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Type the name of the best player left the game

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Boston, Seba, Joshbosh & Nico were some of my best friends
Closet, Lethalis, Bart too from the Dutchies
AA; Forehead, mr ML, GetaGrip, Gui (haven't seen him since 2013)


also list would be way to loong, most
AAs like edgar/sexpart/shanks etc..
+bh gang members like wolf (& rest gone AA)
ofc many from other gangs like philly/freaky/ and aloot more
some copside like ranger/danny/ghost/bambook/ and some more

  • tilong/fabian/domin
    +some saes members
    +alot people iam to lazy

but most important person was [ger-c]wonder, he was leader of ger-c gang, and i did apply for the gang in german (whilest i should write apply in english, didnt knew cuz my english was to bad to read), he still invites me & with ger-c gang chat i always asked few english words what it means, so i learned very little basic english & could atleast talk abit with saes. without wonder & ger-c, i would still be ultranub in english (alot worse than become car times)

but wich player i will remember of making worst topics with worst colours is:

  • freezy

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