i hope make new things for cops.like rise money of arrest, make new skins if they got more arrest,rise time of jail like 420 to 600,and more squads member got arrest more than any clan in week or month got reward,and they got demoted if they Dont got like 1000 arrest in week or month. try make all trainers cop go in squads and learn them to be pro and give them more Objectives,regroup, tactic,for make any one want be cop. i talk like that even now aim crime. and soon i go gang. but really boring when almost all time no cops in game. make no challenge like game go in 1 side i love play in saesrpg. good players and i find good friends but we must have changes in our server or after while all will be boring from it hope that never happen.
i hope make new things for cops.like rise money of arrest, make new skins if they got more arrest,rise time of jail like 420 to 600,and more squads member got arrest more than any clan in week or month got reward,and they got demoted if they Dont got like 1000 arrest in week or month. try make all trainers cop go in squads and learn them to be pro and give them more Objectives,regroup, tactic,for make any one want be cop.
i talk like that even now aim crime. and soon i go gang.
but really boring when almost all time no cops in game. make no challenge like game go in 1 side i love play in saesrpg. good players and i find good friends but we must have changes in our server or after while all will be boring from it hope that never happen.
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