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Everything posted by Snowyyy

  1. ~[Jailbreak]~(#9c9066) ~[#1018]~(maroon) ~[Outbreak Members:]~(#9c9066) ~[Snowyyy]~(maroon) ~[Outbreak helpers:]~(#9c9066) ~[N/A]~(maroon) ~[Screenshots:]~(#9c9066) ::: :::
  2. Event# 328 ~[Event Type:]~(maroon) Rihno Shooter ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[LWS/G6:]~(lime) @Hotfire ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @Troyano ~[Screenshots:]~(maroon) ::: :::
  3. Event# 327 ~[Event Type:]~(maroon) Last Man Standing ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[LWS/G6:]~(lime) @Hotfire ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @Troyano ~[Screenshots:]~(maroon) ::: :::
  4. ~[Event:]~(#99004d) : True/False ~[Prize:]~(#99004d) ~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[LWS:]~(#44c75e) @M7mod ~[Winner:]~(#99004d) ~[O|Terry]~(gray) ~[Screenshots:]~(#99004d) ::: :::
  5. Event #303 ~[Event Type:]~(#a1101e) Airboxing ~[Prize:]~(#a1101e) ~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[Winner(s):]~(#a1101e) @aliemadeldin AKA ~[M|Morvios]~(red) ~[Screenshots:]~(#a1101e) ::: :::
  6. Jailbreak #940 ~[Outbreak Member(s) :]~(maroon,#b01c2b) @snowyyy @koko ~[Outbreak Helper(s):]~(#b01c2b) ~[None]~(gray) ~[Screenshots :]~(#b01c2b) ::: :::
  7. Event 302 ~[Event Type]~(#c91c1c): Boxing :boxing_glove: ~[Prize:]~(#c91c1c) ~[$2.000.000]~(green) ~[LWS/G6]~(#78d973): @Yoko_Kurama ~[Winner(s):]~(#c91c1c) @RenQ ~[Screenshots:]~(#c91c1c) ::: :::
  8. ~[Event:]~(maroon) LMS ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000]~(green) ~[LWS/G6:]~(maroon) @Zombie ~[Winners:]~(maroon) ~[LE|Skinner]~(#d5e0a2) ~[Screenshots:]~(maroon)
  9. Event: 1v1 sniper event Prize: $2.000.000 Winner(s): [SWAT]Flusha LWS/G6: @Brooks Screenshots: https://2.top4top.net/p_1293v3czh1.png[/img][/url] https://3.top4top.net/p_1293qk3g22.jpg[/img][/url] https://4.top4top.net/p_1293o6rlg3.jpg[/img][/url]
  10. Name: Snowyyy Username: Snowyyy Team betting on: OC Amount: 600k
  11. Nickname: Snowyyy Age: 20 Country: Egypt Languages spoken: English and Arabic From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 9/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: I've been playing SAES for around 2 months In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: AA is one of the best gangs in the server, they sell and transport weapons, best services and quality since 2011 Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): ThC : Well, thats a question I wouldnt like to answer, but I actually joined The Company and I really enjoyed my time there and people used to treat me well ( because im a girl maybe) and things went well, until suddenly problems started to happen, arabs in the gang started to backtalk me and say bad things about me and the HQ Team decided to kick me for no reason, meanwhile I was nice and I never harmed anymore. People were jealous because of my friendship with other players ,I didnt expect these shits from the gang but yeah... if you want some proofs feel free to contact me, nothing to say. ThC was my first gang, and AA will be my last If I got a chance to join, Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: None Name 3 BR rules: Maximum 2 BR per day, assisting the gang as a medic isn't allowed, and can't suicide f.e by jumping from the bank's roof Name 3 GR rules: No grenades, don't spawn kill, and don't block the safe with vehicles Name 3 Turf rules: Don't use unclimable roofs, don't have a gang member spawned as a cop or medic, and you can only use hospital spawn or gang spawn What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is acting like real life What is Deathmatching?: Is killing people for no reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I'll first talk to him if he didn't respond I'll take a screenshot and report it to the admins Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I do nothing, I just ignore them Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes , I know @M7mod he suggested this gang for me and he said it was like a nice family and i'll enjoy my time Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My name is Haidi and I started playing in SAES for 3 months now, short time but however I learned almost everything about the server, roleplays, laws and all
  12. Roleplay #343 - Liberation Day Participants: The Company - @Xtream, @Zekeriya, @Staifi , @Oleg , @Crank, @M7mod, @Hyng, @Raiden Approximately one week ago, a high-valued member of The Company was arrested due to an intrigue of an enemy organization. A deal was supposed to be staged, however, things went ugly and the police managed to intervene during the conflict and arrest one of the top-brass members. This top-brass member, or particularly called "high-value target" during the operation, is supposed to be extracted from the local police department to a national government facility for further prosecution. However, the High Council of The Company would not be pleased with losing a top-brass member and waste it's potential in a cell. Therefore, an operation in order to rescue the member was initiated. The female prisoner was to be rescued during the priorly mentioned extraction to the national government facility. As there