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Everything posted by Ramby

  1. Username: danisah Last seen: 21th June 2018 screenshots: ::: https://i.imgur.com/oye6NuB.jpg :::
  2. Username: uhhbourne Last seen: 11th May 2018 screenshots: ::: https://i.imgur.com/R1UTC7l.jpg :::
  3. Username: final324 Last seen: 24th Juni 2018 screenshots: ::: https://i.imgur.com/OnNhMBy.jpg :::
  4. Hello all, Since there is also the question /statement Ideas to help improve the GM system from a players point of view I would like to share my opinion. First, I want to say that whoever made this topic up to ask for feedback, kudos to you. Secondly, I am just here to give my perspective on different situations and I might edit this post to include more ideas. First point: It might sound similar as mister Gengar said, but I think Role-plays for gang management need to have the focus on more quality role-plays than just quantity role-plays. When I scroll through some media archives, I see role-play scenarios first with a lot of grammar mistakes that are unnecessary. Not saying that my grammar is perfect, but that is something that could be looked at for gangs that apply for a higher level. Also, there are role-plays posted with not even taken the time to adjust (Scale) the picture so that it looks suitable for a role-play. To give a suggestion, the quality of a role-play can go up if players from SAES use grammar control in Word for example and take time to adjust a picture to a decent size. But to make it clear again, that is my opinion. At last an idea could be to split role-plays from the media archive like Organisation Zero did, after all role-plays are important. Second point: A good idea for the server can be to improve the possibilities for role-plays. As a mechanic in ALT and Cuban Cars I dont have a problem to get access to a garage to do some role-plays. But as a normal mechanic I dont have that access to a public area/garage where I can do a role-play. I suggest making an area where permanently a garage is available, nothing special but just the basics, so starting groups can have a place to do some role-plays. I am certain that there are also other examples thinkable that could use such an area for a role. This is what I have thought of so far. Just to make it clear once more, this is my opinion and what I think could be improved. I hope the GM-team can do something with my feedback. Regards, Ramby.
  5. Refilling gas stations around San Andreas. Situation before: ::: ::: Situation after: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby.
  6. Event: Carshow Judges: Bozi, Hawkeye and Ramby LWS: Hawkeye Winner: Koko Prize: 1 000 000 Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/55SDXRE :::
  7. Username: tacher Last login: 18 May 2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby.
  8. Username: mrfanta Last login: 11 April 2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby.
  9. I posted it, and then I realized the same thing. Sadly, I am not allowed to edit it, so I could not fix it. @Tut-Greco Should I post the second one in a different topic?
  10. Username: tacher Last login: 18 May 2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: Username: mrfanta Last login: 11 April 2018 Screenshots: ::: ::: Regards, Ramby.
  11. An ALT employee from the specialized mechanic division assisted in a mechanic workshop near Palomino Creek. The mechanic workshop was organised by Cuban Cars. After some time waiting, customers showed up with different kind of problems with their vehicles. The organisation asked the mechanic to take care over a customer that arrived in a Lamborghini Murcielago. The mechanic was very excited that he could work on such a beautiful piece of engineering. The customer came to the mechanical workshop with a broken side window. Nevertheless, the mechanic asked to look under the trunk, because the engine was located there. The customer didnt mind it at all and let the mechanic admire the powerful V12 engine block. The mechanic and the customer talked about the car for a good half an hour. But in the end, there was still some work to be done. The mechanic inspected the car window very thoroughly and came till the conclusion that the window could not be fixed, but it needed to be replaced. The mechanic carefully pulled the window out and cleaned the door first before putting a new window in. It was an easy job and did not take long. The customer thanked the mechanic for his work and payed the mechanic straight away. The result in the end was a satisfied customer that had his problem fixed. For the mechanic it was a dream come true, he had finally worked on his dream car. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/GQdHbmn ::: Thanks for the experience Cuban Cars. Regards, Ramby.
