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SAFP Involved: Only Me
Other Players Involved: @ceviche
Story: It was at 17/08/2020, I was driving near the LS pizza shop and I saw someone driving with a funny speed in the road(150kmh) and he was breaking the lights I went after him and I stopped his ass, I get his ID and driving license also I see if he is drinking or not, he seems to be good all documents are alive, but he hasn't a good reason for his speed so I gave him 2 tickets with a hight price and leave him there.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zHW8SkJ


SAFP Involved: Only Me
Other Players Involved: @Orten1
Story: In the same day at night, I have stopped someone for traffic control near LS hospital, he responded and all his documents were alive, I smelled alcohol odor coming from his body so I tried to find something on him, I was searching in the car in all of it maybe I'll find something like a drug, arms or something like that, but I didn't find anything so I went to the car trunk and I asked him to open it, he made what I said but he was worried when I saw him like that I laugh I was thinking that he has something in the trunk so I was searching in all places of the trunk, ouuf I find a small place under the tapis of the trunk, I open it and I find a Pistol, I asked him from who you got that but he didn't respond, so I have put him in my car and I call an impunder to impound the suspect car, and I went to jail, so I complete all investigation there and I leave.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vZRs9uj


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Type of Activity: Taking VIP's..
Members Online: @SAFP and some squads


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Date: 18/08/2020
Bank: Los Santos , LV
Unsuccessful gang: PBR (1/8) ,BR (0/8 ,door2)

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Type of Activity: Stopping 2 SR's this evening
Members Online: @SAFP and some squads
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JPXMd5o


Type of Activity: Protecting the store
Members Online: @Terry @Dango @DRAHMEED @Mohamed-Mostafa @ziad-i @SAFP-Stone @Rocoso @samuel2 @clashgamer Spanish @Kristiina (I don't know others real name:honk:)

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Type of Activity: Protecting the store, VIP and General Patrol

Members Online: @SAFP-Stone , @ROBERT-911 , @Dango @Cristian @Halo




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Type of Activity: Stopping some SR's,BR.
Members Online: @SAFP and some cops
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/H5HHJYT


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Type of Activity: Stopping 2 SR..
Members Online: @me @ROBERT-911 @clashgamer



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Date: 20/08/2020
Bank: Los Santos


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SAFP Involved: Only Me
Other Players Involved: @clashgamer
Story: It was at 23/08/2020, I was driving near the LV railway and I saw someone driving with a funny speed in the road(150kmh) and he was breaking the lights I went after him and I stopped him, I got his ID and driving license also I saw if he is drinking or not, he seems to be good all documents are alive, but he hasn't a good reason for his speed so I gave him ticket with a Hight price and leave him there.


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23 August 2020
Type of Activity: Lesson
Members Online: @DRAHMEED @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @General @Kristiina
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/P0cPXLI
This lesson was about the right weapons in long/medium ranges and weapons in close ranges, Right covers and how to fight in a TDM, Also about fighting a enemy 1v1 too, This may be a small lesson but its really useful for the future ^^


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Date: 24/08/2020
Roleplay #130
Participants: @Amineyy @MaZen20 @ahmedlord @clashgamer
Title: A night at the motel
Story: Lately we've made an illegal drugs transportation by airplane after shutting off the airports radars, however the chief of the San Andreas Federal Bureau was somehow able to figure out who made the transportation. As we have our eyes on everything we knew he was gonna call the senior detector to inform him about everything but we were able to get in the phone line and answer him instead, and we had to go to the motel room where he's spending the night to assassinate him as soon as possible, we chose an empty hour in the work schedule of the jefferson motel to force the receptionist to give us the room near his.
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