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Posts posted by Snowyyy

  1. spacer.png

    As the title says, at the end of each month, a Radio San Andreas DJ will be chosen and announced here as the DJ of the Month.


    Management will choose the winner based on the streaming activities (live streaming, air quizzes, etc...) he/she presents across the entire month.


    The winner will receive special rewards such as a dedicated role in our Discord server and an in-game crash prize.


    Good luck!


    Below you can find the list of every winner and the month/year in which they won in:



    September 2023: @ziby
    October 2023: @flappy
    November 2023: @Xiana
    December 2023: @Xiana
    January 2024: @Jax
    February 2024: @P4sha
    March 2024: @Jax
    April 2024: @Garcia1


    • Like 3
  2. alt text
    ~[Type of event: ]~(maroon) LMS
    ~[Price:]~(red) ~[1.000.000]~(green):heavy_dollar_sign:
    ~[Radio SA members:]~(maroon) Me, @Puppy , @WenDo
    ~[LWS:]~(maroon) @Colobria
    ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @ANARCHY

    ~[Date:]~(maroon) 07/17/2020
    ~[Screenshots of the event:]~(maroon)

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    ~[Type of event: ]~(maroon) Chicken Shooter
    ~[Price:]~(red) ~[1.000.000]~(green):heavy_dollar_sign:
    ~[Radio SA members:]~(maroon) Me, @Puppy , @Peyraa
    ~[LWS:]~(maroon) @Colobria
    ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @Nordo
    ~[Date:]~(maroon) 07/17/2020
    ~[Screenshots of the event:]~(maroon)

  3. alt text
    ~[Type of event: ]~(maroon) Musical Chairs :musical_note:
    ~[Price:]~(red) ~[1.000.000]~(green):heavy_dollar_sign:
    ~[Radio SA members:]~(maroon) Me
    ~[LWS:]~(maroon) @Trevor
    ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @Zeno
    ~[Date:]~(maroon) 07/14/2020
    ~[Screenshots of the event:]~(maroon)

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    ~[Type of event: ]~(maroon) Guess The Song :dancers:
    ~[Price:]~(red) ~[1.000.000]~(green):heavy_dollar_sign:
    ~[Radio SA members:]~(maroon) Me
    ~[LWS:]~(maroon) @Trevor
    ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @PabloPueblo
    ~[Date:]~(maroon) 07/14/2020
    ~[Screenshots of the event:]~(maroon)

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    ~[Type of event: ]~(maroon) DD :blue_car:
    ~[Price:]~(red) ~[1.000.000]~(green):heavy_dollar_sign:
    ~[Radio SA members:]~(maroon) Me
    ~[LWS:]~(maroon) @KARIM
    ~[Winner(s):]~(maroon) @Nico
    ~[Date:]~(maroon) 07/14/2020
    ~[Screenshots of the event:]~(maroon)

  4. alt text
    ~[RadioSA]~(#C8FF69) has been invited by ~[SGS]~(#1abab7) to rock their party

    ~[at Friday, July 17th
    18:00 Server-Time]~(red)

    We gladly joined their celebration and added a taste of music :musical_note:
    Thank you for having us tonight ~[@SGS]~(#1abab7)


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  5. alt text

    ~[Jailbreak #1386]~(#b5844f,#990511)

    ~[Outbreak Members:]~(#b5844f,#990511) @Snowyyy, @rykila

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    ~[Outbreak Helpers:]~(#b5844f,#990511) @Ovalles , @Puppy, @Expert

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    ~[Screenshots:]~(#b5844f,#990511) https://imgur.com/a/ree5k2e

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    ~[Jailbreak #1387]~(#b5844f,#990511)

    ~[Outbreak Members:]~(#b5844f,#990511) @Snowyyy, @rykila, @Marso , @Law

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    ~[Outbreak Helpers:]~(#b5844f,#990511) @Krasava , @Moley , @Pog , @Andrew03 , @Jizzy , @Literary , @django , @Colobria

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    ~[And special thanks to the]~(#b5844f,#990511) ~[Pirates:]~(#0da694) @Gonza , @Cappo



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  6. alt text
    ~[Jailbreak #1368]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)~[(Approximately 50 mins)]~(red)

    ~[Outbreak Members:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) @snowyyy @rykila @Marso @zaza @Deu @nicky
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    ~[Outbreak Helpers:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) @Rake @Moley @Nishki @Justsomeane @Silent @Mackey @Literary @DocPizza @django @baphomet @Versace @rikki @JaneDoe @TaffyC @Witty
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  7. alt text
    ~[Event Type: No rules]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @Sparrow]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @mustapha]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/XqReTzO

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    ~[Event Type: BMX race]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @Sparrow]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @RESIST4NT]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/8YDz0TY

    alt text
    ~[Event Type: Would You Rather]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @redlive122]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): Max]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/VIYLcq4

  8. alt text
    ~[Jailbreak #1347]~(maroon)

    ~[Outbreak Member(s) : @snowyyy , @rykila , @Marso , @Law]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29)

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    ~[Outbreak Helper(s) : @AdemBygt , @thebutcher , @Andrew03 , @ItzMoha , @Silent , @Trap , @BlackPRo , @Rake, @Rondaw, @rikki ]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29)

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    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29,,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/Rv4Kw7W

  9. alt text
    ~[Event Type: Paper, Scissors, Rock]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @redlive122]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @Tuned]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/NtrpEWN

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    ~[Event Type: TDM]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$ (500k each)]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @redlive122]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @Absent,@Eagle]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/JWtjgFz

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    ~[Event Type: LMS]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @Solrac]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @ANARCHY, @Westbrook (500k each)]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/wpstscT

    alt text
    ~[Event Type: Hide and Seak]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @Dexter]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @rykila]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/sqC91pY

    alt text
    ~[Event Type: Popular]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[$1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[LWS: @redlive122]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Winner(s): @Rowdy]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29)
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#d99f53,#ba6f29) https://imgur.com/a/1tRjVXu

  10. alt text
    ~[Jailbreak #1304]~(#ad8945,sienna) ~[(40mins) (20:45 - 21:25)]~(red)

    ~[Outbreak Members:]~(#ad8945,sienna) @Snowyyy @Marso @hRL @Law @Gonza @rykila @PerrooLocoo

    alt text

    ~[Outbreak Helpers:]~(#ad8945,sienna) @San-Andreas-Pirates , @Nishki @DocPizza @Trap @Link

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    ~[Screenshots:]~(#ad8945,sienna) https://imgur.com/a/RWn0qem

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  11. alt text

    ~[Event type:]~(sienna) ~[The Lucky Chicken.]~(#ad845a)
    ~[LWS Hoster:]~(sienna) @Filex
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[Winner(s):]~(sienna) ~[ Rmisterzin ]~(#ad845a)

    alt text
    ~[Event type:]~(sienna) [LMS.]
    ~[LWS Hoster:]~(sienna) @Filex
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[Winner(s):]~(sienna) ~[ konstantin ]~(#ad845a)

  12. alt text

    ~[Event type:]~(sienna) ~[Guess The Song.]~(#ad845a)
    ~[LWS Hoster:]~(sienna) @Filex
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[1.000.000$]~(green) ~[(200k each song)]~(#ad845a)
    ~[Winner(s):]~(sienna) @Kaioshin , @Stix , @ferri , @Gyulavokcs

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    ~[Event type:]~(sienna) [Die Hard.]
    ~[LWS Hoster:]~(sienna) @Filex
    ~[Prize:]~(red) ~[1.000.000$]~(green)
    ~[Winner(s):]~(sienna) @Bodo420

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