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Posts posted by NanoBob

  1. Several more updated and fixes were done. Please let me know of any other issues you encounter (So far all I've heard of is one where they appear in the corner of your screen, still looking into that)

    But since you guys wanted it, you can now also opt out of these nametags, and go back to the old crappy ones.
    You can do this by doing /oldnametags.

  2. @Patrick said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

    @NanoBob I dont have any MTA language experience, only web languages but im questioning myself a thing;

    How does this Name stay ontop of the player? Using a FollowPlayer function or such? or does the name relocate itself ontop of the player every 0.2 second? The last thing could be a FPS killer. But then again, I dont have any experience with coding outside websites, so I could be saying bullshit here! Just wondering how your script works.

    The nametags use MTA's dxDraw functions, these are functions that need to be called every frame in order to draw a piece of text. And every frame you specify the position for it.
    This position is then calculated every frame (every 16.67 milliseconds on 60FPS) by getting the position of a ped's bone (head for nametag, stomach for health bar) and then using and MTA function to transform that to a 2D position on screen (likely done using projection matrices).

    This is the only way you could make a nametag that properly follows the player, if you were to not do that every frame it would look like utter shite. But thanks for the interest and thoughts.

    @Ikzelf said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

    Some issues i'm encountering with my resolution (2560 x 1440)

    • Missing nametag when weapon is aimed at someone (E.g. Sniper zoom)

    • Name is hardly readable from more then 50m(Not exact)

    • Name looks like it tears when moving (Could be due to text shadow)

    • Overall the small letterspacing makes it harder to read

    • The text shadow also makes it harder to read certain names when you are close to someone. Something about it is just unpleasant to the eye.

    And maybe an extra QoL improvement: An 'afk' tag (or a special character when his MTA window is out of focus

    • I'll increase the range for the player you're targeting

    • What would you suggest to resolve the readability after 50m, simply increasing the size or would you rather get rid of the shadows?

    • Detecting whether a player's window is in focus is not possible, all we could do is handle minimizing, which would only work for people who use fullscreen MTA. (However will look into it, since it seems like a relatively easy fix)

  3. This is an automated post

    TXN ID: 11W4246634277145G

    Donation Amount: 40.00GBP

    Requested Awards:
    I would like to make use of the special offer to request 4 custom donations wraps, and 2 additional vehicles:

    • 4 wraps * 5

    • 2 vehicles * 10

    This also grants me two free standard wraps.

    This brings my total allowance of donation rewards to:
    8 vehicles
    4 custom wraps
    2 standard wraps

    I will sort the rewards myself.

  4. @AngelDust said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

    @NanoBob said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

    @Spicey said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

    bring back the old tags what the fuck is this new bullshit

    Thank you for the very constructive criticism

    @AngelDust said in [SUGGESTION] Name tags:

    alt text
    yeah it has to fixed a lot

    I'm not sure what the issue is here, could you describe exactly what does not behave like you want it to?

    It starts to get real blurred when the player gets far.If its possible i want this to get fixed

    Would you want the nametag to be bigger at far distances then?

  5. If you find any issues could you please describe exactly how to reproduce them, and what you would like the behaviour to be.

    Here's a list of things I'll look into changing:

    • Seperate wanted level, give it a bit of a color

    • Make health bar visible when nametag is visible

    • Increase nametag range when aiming with a weapon

    • Look into issue with players in the back of airplanes

  6. Hey everybody,

    I'm hosting a web-design contest. I'm looking for designers who are interested in creating a design for one of my projects. If you're not a designer yourself, but know someone who might be interested (in the community), let them know!

    If you're interested in taking part in this contest and have any more questions, feel free to ask them in the topic here.

    The project I'm working on is a quadcopter drone. I'm programming a drone to (hopefully) be able to fly autonomously. I'll be controlling this through a web interface.

    This web interface contains data-readouts, and various inputs. I currently already have a working (Work in progress) interface for this. But it looks rather crap:




    This example is far from what it will actually contain though, much more inputs will be required.

    The winner of the contest will be rewarded with 50.

    In order to accept this prize you would require a PayPal account. If you are unable to accept this, I could donate 50 to SAES in your name instead (or steam games, or something like that).

    Anyone who makes a "worthy" attempt, but has not won the contest will be rewarded 10 million in-game (as long as supplies last, I'm not the richest person ingame)


    • Must display current GPS position, in form of a map

    • Must display current motor throttle in percentages (see example)

    • Must display current orientation (yaw, pitch, roll)

    • Must have space for many different kinds of inputs (buttons, texts, sliders, whatever)
      Whether you use tabs, modals, or anything else for this is up to you

    • Ideally all would fit on a single display (1920x1080)

      • Fitting on a smaller screens (think tablets, 1024x768) is a nice bonus

    • If you are chosen as winner, I will require the assets you used for the design (think images, fonts, color codes, etc)

    I want it to look somewhat futuristic, think of all the fake ass stuff you see in movies. But then actually useful, in a sense that it's actually usable.

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