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Everything posted by Acidus

  1. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Acidus @Denev @lysoform Date: 24/07/2024 Screenshots:
  2. Radio Station : RadioSA Main-Streaming DJ : Acidus RadioSa members : @Acidus @Shikomaru Date : 24.07.2024 Duration : 22 minutes Screenshots :
  3. Radio Station : RadioSA Main-Streaming DJ : Acidus Date : 23.07.2024 Duration : 31 minutes. Screenshots :
  4. Radio Station : RadioSA Main-Streaming DJ: Acidus Date : 23/07/2024 Duration: 1 Hour and 57 minutes (almost 2 hours) Screenshots : (I suffered with some mechanical issues with gta san andreas launcher it crashed like 3-4 times that's becasuse there so much entry the first screenshot is last entry.)
  5. Activity Type: Securing the VIP FBI Members Involved: @Jax @PhantomS @Acidus Date: 20/07/2024 Screenshots:
  6. Activity Type:Patrol FBI Members Involved: @Pacioli @ThunderWing @Acidus Date: 19/07/2024 Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Refilling Gas stations Date: 19/07/2024 Participants: @Acidus Duration:32 minutes Screenshots:
  8. PART I: Introduction Nickname:Acidus Account name:acidus Age:19 In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: Hi,Im Acidus I am a student that living a clasical student life. I love playing basketball in real life and playing video games most importantly SAES. PART II: Background check Do you have RP binds?: Yes i have the RP binds. Current Squad: FBI Approximate date of joining: September 9th 2023 Link to your application for the squad that you are currently a member of: N/A. Are you an ex-PC member? If yes, why were you removed?: Im not a ex-PC member Have you ever been banned? If yes, why and when?:No,I have'nt PART III : Rules check Have you read the entirety of the "Pro Cops Guide" topic?: Yes i read the entirety of the Pro Cops Guide What are the rules for the Dog spawn?: You need to get a handler to spawn as a Dog You need to act like a dog.You cant talk in Localchart and mainchat You can only sit on the back doors.Because of that rule you need a car with 4 doors. You should listen to your handler You cant arrest anyone while spawned as a dog Briefly explain the following rules in your own words: Rule number 4:While in a pursuit with someone you should give them a chance by using at least 2 binds. And make sure that you use the proper bind with situation. Rule number 5:Make sure that you dont spam RP bind's. The crim's must be focused on the game and cant see the chat. give them some time. Rule number 7: You should use probation tag(which lasts two weeks after you join) or your roleplay name on this timeline for making easily to identify on the server Rule number 9:After you joined PC, you must fill the sign in form. if you dont fill the form it may be cause your removal from PC. In case if you are removed from a mistake with PC you have no legal proofs that you were in PC before. You cannot edit your sign forum after you submitted it. If you try to do that it can be count as a fraud. PART IV: Roleplay commands Explain how and when the /me command is used. Include an example: /me command is used for most of characters visible emotion or action. session /me Reaches his left pocket with his left hand,pick's the ID and hand's it. /me Slowely rolls the window down. Explain how and when the /do command is used. Include an example: /do command is used for showing the situation of your character and object's nearby. You can use /do command for ask other players situatation./do command makes the RP more realistic and details. Do can be used to describe: /do Trunk would smells like alcohol... Do can be used for questioning the situation. /do Would the alcohol level is above the limit? /do Would evidence matches with him? Final Confirmation: I, Acidus, swear that all the information provided in this application is only the truth and nothing but the truth. With this application I promise to act in accordance with the rules and regulations at all times, to perform my duties professionally and to never misuse the equipment or means provided to me by the San Andreas Police Department I swear to protect the innocent and uphold the law of the state of San Andreas and the constitution of the United States of America. Solemnly, Acidus.
  9. Activity Type: Patrol FBI Members Involved: @Wickness @Elfortis @MauroIcardi Date: 27.06.2024 Screenshots:
  10. Activity Type: Securing VIP FBI Members Involved: @Elfortis @MauroIcardi @DanielBarberi @LittleBond @Lysoform96 Date: 10/06/2024 Screenshots:
  11. Activity Type:Store Robbery FBI Members Involved: @boran @MauroIcardi @Elfortis @Mistigun @Wegz And Lysoform96(doesnt have an account) Date: 09/06/2024 Screenshots:
  12. [DELETED]
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