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@Aboody said in Organization Zero | Media archive:

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Role play Story: Today i was walking around Los Santos i was very bored so i decided to go to Organisation Zero's night club..
i meet up with my friend Crankyyy from Black Syndicate there
we talked with each other he told me that he has 2 bags of drugs and i had 5 bags i told him to not to worry about it
and we drunk some beer and danced and we enjoyed our time
after 4 hours from these interesting things we felt hungry so ..... told me to go the FAMOUS restaurant IN Las Ventures.
while we are driving to the restaurant he told me where to hide the drugs i told him in my car's trunk, i think it's safe because it will be dangerous for us if we took it inside the restaurant there might be cops inside
so we stopped and we put the drugs in the car's trunk
we arrived there and i closed the car
and we get in the restaurant we ordered some food to eat and 2 cups of Pepsi
when we finished the food we took the car away to town to smoke some drugs , when we oppend the car's trunk we didn't find any of our drugs there is some one stole it
we got some news that a member of Overdose Crime gang stole it
we were very angry for that so we decided to jail him for his mistake
we went to Overdose Crime base to take him for jail we found him was talking on the phone and we took him in our car and started shouting to get help
i knew my old friend Fallen from SAFP he could help us to jail this bitch in the prison
i called him and he told me that we should stop and wait for him because he is comming to us by the police plane
he came to us after 5 minutes to us and he took him to the prison we thanked Fallen for the help
we went to solve the drugs problem i got a call from Hoodie the leadar of Overdose Crime gang and he asked me to get his member out of the jail
because he didn't knew that the drugs was for Organisation Zero so i went to SAFP base and i asked Fallen to get this man out in the jail
he told me u cant now u can get him out after 3 hours
after 3 hours i called Hoodie the leadar of Overdose Crime gang to come to SAFP base to take his member and he was happy for that
and he told me that no one of the gang will do it again and he gave us 100.000 the price of the drugs and he thanked us to get his friend out of the jail
me and Crankyyy were happy to solve the problem easily and i rode him to his home and i went to rest in Organisation Zero base
Participants: @johnn @Fall-en @Hoodie @Blaxe and ape
Screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/HD0PG6H

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Main characters: SAFP|Shadro, @NRG @SoulFly @Darkl1ght BBMC|Fearless, BBMC|3K.O
Story: Today I was with NRG, the TST agent, inside the SAFP building. We were discussing in order to improve the relations between the two squads.
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Then, my boss came and asked me to drive a prisoner to the Angel Pine Police Department HQ using an Enforcer. So I asked him If I can take NRG with me. He said "No, I'm not responsible if an agent from another squad gets shot or simply dies." But I insisted on taking him with me so he agreed.
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We forced the prisonner to get inside the Enforcer, turned on the engine and lights and left the SAFP base.
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We started a little conversation on our way:
NRG: -Any additional units to cover us?
Shadro: -Why do we even need additional units? All we have to do is to transport this guy to Angel Pine..
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NRG: -What if a couple of retarded criminals raid us?
Shadro: -That's impossible, who would attack us? WE RULE THIS STATE!
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NRG: -Maybe we do, but this is San Andreas state, everything is possible and criminals are more common in this state, also you're transporting a federal dangerous prisoner and his gang can respond at any moment!
Shadro: -Well, yes, you're right. But we're almost in Angel Pine now, we're safe.
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Prisoner: Haha, you are already dead!
Shadro + NRG: -WHAT???
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Suddenly, 3 gangsters stopped their motorcycles in front of us, they were holding M4 rifles

SoulFly: You! Cops! Either stop and surrender, or we will DESTROY YOU!
NRG: Damn, I told you, they're 3, what we're going to do now?
Shadro: Look at them, Hahah! They must be escaping their maths class, poor kids. We're highly-trained policemen, we can handle this. Load your M4 and kill them.
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The gunfight lasted like 15 minutes, until the two policemen finally lost it.
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So the gang members broke the back door and escaped with the prisoner.
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Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/T4cMlIG

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Yesterday, me and my partner SAFP|DeepK decided to deploy a speedtrap at LV-LS to catch some racers. 5 minutes later, Rifa>Polenta crossed the speed limit in front of us, so I turned on lights and kept chasing him. After reporting the incident using the radio, it seemed that the racer used a jammer and blocked my connection so I couldn't report my location. The only way to catch him was to damage his car and use the PIT, which I did.
After wrecking his car, the suspect decided to surrender. So we took him to his cell at the SAFP base.

Main characters:
@Shadro @DeepK Rifa>Polenta[L]


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