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Real Name: Mohamed
Nickname: [TST]Max[R]
Age: 15
Gender: Male
From how long are you playing SAES?: From 2013
Since when are you playing MTA?: Since 2013
List few of your strengths and weaknesses:

Strengths: Drive...Arrest..shoot

Weaknesses: N/A

Tell us about yourself: My name IS Mohamed i live in Egypt i joined SAES since 2013 i like playing MTa and im active.I like arrest and DRIVE.
Why you wan't join KFC?: Because i want to sell kebab and help KFC to get Higher ranks
Why we should accept you?: Because im good player and i respect players and im active
Who is Founder the KFC?: @Freezom
Are you in any group If yes,Tell us name: No
What is KFC Motto?: Eat HALAL and live healthy

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