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SAFP Involved: Rocoso @LAPD_Spanish_VEN
Other Players Involved: @Juan_Pausy
Story: Our patrol reported a suspect placing a suitcase outside the main bank of Los Santos, we noticed this, and upon arrival in the area we took the subject under arrest and he gave us a false identification, we took him to the interrogation room and there we could find out that the subject was an important terrorist who intended to make an attack with a suitcase bomb, we decided to transport him in an armoured truck and with undercover agents in normal cars, so as not to arouse suspicion, the terrorist is paying a 105 year sentence in the federal prison of Bone Country


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SAFP Involved: Only Me
Other Players Involved: @NulGath
Story: In a Morning, I was Patrolling around SA I decided to went to Gleen park and when I was there I found a biker breaking red light, I stopped him at the right of the road and I took him ID driving license, etc... I asked about his career on the radio he was Clean and he has nothing but when I was talking to him I smelled Alchol-odor coming from him so I take my breathalyzer to make a small test, and the test was negative so I diced to give him a ticket about breaking the red Light rules and I give him all his documents back.


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SAFP Involved: @LandShark and me
Other Players Involved: @NulGath / @Durby
Story: In a Morning, I Decided to Start a patrol with Mike around SA, So we leave the base and we head to the pizza shop to eat before starting but we have a piece of bad luck, We Found Somone Holding a Colt and aiming at a victim head when he saw us he went to his car and he goes away so I turn on my sirens and I head near the victim I leave Mike near him and I start with chasing the suspect, We were near Jefferson I decides to hit his car from the Left-back and when I Do he just lose car control and he went to and Ahab to stay there so I leave my car and I Hold my M4, I went to him when I was aiming at his head so he leaves his car and raises his hands up, I take his colt and I cuff his hand and I put him in the Police car. after that, I called an impounder to impound the suspect car and I went to Mike and the Victim again, I talked to the victim and He explains all things to me how he robs him, etc..., so we went to LSPD and we complete all investigation there, we Give the victim his money and his phone and sign in a paper and we put the suspect in jail.


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SAFP Involved: Rocoso @Quality
Other Players Involved:
Today, the central units of the Saints' Department reported criminal activity around the prison,
The federal units set about checking to make sure that no personnel went to the prison and to keep everything in order


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SAFP Involved: Rocoso @joaco
Other Players Involved:
this morning a black car with dark windows was moving at high speed along the highway of las aventuras so i desided to signal him to stop, when i stopped him i realised it was a car without a number plate so i proceeded directly to see what was inside it, i found several packages of cocaine hydrochloride which were to be taken by plane to the city of san fierro, i took the subject into custody and transferred him to the federal prison for interrogation


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