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Everything posted by Epichu

  1. @cappo said in SpoooOOOky Desert Eagles Recruiment 2018: @epichu said in SpoooOOOky Desert Eagles Recruiment 2018: i dont need rec. i just sent 200 to @Bunny and i got inv. Do the same thing with kipt, so I can get CC just like that too. Huehue, I will pay you after that No, you will pay to me first
  2. i dont need rec. i just sent 200 to @Bunny and i got inv.
  3. @blade said in New type of SIRENS: tbh. Is this really needed? Because in my opinion it'd just be a very annoying thing. ^^
  4. Granted, but you wont be able to youse them I want that @Hesha gives me free inv. to DE
  5. Granted, but you will get kicked from game for too good fps and ping I want become a jesus
  6. Granted, but you will be blacklisted after 10min I want @nicus to be my father
  7. bdcause i'm your best friend i will get it for free right? @koko
  8. Granted but I will lose your soul to me I want @Halo to be active
  9. Granted, but you dont have any powers to dev. I want to be Jesus
  10. Epichu


    @barry-allen said in Life: @Tilong I hope you and your daughter are alright among everything thats been going on. And glad to have you back and if U abuse me I will abuse u while u AFK! sounds gay
  11. Epichu


    Welcome back Tilong!
  12. @kipt said in More SR places: Where's @Tilong's idea for the skyscraper robbery? Where's the ATM's robbery? Those are the real questions, not where the next SR location should be. YEA ATM ROBBERYS!!!!!
  13. @dufabo u not crim fuk off :pig: :P
  14. Place 1 Place 2
  15. I would like to see more SR places where u can start ones. the ones what are rn in server are like going to be boring.. I dont care where the new ones would be.
  16. Check that u dont have any cheat programs open from task manager ex. Cheat engine, if you have one open there, close it and after it restart your pc and then it should work. I had the same problem 1 day
  17. @miqueias225 if you want to change the model, i recommend you to watch youtube video how to change the model, the only thing is that if you change it only you see the new skin, other people see it just as a sultan.
  18. Sultan have the best handling right now from all cop cars
  19. Dear @mrdeathboy if you didint saw the notes in canelas message, here you go. -> @canelas said in Arms Assassins: Note: You must be at least 16 years old in order to join us. We wont invite you based only on your text application. Hang around AA and show youre worth enough to join us. Try to make your apply clear, without big letters / colours. Be patient, the more you bother us about your application the lesser chance you have to be accepted.
  20. Welcome back Perkele :) <3
  21. Happy Birthday SAFP
  22. sell it free for me and u can have sex with my gf
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