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Everything posted by Epichu

  1. Granted, but u will forgot it after 10s I want that @Hassanson gets banned
  2. Outfit
  3. @Noisyboy @Noisyboy said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: :AAAAAAAAA: what a meme
  4. Granted, but you and your country players will get banned. I want that @TaaviLaudur gets many karhus and perkeles
  5. Granted, but you have to pay 20mil for day to stay as CS I want that @Anas_ lets life
  6. Granted, but you will get banned. I want that this topic gets locked
  7. Granted, but you have to mind own businesses too I dont want that this topic exits
  8. Granted, but u wont get any guns I want that @Chief stops typing here
  9. Granted, but u will commit suicide after 2 weeks I want that @Anas_ gets life
  10. Granted, but u will die after 10min I want that @Ardron becomes my suggardaddy
  11. Lick
  12. Granted, but you will be retarded one. I want to kill you
  13. Granted, but the bottle will be empty. I want my 30mil
  14. Rude
  15. Distinctive questions Ingame name : Epichu Username : hyperman112 Country of Residence : Finland Spoken Languages : Finnish,English and lit bit Swedish Date of birth : 30/05/2001 Date of the beginning of your SAES career : 2015 Previous organisations : SAPA, FOX, ALT, FBI, AA, ThC Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence : The Company's goal is take over the world. The Company also are smuggling weapons/drugs, blackmailing important figures and assassinating prominent figures, And helping members or friends to get out of jail by different ways. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? : I would meet the officer at somewhere and deal it there, even if the officer would arrest me when i come there. Since its better to get arrested than getting adminjailed or banned from the server. You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? : Probably trying to get in my car fast as possible and crouch in the car and trying same time to drive away fast as possible, and trying to avoid places where i would be exposed by the gang members, and probably ask help from my own gang members to help me. There is a guy where you had several disputes with causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? : I would try to solve our dramas and say sorry, if he would not give me sorry, i would just keep calm and play :)
  16. I mean why cops would need drugs.. #CorruptedCop
  17. @James more space for donation cars :P
  18. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Epichu Username: hyperman112 Age: 17 Nationality: Finland Languages you can speak: Finnish, English and little bit swedish Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : Since 2015 Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : SAPA,FOX,ALT, FBI, AA, ThC If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : SAPA: Left for FOX FOX: Arguiments with HQ's ALT: Argument with HQ FBI: left because wanted to join AA AA: I made a mistake and left (long story) ThC: Got kicked because i basicly asked it by my actions and words. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : No. What groups are you currently part of? : non Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Many people of B~B members knows me and I'm honest and friendly if someone dont annoy me. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: B~B is criminal organisation. their job is to assassins people who will try to disturb their business. They also assasins cops, civs and other criminals with high prices. B~B also have an company called Camels Investmens Corporation where anyone can improve their business Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Because i have many friends in B~B and i like how the B~B works. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : A7md, Camel, Nicky, Melou, Soft, Style, Nyx, Teddy Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : https://imgur.com/BfpNNBn
  19. Retard (Filex)
  20. Anas
  21. tits
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