would most likely be a high-security convoy for the transportation of the prisoner, several men of The Company were geared up with Assault Rifles, Shotguns and jamming transmitters, so the security could not inform the Response Units about an ambush. Operation "Liberation Day" is being executed. One truck would block off the road and stop the convoy, while a team of shooters would approach from the back with another vehicle and block off the other potential vanishing point. The convoy stopped and both vehicles were placed as they were supposed to. In less than three seconds, the shooters exited their vehicles and overwhelmed the anxious security forces. The driver of the security car desperately tried to alarm the Response Units, however, the jammers were already active to disturb any kind of communication. Now, all that was left, was to surrender, since dying for something as minor as this, would not be worth it. The security surrendered and handed over their weapons. The keys for the truck were handed over and the prisoner was freed without taking a scratch. Freedom! High-value target was secured successfully. Now, there was one problem left. The witnesses, also known as the security forces. The Company could not risk any witnesses, therefore, they had to be executed. With an eye-blink, all were shot down, eliminating the last problem, and fulfilling operation. Liberation Day! All members entered their vehicles and left the scene heading for the sunset, in freedom! The operation was a success.
  13. Roleplay #338 - Aconite The intelligence agency warned the High Council about a threat within their very own circles through a leak of sensible information. After being tasked with finding that threat, the intelligence managed to track down the leaker, who has indeed made contact with multiple people of opposing organizations. This proof gave the High Council green light to order an assassination of that particular person. However, a subtle approach was needed in order to get rid of the leaker. For this purpose, I was commissioned to fulfill that task. Intelligence informed me about his daily habits, which consists of daily bar visits. This was the perfect way to make it look like a natural death, without causing suspicion. The bar has no security nor cameras which can record anything. I decided to take a poison with me and planned to put it into his drink. The poison, which is called Aconite, causes a heart-attack after consumption. Post-mortem aconite cannot be detected by forensics without a direct test, which is highly unusual for them to do as it is not a standard forensic procedure. I collected the poison from our own stock and made my way to the bar. I bought myself something to drink without interacting directly with him, however, I knew I would get his attention sooner or later. It worked, I had his attention and he approached me with a boring pick-up line. But I had to pretend like I was interested, so I let it work. We talked for a bit and I suggested him to go somewhere more "quiet", which he accepted. He took his drink with him, so did I, and we started talking. I believed, after a few drinks he would have to go to the toilet when I can finally put in the poison and finish the job. Finally, he excused himself and went to the toilet, that was my chance to insert the aconite. The whole dose was in his drink at that moment. It would kill him after an hour most likely. Enough time for me to leave with a smile. After seeing him finishing the bottle with aconite, I excused myself and left the bar. Fortunately, he attracted another woman, which was also around in the bar. That was perfect, as all suspicion would be raised on her and not on me if it ever came to a suspicion of a crime. He had a few drinks with her and she also decided to leave after an hour. Right after she left, he started to puke and collapse. He was holding his chest, however, that helped as much as his fight for his life at that moment. The leaker died on the scene and no evidence could be traced back to me. The mission is successful and I reported back to the High Council with one less rat within our circles.
  14. Okay sure.
  15. Ingame name: Snowyyy Username: Snowyyy Country of Residence: Egypt Spoken Languages: English and Arabic Date of birth: 4th of July, 1998 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I don't precisely know, but weeks now Previous organisations: None Miscellaneous questions Define The Companys role in one sentence: Criminal organization, Using the teamwork for robberies, earning money You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I'd kindly explain to the officer what actually happened, Hopefully he will understand that it was just a misunderstanding You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? Well, if they haven't shot me already i'd try to cover myself up first to get prepared for whatever that's gonna happen, and ask for the gang members to help me if it's possible, if not i'll try to shoot the enemies There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? I wouldn't wanna cause any troubles, i'll just get over that side issues and co-operate with him, don't have to be so dramatic Thank you,
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