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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Last seen: 30 july SS: https://postimg.cc/image/7ca4jutqj/77fe9b68/
  2. last seen: 30 july Screen Shoot: https://postimg.cc/image/7ca4jutqj/77fe9b68/
  3. rip
  4. Your Ingame nickname : Wolf1 Your username : aiman13 Your ingame hours : 1580 Your building skills ?/10 : 7 Your English skills ?/10 : 7 Your current G/S/C :N/A Your Current Group(s) : N/A Do you have Discord ?: Yes. Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ?:well i want to join CEO Because i love Building and i want to gain a lot Experience a be good enough and
  6. 1.Personal information Nickname: Wolf1 Ingame Username:aiman13 Age:15 English proficiency: 7/10 Spoken Languages: Arabic,English Roleplay skills: 7.5/10 Previous Organizations you joined: [CDC], [WA] , SAPA Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: WA Role is Hunting People and killing them for Money and if they got important place like General of DE or a guy work in White House Etc they will pay Extra Money and They have Other Role like Weapons Deal and Drugs Deal and They sell Most Quality Weapons and Drugs in San Andreas and they have anther role which is Stealing Cars and Sell them for People Previous punishments/bans and reason: i got one Banned Before 1.5 Years and one JailBreak Why you wanna join us?: i want to join Wild Angels Because i want Some Experience and i want to Learn how to RP and try to make Friends and to fix my relation What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Because i am loyal and Active and i help any one who want RP and help him in anything anytime 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: i know all of them , Hope recommend me to apply for us What are your strengths: Shooting, Driving Plans , Driving Cars,RP What are your weaknesses: Nades, Sniper Something else to add?: thanks for Reading my apply
  7. ScreenShoot: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3evkrtomm/d18fad32/ Start Bid: 1m
  8. 1.Personal information Nickname: Wolf1 Ingame Username:aiman13 Age:15 English proficiency: 7/10 Spoken Languages: Arabic,English, some French Roleplay skills: 7.5/10 Previous Organizations you joined: [CDC], [WA] , SAPA Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: WA Role is Hunting People and killing them for Money and if they got important place like General of DE or a guy work in White House Etc they will pay Extra Money and They have Other Role like Weapons Deal and Drugs Deal and They sell Most Quality Weapons and Drugs in San Andreas and they have anther role which is Stealing Cars and Sell them for People Previous punishments/bans and reason: i got one Banned Before 1.5 Years and one JailBreak Why you wanna join us?: i want to join Wild Angels Because i want Some Experience and i want to Learn how to RP and try to make Friends and to fix my relation What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Because i am loyal and Active 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply fo , Hope What are your strengths: Shooting, Driving Plans , Driving Cars,RP What are your weaknesses: Nades, Sniper Something else to add?: thanks for Reading my apply
  9. guys i will sell house for 30m or 35m
  10. no it start from 5 m Sir
  11. Start Bid: from 5m
  12. Event Number:271 Event Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6:[WA]Strong Winner(s):Filex Prize:1.000.000$ ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/o258mpgu/62972f96/
  13. ScreenShot: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3j5l4mxri/ac390291/ Start Bid: 10m
  14. Roleplay Number: 341 @hope said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: RolePlay With: Wild Angels Participants: @Wolf Story: Well, when i was doing some IAC stuff i found that our storage is full with all kind of ammo and weapons and we need more space for more ammo and weapons so i said since we have tons of weapons i sell some of them so we can have some space for the other weapons i found a gang need tons of ammo and tiny amount of weapons so i contacted him and we decided to meet behind our base at 8 pm after this i prepared my car and the crates then went behind our base after 1 hour and half wolf arrived with his sultan he parked it infront of my car and then he got out and started to talk with me after 2 minutes of talking he said that he want me to show him the ammo and the weapons so i opened the truck and showed him the weapons he liked how the weapons crafted and how comfortable when you use it so he accepted and took all the crates in my car's trunk and after we loaded his trunk he gave me 5 bags full of money and then he left and i went back to our base. Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/10snhyz0y/302bd734/