  12. An ALT employee from the specialized mechanic division assisted in a mechanic workshop near Palomino Creek. The mechanic workshop was organised by Cuban Cars. After some time waiting, customers showed up with different kind of problems with their vehicles. The organisation asked the mechanic to take care over a trucker that was in a hurry. The trucker came over to the mechanic workshop with a flat tire. He needed it to be fixed straight away, because he was on a busy time schedule. The trucker asked the mechanic How long is this going to take?. The mechanic replied, I have all the equipment I need, I estimate approximately 30 minutes sir. First things first, the mechanic offered the trucker a cup of coffee and brought him to the lounge to wait there. It was time for the mechanic to start to replace the back tire. The mechanic used a hydraulic lift to lift the back of truck in the air, but before he does that, he needs to unscrew the bolts of the tire. After the bolts are loose and the trunk is up in the air, he started to take the tire of the truck and replaced it with a new one. The mechanic assembled the new tire and lowered the truck back to his natural height. The job was done. The mechanic rushed himself to the lounge were the trucker was drinking his coffee and told him the following; Your truck is ready sir, I have replaced the flat tire with a new one. You are ready to go. The trucked followed the mechanic to his truck and said, You did a fine job sir. The mechanic thanked the trucked for his compliment and showed him where to payment will take place. The result in the end was a satisfied trucker that could get back to his shipment. The best feeling a mechanic can have is to help others achieving their goals. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/uJafrah ::: Thanks for the experience Cuban Cars. Regards, Ramby.
  13. Car review Lamborghini Murcielago. A new car got imported to San Andreas. The car is called Infernus, but other people might know it as Lamborghini Murcielago. It is a beautiful car with a lot of horsepower underneath the hood. The car was manufactured around 2004 and has a beautiful V12 engine block. The dream of a real mechanic would be to order this car and get his hands dirty on it. So, in a good conversation with the company, the mechanic ordered a Lamborghini Murcielago for a total amount of $4.500.000. The car got delivered the other day and the mechanic started to inspect this beautiful piece of Italian engineering. As most of the people know the trunk of a Lamborghini Murcielaga is at the front of the car, were normally by an ordinary car the engine would be. It is not a rather big trunk, but it can fit some nice goodies. If someone wanted to do groceries with a Lamborghini Murcielaga then that person must drive maybe 5 or 6 times to the shop. It is a race car and not shopping car. At the place where normally the trunk would be is now a powerful V12 engine block. This car could easily get 200 miles per hour. This car is a beast! The car accelerates from a standstill to 62Mph in 3.8 seconds. Try doing that with your shopping car! To keep this little review short. There is still a subject to talk about and that is the tires. The tires have a nice logo with a bull on it. The bull represents the power of this sports car. It is a very iconic logo and you can find it on every Lamborghini. Album: ::: ![Spoiler Text](Album: https://imgur.com/a/fuMoyDw ) ::: Furthermore, if you have some spare time today, investigate in this car and buy it. Dont forget to bring it over to the workshop, because I would love to get my hands dirty on it! Hope to see you soon! Regards, Ramby.
  14. A new car got imported to San Andreas. The car is called Infernus, but other people might know it as Lamborghini Murcielago. It is a beautiful car with a lot of horsepower underneath the hood. The car was manufactured around 2004 and has a beautiful V12 engine block. The dream of a real mechanic would be to order this car and get his hands dirty on it. So, in a good conversation with the company, he ordered a Lamborghini Murcielago for a total amount of $4.500.000. The car got delivered the other day and the mechanic started to inspect this beautiful piece of Italian engineering. As most of the people know the trunk of a Lamborghini Murcielaga is at the front of the car, were normally by an ordinary car the engine would be. It is not a rather big trunk, but it can fit some nice goodies. If someone wanted to do groceries with a Lamborghini Murcielaga then that person must drive maybe 5 or 6 times to the shop. It is a race car and not shopping car. At the place where normally the trunk would be is now a powerful V12 engine block. This car could easily get 200 miles per hour. This car is a beast! The car accelerates from a standstill to 62Mph in 3.8 seconds. Try doing that with your shopping car! To keep this little review short. There is still a subject to talk about and that is the tires. The tires have a nice logo with a bull on it. The bull represents the power of this sports car. It is a very iconic logo and you can find it on every Lamborghini. ::: ![Spoiler Text](Album: https://imgur.com/a/fuMoyDw ) ::: Furthermore, if you have some spare time today, investigate in this car and buy it. Dont forget to bring it over to the workshop, because I would love to get my hands dirty on it! Hope to see you soon! Regards, Ramby.
