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Section A: Information
Nickname: Aurora

Account name: jamesmpf

Age: 21

Primary Language: Italian

Current S/G/C and rank: San Andreas Federal Police, Sergeant

Other RP groups you're in: Black Eagle Security (Deputy Director)

Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words); The San Andreas Medics is a team of highly skilled and trained Paramedics/EMT's who dedicate their lives to protecting and healing the citizens of San Andreas. They are here to maintain activity in the medical field and provide the top-notch area of medical role-play.

Why was SAM founded? SAM was founded to counter the lack of medical services around San Andreas, such as low response time (if any) and poor medical treatment.

What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most.

Who founded SAM? Dr. Joe Valachi

Section B: Theory
A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use.

Base: At the base when receiving the calls, I'd start getting response teams organized.
Vehicles Used: Medical Evacuation (MED-EVAC) Helicopter(s), Ambulances and SAFD Search and Rescue
Interaction/Details: Once the call comes in, I'd immediately contact the SAFD Search and Rescue team to coordinate with the MED-EVAC Helicopter to get gurneys, ropes and search gear set up in case anyone has fallen into a hole opened by the earthquake. Following that, I'd contact the San Andreas Interceptors and local agencies to secure the metropolitan area, block the roads and re-direct traffic away for safety. Lastly, I'd send a minimum of two ambulances out to the scene (one on each side of the metropolitan area) and set up medical triage centers at each location with local medical teams and volunteer rescue teams. I'd head to the scene in a third ambulance and then contact all teams to head to a central location. I'd coordinate with the SAFD High Ranks and have them clear any buildings, searching for medical issues with a SAFD EMT. Next step is coordinating the teams to establish medical triage areas for those who aren't injured that much. Next, having the SAFD Search and Rescue team and SAM Teams moving to get any victims who are seriously hurt.
Scenarios: If we see someone stuck under rubble, I'd contact SAFD to use a jack to raise the debre safely, at this time I'd also place an IV into their arm to get fluids to the body due to the lack of flow to the crushed area. I'd then move the subject to a gurney and stretcher, getting them into the ambulance and rushing to the nearest hospital. |||| If I see someone in a hole, I'd contact the MED-EVAC team and have them hover over the hole where they are, lowering a gurney on a rope to the hole with a paramedic on board. The paramedic will examine the damage, secure the suspect on the gurney, raising it and flying to the closest hospital if fall damage is present (such as broken limbs).

Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond.

Base: At the base when receiving the calls, I'd start getting response teams organized.
Vehicles Used: Medical Evacuation (MED-EVAC) and Ambulances
Interaction/Details: Once the call comes in, I'd immediately coordinate with local medical teams and SAM teams to head to the bank, establishing a triage area across from the bank in a secure location. Once on scene, I'd coordinate with tactical teams and local police, sending SWAT Tactical Paramedics and SAM Medics into the bank area to secure any officers who are shot and outside the bank. At this time, I'd coordinate with officers on the inside of the bank to ensure the bank is secured, then sending paramedics/SAM into the bank to secure the victims.
Scenarios: If the victim has gunshots in a non-vital area (legs, feet, hands and arms), we'd secure the gunshot by applying pressure to the wound, cleaning the area with antibiotics and a cloth rag. Once cleaned, I'd place a clean cloth rag on the wound applying pressure and then securing with gauze or medical tape, ensuring the rag doesn't move. If the victim has gunshots in a vital area, we'd secure the wound in the same way and also have oxygen flowing if they're unconscious (also doing CPR if they aren't breathing). The victims with vital injuries will be MED-EVACd to the hospital for surgery and those without life-threatning injuries will be taken by ambulance.

Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds?

Base: At the base when receiving the calls, I'd start getting response teams organized.
Vehicles Used: Medical Evacuation (MED-EVAC) Helicopter(s), Ambulances and SWAT/FBI Teams
Interaction/Details: Once the call comes in, I'd immediately contact the SWAT/FBI Teams to send them to the area, confirming that no other terrorists are in the area and no bombs are in the area and the scene is secured. I'd send out Ambulances to the area while keeping MED-EVACS on standby. Once on scene, I'd have a triage area set up, one for burn victims and one for stab victims. I'd also contact the rail station to ensure that the station is shut-down and no trains come through for safety. Once SWAT/FBI clears the area and secures it, SAM would commence in establishing victim status. Sending victims to either the burn or stab triage areas.
Scenarios: If a victim is unconscious, I'd check the breathing (If they're breathing i'd check the airways and make sure that consistent air flow is going into the lungs) and if not breathing start CPR. They'd be rushed to hospital via ambulance. Victims with first and minimal second degree burns, cleanse the area with cold water, antibiotics and ensure the skin is secured with gauze and antibiotics to ensure that the spread of infection and viruses is low. Victims with high second and third degree burns, they'd be rushed to hospital after the area is cleaned and secured due to the possibility of nerve damage. Stab victims will be treated the same as gunshot victims, securing and cleaning the area and then transporting for surgery (all victims) to repair the skin and possibly damaged muscle and tissue.

Section C : Aptitudes
1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior? I'd take it and use it to better my future career.

2.Why exactly are you applying today? I'm applying so that I can provide a high service to the medical field, and gain more role-play experience.

3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths; Driving, location knowledge and discipline || Weaknesses; Flying and multi-tasking

4.Why should we accept you to our team? Because I have the knowledge and know-how of this job. I'm looking to provide a high service and have been for a long time on SAES. From SAI to previous SAM employment, I know the ins and outs of the job and can preform exceptionally.



I really don't know how and who accepted you to SAM before but iam pretty sure it was a huge mistake. Don't you ever show up infront of me anywhere ingame or even on forums, and iam sure you won't as u will not be able to do that. Ban #3 or may i say #4 is on the way.

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