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Posts posted by Ramby

  1. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby)
    Other involved people: Zombies of San Andreas
    Date, time and duration of activity: 02/11/2019, 40minutes.
    Activity type: Patrol around Glen Park
    As I left from SAI HQ in Las Venturas to Los Santos, I got a strange emergency call, "A lot of people transformed into Zombies!!" My first thoughts were, that the person who called that in must be on drugs. But, after all, I decided to check it out. I drove over to the location called Glen Park. Somehow and someone built a strange shack there, I checked it out, and suddenly I was surrounded by strange creatures. I thought that the person who called it in at the police station, assumed these creatures were "Zombies", I attempted to talk with them but without success. I quickly grabbed my m4 and opened fire. I made my way out of there and went to the nearest hospital to get checked out.



  2. Involved SAI members: John_Drenth (Ramby)
    Other involved people: citizens of San Andreas
    Date, time and duration of activity: 26/10/2019, 30minutes.
    Activity type: stade-wide patrol
    During my patrol, I encountered a few people over the whole day. I attempted to pull a few over, but the people I attempted took off with very fast cars. I noted their license plates down and putt them into the board computer to get their location. Nothing showed up and I bet they were fake license plates. I went back to the office and filled in the appropriate documents about my event, so eventually, the cars could be tracked down at a later date. All with all, it was a busy day with a lot of paperwork. At the end of the shift, I proceeded to the nearest restaurant and reported a code 7 via the radio, later that day I went home and to bed. Waiting for a next busy day on the road.



  3. alt text

    Roleplay type: 904-b
    Description of roleplay: An emergency call from a residential house in the suburbs of Los Santos. The person who resided there was attempting to upgrade his car inside the garage. An electric malfunction caused the car to go up in flames. The garage was kept cool by spraying water on top and after that, the car was extinguished. The whole situation was under control in 45 minutes and nobody was harmed in the process.
    Location: Los Santos
    Participants: me and the citizens of Los Santos
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Bc6mLqW

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