  15. A customer dropped off his car at the ALT mechanic workshop to get his vehicle testing regulations renewed. The car was driven up the hydraulic lift in the workshop and thoroughly inspected. The car was inspected on the following points: Brakes Tires Lighting Wheel suspension Oil level Air filter The results of the inspection of the car are given in this spoiler below: ::: ::: All the problems that occurred were discussed with the owner of the car and repaired. With all the problems fixed, ALT renew the vehicle testing regulations of the Infernus of Mister Dartic. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Nsaxywu ::: Hope to see you next year for your annual check-up! Regards, Ramby.
  16. A customer dropped off his car at the ALT mechanic workshop to get his vehicle testing regulations renewed. The car was driven up the hydraulic lift in the workshop and thoroughly inspected. The car was inspected on the following points: Brakes Tires Lighting Wheel suspension Oil level Air filter The results of the inspection of the car are given in this spoiler below: ::: ::: All the problems that occurred were discussed with the owner of the car and repaired. With all the problems fixed, ALT renew the vehicle testing regulations of the Infernus of Mister @Dartic Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/Nsaxywu ::: Hope to see you next year for your annual check-up! Regards, Ramby.
  17. A customer dropped off his car at the ALT mechanic workshop to get his vehicle testing regulations renewed. The car was driven up the hydraulic lift in the workshop and thoroughly inspected. The car was inspected on the following points: Brakes Tires Lighting Wheel suspension Oil level Air filter The results of the inspection of the car are given in this spoiler below: ::: ::: All the problems that occurred were discussed with the owner of the car and repaired. With all the problems fixed, ALT renew the vehicle testing regulations of the Alpha of Mister Barry. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/tgExx4V ::: Hope to see you next year for your annual check-up! Regards, Ramby.
  18. A customer dropped off his car at the ALT mechanic workshop to get his vehicle testing regulations renewed. The car was driven up the hydraulic lift in the workshop and thoroughly inspected. The car was inspected on the following points: Brakes Tires Lighting Wheel suspension Oil level Air filter The results of the inspection of the car are given in this spoiler below: ::: ::: All the problems that occurred were discussed with the owner of the car and repaired. With all the problems fixed, ALT renew the vehicle testing regulations of the Alpha of Mister Barry. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/tgExx4V ::: Hope to see you next year for your annual check-up! Regards, Ramby.
  19. I dare you, come over and I fix it inside the hangar! (if it can even enter the base in any sort of way)
  20. Dear SAES community, It is time for your annual car check-up. How to get your vehicle testing regulations renewed? Follow the steps bellow: Phone an ALT mechanic (<M> behind their name) for an appointment. Plan your appointment in your busy schedule. Arrive at the ALT mechanic workshop on time. Hand your car over to an educated mechanic. Pick it up half an hour later! The customer has the choice to wait until the mechanic finished the job and enjoy a cup of coffee or pick the car up later. To get your vehicle testing regulations renewed, your car will be checked on the following: We hope to hear soon of you. Regards, Ramby.
