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~[ You do not need to leave your current G/S/C To join us. ]~(#ff0000)

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There was 5 guy named "Acez" "Raf" "Figmash" 'Remp" and "Orten", they are all together, one day, Acez won the lottery amount of "$498.000.000" Acez shared his money with his Friends. one day, Acez was thinking a to make a new Company. "Raf" suggested about Police Company, "Figmash" suggested about selling car's, while Acez thing about "Airlines".

Acez was still thinking about the company, or what it's name. after a couple of days, he find out the name "San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines." Acez shared the name with his friends. Acez started to make the Company, while his Friends is training the applicants drove the Plane.

Acez and Figmash was the founder of the Company, they do the work together, they train the applicants together. While Raf, is Figmash's Assistant. Remp was driving around the San Andreas State. while Orten is looking for a people to apply for us.

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Transfering Peoples- We Transfer Peoples Airport to Airport for a cheap price and safe flight

Transfering Cargo's- We transfer Cargo from anywhere they want, we use Cargobob for it

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For Los Santos to Las Venturas Airport, we have $15,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only), $30,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR Included and unlimited free foods )

For Los Santos to San Fierro Airport, we have $17,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $34,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods )

For San Fierro to Los Santos Airport , we have $17,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $34,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods )

For San Fierro to Las Venturas Airport, we have $16,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $32,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods )

For Las Venturas to Los Santos Airport, we have $15,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $30,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods )

For Las Venturas to San Fierro Airport, we have $16,000 for Normal Seats ( CR And unlimited free foods only ), $32,000 for VIP Plane ( Room and CR and Unlimited Free Foods )

For Rent Plane, We have $100.000 for AT400, $80.000 for Shamal, $50.000 for Dodo, $20,000 for Helicopters

For Rent a pilot, We have $65.000 every pilot and co-pilot, and $50,000 for Flight Attendant.

For all of that, The money will go to Group and 20% for Leader/Vice Leader/ Assistant Leader.

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Group Name: San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines
Group Founders: @Acez, @Raf0 @figmash
Group HQ Teams: Acez, Raf, Figmash, Remp, Orten
Group Motto: ~[ A Great Way To Fly in Sky ]~(#3AE8FF)
Group Colour: ~[ #3AE8FF ]~(#3AE8FF)
Group Media Archive: CLick me
Group Tag: [SAA]Nick[=Rank=] or Nick[SAA]
Date of Creation: December 23rd, 2019
Group Helper Tag: [SAA-H]Nick

Group Discord: https://discord.gg/nnczfeA
Group Money Value: $500.000
Group Members Total: 8

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  • You must know all F1 Rules

  • Respect all players especially Staff/Admins in the game

  • Must have English Knowledge

  • Must all know Group Rules

  • Respect Members Especially HQ Teams

  • Never Ask for a promotion

  • If you will be inactive, you must tell any HQ in the game

  • Never ask for your to check your application

  • Never insult any Players

  • Speak English in any chat

  • Be friendly and play the game

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Leader [=L=]: This rank is only for ne(1) person , especially, he can do everything he want for the group.

Assistant Leader [=AL=]: This rank is same as Leader, especially can do everything but he cant delete the group

Vice Leader [=vL=]: This rank is only for one(1) person, he can do like what Leader does, but he cannot Delete the group.

Assistant Vice Leader [=AvL=]: This rank is just like as Vice Leader, but for 2 persons.

Head Quarters [=HQ=]: This rank is for 2/3 Person, he can accept/deny players and can also kick.

Captain [=CAP=]: This one is for the guy who plan the flight, especially can do nothing.

Flight Attendant [=FA=]: This rank specially can do nothing, he can only come with Pilot, this thing is for 1-50 persons.

Pilot [=P=]: This rank specially can do nothing, he can only drive plane's and helicopter's.

Co-Pilot [=CP=]: This rank is the same as Pilot, if Pilot is tired driving or sleepy, he can change his position.

Flight Instructor [=FI=]: This rank is only for HQ, if the member don't know how to drive, they teach the pilot.