  15. Roleplay Number:334 Participants: @hope @Pump @Wolf1 Story: One Day, i was Driving around The Base i got call From a Guy Called Pump and he want me to sell Him Some Drugs Because he Trusted WIled~Angels and i say to him Sure , Pump say Where Should we Meet i tell him i will meet you in Base Wiled~Angels After 1 hour Pump Arrived to The Base Wiled~Angels we Rested 5 mints only after it We Started the Working i showed him Drugs and he say i trusted Our Quality after i showed him Drugs i let him Test it after he Test The Drugs Pump go to get The Money and i say to him Sure after it Pump give the Money to Wolf1 after it we started Helped him Load the Drugs to car Pump after we finish Load the Drugs to the car Pump after it Pump Thanked Us after it we left the Base and Give the money to HQ after We Give Money to HQ We go to take Rest Screenshots :https://postimg.cc/gallery/1mhscevv6/2f55968a/
  16. Roleplay Number: 332 Participants: @hope , @Wolf1 , Mickey Story: in a day,i was Driving around the Base i got call From a guy Called Mickey and he want me to sell Him Some Weapons and i say Sure , Mickey say where Should we meet i tell him i will meet you in ThC Base after 1 hour we arrived to the Base ThC we waiting 3 minute until he came and open the Gate after it We Started Working i Showed him Weapons and he say i trusted Our quality after i showed him Weapons i let him test Nades after he Tested The Nades Mickey go to Car to take The Money and i say to Him Sure after it he give Hope The Money after it we started helped him unload the Huntley after we Finished Unload The Huntley we Left the Base and We Give the Money to HQ after We Give money to HQ we go to Take Rest . Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/3gegd2oya/184e36f6/
  17. Event Number:264 Event Type: Hunter Shooter LWS/G6: @Expert Winner(s):[SAT]Stoolth Prize:1.500.000$ ScreenShots: https://postimg.cc/image/9rhb60kz1/baaa6b60/ https://postimg.cc/image/njvq20ef1/b996fefc/
  18. @hope said in Al Munazama | Media Center: RP#1: ~murder mission~ Organizations: WA Participants: @hope \ @Wolf Story: it was a wonderful day because just found a guy in Facebook that share everything in his own Facebook account called wolf1 because he is a business man that's mean he have tons of money with him . luckily he is going to a restaurant in SF with his own briefcase and he said in his post that he is going to meet a guy there to give him money so prepared myself very fast and got what i needed from our storage room then went to our garage and took my Quadbike and went to the restaurant that he going to do his work and waited him their after a while he arrived and i saw him getting out from his car with his briefcase and he entered the restaurant and i followed him and suddenly the restaurant were empty the only customers there was me and him so i grabbed my Ak-47 and killed him and took the briefcase from him and ran to my Quadbike and left the place. Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/11kejvcky/56eca505/
  19. @hope said in BES :: Public Media Archive: ==Black Eagle Security Role-Play== RP#10 - ~Secret deal~ Participants: hope \ wolf1 Story: one day , i revived a message from my hq wanted me to buy some weapons for our warehouse because it almost empty .so , i started to search around SA and on internet and after a long time of searching i found a guy from gang called Wild Angel is selling weapons i contacted him and we decided to meet in Red Country at Toasts Woodland Enema Company ,in afternoon i met him there and he showed me the weapons i tested them and it was very good when you aim and it was so comfortable so i took from him the weapons so fast and then i gave him his money and then left and told my hq that i did what he wanted . ScreenShot(s): https://postimg.cc/gallery/1e1zm3bz0/f8ffca16/
  20. RolePlay Number: 323 Title: Arms Dealer Participants: @Wolf1 @hope Story: one Day some one Call me and he want to buy Weapons from Dealer and i accepted him and i said to him meet me our the Base after Day the buyer come to the Base to see the Weapons and we talk little bit about the weapons and i show him the Weapons he test The Weapons and after he Tested he Started to load his Truck and then he give me the money and left. Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/bhI1MOx
  21. Roleplay Number: 248 Participants: @Wolf1 , @hope Story: while i was eating Dinner with hope. hope got a call from an HQ Wanted us to steal a Car that belongs to a guy from military and the car had important papers in it after Hope ended the call we started to prepare ourself's then we got a Car and went to the Location the HQ give Us after we Arrived to Location we Sneaked Behind the House and We Found the Car in the garage after we Found the Car Wolf Grabbed his Deagle and aimed at the lock and Shot it and we took the Car to the Base with papers in it. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t257Crz
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