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NPC drug dealers



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I'm suggesting adding NPCs to sell drugs for us, just like there are gun stores. The drug dealer would most fittingly be added in some hood area @ LS for example. This would be beneficial for both crims & cops so that we can buy drugs when no one's around to sell some.

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@scorpyo said in NPC drug dealers:

I made this ages ago but ....... rip they still discussing about it or whatever, public dealers placed in all the turf zones arround SA ( about 50 ped ), and arrestable by cops too

No. not arrestable by cops. That would make it too easy. We're discussing about what effects carrying drugs with you would have on the current meta. I personally think it would make it too easy for criminals to escape (as having cops use drugs would not be a good idea (realism))

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@blade said in NPC drug dealers:

@scorpyo said in NPC drug dealers:

I made this ages ago but ....... rip they still discussing about it or whatever, public dealers placed in all the turf zones arround SA ( about 50 ped ), and arrestable by cops too

No. not arrestable by cops. That would make it too easy. We're discussing about what effects carrying drugs with you would have on the current meta. I personally think it would make it too easy for criminals to escape (as having cops use drugs would not be a good idea (realism))

Well, it was Bone's idea to be arrestable by cops not mine

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Good thinkin, but not on the same page with u guys. Irl, if you dont know of an arms dealer, you can go buy it from stores so we have ammunations and also arms dealers. Irl, if you dont know of a drug dealer, you cant buy illegal drugs. That is how the game should work imho, if you have a friend that will sell you drugs, you got it, if you dont, you dont.

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@Spicey said in NPC drug dealers:

Cops With Drugs on BR/JB thats insane Wow you got kill/arrest if get drugs too Thats he will be full unfair for criminals

Cops already respawn as drug dealers to sell drugs to each other during jb/br you dimwit, everyone and their mother knows that.

If this suggestion got implemented, they would still spawn as drug dealers to be closer to jb/br anyway.
It changes nothing from point of power balance.

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