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Assistant Leader

Vice Leader

Assistant Vice Leader

Head Quarters


Flight Attendant



Flight Instructor

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lClick me

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Once you applied you must follow the application rules written below this sentence

  • BE Patient

  • Hang with members

  • Dont ask HQ to check your application

  • Must speak english onky

  • Show your driving skills

  • Questions must be BOLDED

  • Join our discord

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***STAGE I***
**Your Ingame Name:**
**Your Account Name:**
**Your Age:**
**Your RP Name:**
**Your Country:**
**Your Languages:**
**Your Skills:**
**Your Weaknesses:**
**Tell us about yourself (20 words or above):**
***STAGE II***
**English Proficiency (0-10):**
**Driving Planes Proficiency(0-10):**
**Roleplay Profeciency:**
**For how long you playing SAES/MTA:**
**What is our role:**
**Give us a story of your Roleplay ingame character(100words above):**
**What do you do if your Pilot fell asleep, and you're the Co-Pilot?:**
**What do you do if your Plane ran out of gas when you're on the sky?:**
**What do you do if your Flight Attendant doesn't listen to you?:**

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ACCEPTED- This can be only received when we get good feedbacks from our Members.

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PENDING- This can be only received when your application have a bad answers/ingame appearance.

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DENIED- This happens when you break the Application Rules. or receive a negative feedbacks from our Members.

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BLACKLISTED- This only happens when you do not listen either you don't have english skills or tried to applied too many times and got denied.


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**Your Ingame Name:**ICE|Bobosou
**Your Account Name:**pakita
**Your Age:**17
**Your RP Name:**Bobosou|RP
**Your Country:**DZ
**Your Skills:**arrested and killed
**Your Weaknesses:**N\A
**Tell us about yourself (20 words or above):**I am Nader, I was born in Algeria, but I love to live in the capital. I love playing mta and am a good player +
**English Proficiency (0-10):**8/10
**Driving Planes Proficiency(0-10):**7/10
Roleplay Profeciency:
**For how long you playing SAES/MTA:**2018
***What is our role:**He is committing the impossible, I think
*Give us a story of your Roleplay ingame character(100words above):**I'm a very skilled captain in the game and I'm a great driver for planes
**What do you do if your Pilot fell asleep, and you're the Co-Pilot?:**I take his place
**What do you do if your Plane ran out of gas when you're on the sky?:**I land in the sea to not die
**What do you do if your Flight Attendant do esn't listen to you?:*I take his place without consulting him because it is for the benefit of all of us


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I just wanna announce that @Bas just got invited by our HQs, because he shows his/her skill with us.

Welcome on bord.

Best Regards,


Commander of San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines.



**Your Ingame Name:**ICE|Bobosou
**Your Account Name:**pakita
**Your Age:**17
**Your RP Name:**SAA

Hello sir, Sheep / Nader, i just wanna said that you have a very "Weak" application. and what is your RP NAme? "SAA?" are you kididng me? and please follow the instruction beside the Questions like 20words or above. we give you "24 Hours" to edit you application.

Best Regards,


Commander of San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines.


~[As it's Christmas Day, We will be free inviting 5 people from the server. i will choose 5 of them and i will test their driving skills.]~(#3ae8ff)

~[Merry Christmas And Happy Newyear Everyone!]~(#3ae9ff)

Selected Players:


Kindest Regards,


Leader/Commander of San Andreas Aeroplane Airlines.


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Your Ingame Name: Lopez
Your Account Name: lopez123
Your Age: 13
Your RP Name: Lopez|RP
Your Country: Tunisia
Your Languages: Arabic
Your Skills: killing cops
Your Weaknesses: Cracking
Tell us about yourself (20 words or above): Hello ! my name is malek. I am from tunisia and i live in sousse. I have 3 brothers. My older brother used to be a player on the server. I am 13 years old , im currently at the secondary scool right now. I have gorgeous parents who are providing me every single thing i need. I have a pet called Rex , it is a dog. In my free time i like to play video games , play soccer and table tennis. My favorite game is multi theft auto and i really have fun whenever am on with my friends.
English Proficiency (0-10): 7/10
Driving Planes Proficiency(0-10): 4/10
Roleplay Profeciency: 7.5/10
For how long you playing SAES/MTA: 3 months
What is our role: We Transfer Peoples Airport to Airport for a cheap price and safe flight Or We transfer Cargo from anywhere they want, we use Cargobob for it

Give us a story of your Roleplay ingame character(100words above): Hello Im Lopez im pro player im active player in saes rpg and i have a good roleplays with players
What do you do if your Pilot fell asleep, and you're the Co-Pilot?: i help him
What do you do if your Plane ran out of gas when you're on the sky?: i take a Parachute and i
**What do you do if your Flight Attendant doesn't listen to you?:**Take his place

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