  21. Yes sir! All sorted and can be closed.
  22. Part: 2 After the Mechanic had been in jail for 48 hours, he was released from jail. The lawsuit against him was dropped. It turned out that the real drugs dealer had been arrested and fingerprints proved that he was responsible for the drugs in the lorry. The mechanic was relieved that the charges were dropped. He walked out of Las Ventures Police Department towards his car. When he tried to start his car with his car key it refused. The mechanic opened the hood and started the car manually and drove off to his garage. On his way home he got pulled over again by a special agency named FOX. The officer gave the mechanic signals to pull over to the side of the road. Once pulled over the officer asked the mechanic to show his papers and ID. When the officer saw that he had the right person in front of him. He asked, Miss, could you please follow me, I want to have a little chat with you on the FOX police station. The mechanic stepped in to the car and arrived shortly after that in FOX HQ. The police officer interrogated the mechanic and wanted to find out if there were any connection with a criminal gang. The mechanic denied everything. After a long conversation and some paperwork, the mechanic was released again. The life of a mechanic is hard, nobody said it would be easy. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/m6VfGbM ::: Thanks to @Kilios For taking part in this short RP. Regards, Ramby
  23. Part:1 The mechanic was doing his daily routines for example; checking shipment orders, customer service and re-stocking the storage. In the morning the phone rang. A person in LS wanted some new parts for his vintage Dodge. The mechanic wrote everything down and went to look it up in the large storage building. After a good half an hour searching he found the products he needed. He loaded up his lorry and went to the address of the customer. The mechanic thought to be smart by taking non- highways roads to avoid traffic jams. Sadly, the police officer thought otherwise. The officer pulled the mechanic over and asked for the license and registration of the vehicle and the ID of the driver. Everything turned out to be fine. But the police officer insisted of an inspection of the cargo. The officer searched the cargo and found some odd-looking items in the back. It appeared to be drugs. The officer took immediate action and arrested the mechanic and told him his rights. After a ride in the police car, we arrived in the Las Venturas Police Department. The officer took care of some paperwork, and shortly after that he jailed the mechanic for 48 hours waiting for his trial. It is a pity that the customer will not get his goods today. The mechanic has other problems nowadays. He will be charged with being in possession of illegal drugs. We will see how that ends out. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/XDK1JUF ::: Thanks to @Ramos For taking part in this short RP. Regards, Ramby
  24. A mechanic was asked to deliver a certain amount of car parts to a local garage in Las Venturas. The mechanic picked up the phone and wrote the order down. He went to his storage boxes to gather the materials he needed to be shipped. He put them in the back of his lorry and went to have a small cigarette break. After the Mechanic got back from his little break, he saw that one of his tires was a bit flat. He walked towards the left front tire and started to inspect it. Apparently, this is when someone entered the area and put some illegal cargo in the back of the lorry. The drugs dealer wanted to ship his cargo hidden underneath the car parts, so the drugs could easier get across the border. The mechanic had no idea what was going on, so he continued his journey to the city of Las Venturas. The mechanic drove on the motorway to Las Venturas, when suddenly he saw some blinking lights in his rear mirror, it was a police officer. The officer asked him to pull over for a cargo inspection. The officers asked, Hello sir, what are we shipping today?. As little as the mechanic knew he said, Hello sir, I am shipping some car parts to Las Venturas. The officer walked towards the back of the lorry and said, Let us have a look then. The officer opened the back of the truck and saw immediately some opened crates. He acted surprised but did not go any further considering it. The officer gave the mechanic a free pass and let him continue to make his delivery. Arrived at the garage in Las Venturas the mechanic did his delivery of goods and posted a note on top of the box since the garage had already closed for the day. The next morning the mechanic got a call that one of the boxes was full of hard drugs and that garage had been closed for further investigation. The mechanic had a lucky escape this time, but he better watches out for the next shipment. Photo album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/ehIOvVZ ::: Thanks to: @Seth @Ramos For taking part in this short RP. Regards, Ramby
  25. A mechanic received an emergency call from a police officer that had been in an accident. The mechanic rushed into his car and drove to the scene with his emergency lights on. He was the first to arrive at the scene. The first thing the mechanic did was to inform of the police officer was in good health. Luckily the officer seemed to be fine, although the mechanic insisted him to stay in his car, the officer refused and got out. The officer wanted the mechanic to take a look at his car, so he could chase the fugitive that made him lose control of his car. The mechanic listened and opened the hood. After a careful observation the mechanic came till a conclusion that there was some coolant fluid leaking. This was a problem that couldnt be fixed straight away. The police car had to be towed back to a garage or a service point. After a short ride, the mechanic and the officer arrived at ALT base. The car was put on top of a car-bridge in the ALT mechanical workshop. After a secondary inspection some rubber hoses were replaced and new coolant fluid was refilled into the radiator. The officer was charged with a bill of 500$. -80$ hoses. -50$ coolant liquid. -200$ labour cost. -170$ taxes. At the end of the day we had a satisfied customer and a happy mechanic. The officer said he would recommend the cooperation to anyone else with car problems and would happily come back to enjoy the service once again. Album: ::: https://imgur.com/a/2lFmi9W ::: Thanks for participating Ice|Leito Greetings, Ramby
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