BR alone.

alt metni

~ Leader [L]

~ Vice Leader [VL]

~ Head Quarters [HQ]

~ Sub Head Quarters [sHQ]

~ Bank Rob Manager [BM]

~ Respected [R]

~ Hacker [H]

~ Memeber [M]

~ Probation [P]


alt metni
Application Format:

**Account name:**
**How long have you been playing on SAES:**
**Current G/S/C:**
**Current Groups:**
**Previous Groups:**
**Explain 3 BR Rules:**
**Explain DM:**
**Explain Avoid Arrest:**
**What is Our Role:**
**Why should we accept you:**
**Is there anything else you want to add? (optional)**

Recruitment Status: ~[Group Closed]~(red)
Discord: https://discord.gg/YYWAV5g
Media Archive: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14066/guardians-of-peace-media-archive?_=1578410348392


Nickname: Hassan
Account name: Scoore0
Age: 15
Country: louxer
Languages: English - Arabic
How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years and some monthes
Current G/S/C: N/a
Current Groups: N/a
Previous Groups: Cluck - Skydiving and some
Explain 3 BR Rules:
1- gangs have only 2 BR per the day
2- u cant spawn as Pizza boy ot medic to help ur gang
3- if any criminal came near the cracking and if u dont need him u are allowed to Kill him .
Explain DM: Deathmatching killing any person without any Reasons.
Explain Avoid Arrest: it mean killing urself with generads or jumping from hight places to avoid Arresting cops
What is Our Role: Cracking Banks , doing some JBs and Help some other.
Why should we accept you: bec i am repstected player and i am very skiller in Life Criminal and i am loyal player and i will help this group alot of bec its is Crminals group and like GOP Role i am pro in driving and useing Weapons and i will help this group in media arch too bec i have good skills in RPing etc , and i know all rules in this server and Rules GOP too and i will try to show my skills to members Gop i know its new group bec that i wanna help to be best group crminals around SA
Is there anything else you want to add? (optional) My name is Hassan in real life and i have 15 years old and i Love criminals Life .


Nickname: Freezoom
Account name: maxismuz4141
Age: 16
Country: Turkey
Languages: turkish and english
How long have you been playing on SAES: 5 years
Current G/S/C: SWAT
Current Groups:
Global Trust-Worker
Previous Groups: TMH
Explain 3 BR Rules: gangs have only 3 BR per day,Don't do solo BR,BR members can't spawn as Medic,pizza boy
Explain DM: killing someonew without reason
Explain Avoid Arrest: If one cops trying to arrest you don't try kill you with nade like this
What is Our Role: GOP Role is cracking the BR's and JB's to help the crims
Why should we accept you: bec I'm loyal and active
Is there anything else you want to add? (optional) N/A

  • 2 weeks later...

Nickname: AnciernL
Account name: AnciernL
Age: 18
Country: Tunisia
Languages: English - Arabic
How long have you been playing on SAES: I joined SAES:RPG community somewhere in 2015 but i made a huge pause and i came back in 2020.
Current G/S/C: Peaky Blinders
**Current Groups:**N/A
Previous Groups: N/A
Explain 3 BR Rules:
-gangs have only 2 BR per the day
-u cant spawn as Pizza boy ot medic to help ur gang
-Don't do solo BR
Explain DM: DeathMatching is killing someone for no reason
Explain Avoid Arrest: I'm always online interacting with other members
What is Our Role: GOP Role is cracking the BR's and JB's to help the crims
Why should we accept you: I cant participe when you need me and im a active person
Is there anything else you want to add? (optional) None


@AnciernL said in Guardians Of Peace:

Good luck fellas!!!

Ty And,

@AnciernL said in Guardians Of Peace:

Nickname: AnciernL
Account name: AnciernL
Age: 18
Country: Tunisia
Languages: English - Arabic
How long have you been playing on SAES: I joined SAES:RPG community somewhere in 2015 but i made a huge pause and i came back in 2020.
Current G/S/C: Peaky Blinders
**Current Groups:**N/A
Previous Groups: N/A
Explain 3 BR Rules:
-gangs have only 2 BR per the day
-u cant spawn as Pizza boy ot medic to help ur gang
-Don't do solo BR
Explain DM: I chose because I find and like role-play because they are different from other gangs and I think I can show myself more here to the community. When I watch them play their roles I am surprised because they master what they do. This makes me cling to them and I try without hesitation to join them. In all circumstances I will continue and try My hair is not despairing, not tired of patience and trying to produce good results.
Explain Avoid Arrest: If one cops trying to arrest you don't try kill you with nade like this
What is Our Role: GOP Role is cracking the BR's and JB's to help the crims
Why should we accept you: I chose because I find and like role-play because they are different from other groups and I think I can show myself more here to the community. When I watch them play their roles I am surprised because they master what they do. This makes me cling to them and I try without hesitation to join them. In all circumstances I will continue and try My hair is not despairing, not tired of patience and trying to produce good results.
Is there anything else you want to add? (optional) None

Dear Applicant, you have wrote same sentences to Explain DM and Why should we accept you question. You need to fix your application in 48 Hours.


alt metni



@AnciernL said in Guardians Of Peace:

Nickname: AnciernL
Account name: AnciernL
Age: 18
Country: Tunisia
Languages: English - Arabic
How long have you been playing on SAES: I joined SAES:RPG community somewhere in 2015 but i made a huge pause and i came back in 2020.
Current G/S/C: Peaky Blinders
**Current Groups:**N/A
Previous Groups: N/A
Explain 3 BR Rules:
-gangs have only 2 BR per the day
-u cant spawn as Pizza boy ot medic to help ur gang
-Don't do solo BR
Explain DM: DeathMatching is killing someone for no reason
Explain Avoid Arrest: I'm always online interacting with other members
What is Our Role: GOP Role is cracking the BR's and JB's to help the crims
Why should we accept you: I cant participe when you need me and im a active person
Is there anything else you want to add? (optional) None

Meet with me in game for interview and join our group.


alt metni


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

alt metni
Guardians of Peace Recruitment is ~[Opened.]~(lime)

Application Format:


**Account name:**
**How long have you been playing on SAES:**
**Current G/S/C:**
**Current Groups:**
**Previous Groups:**
**Explain 3 BR Rules:**
**Explain DM:**
**Explain Avoid Arrest:**
**What is Our Role:**
**Why should we accept you:**
**Is there anything else you want to add? (optional)**


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