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Everything posted by Naulty

  1. Roleplay: Repairs at LV X & Repair appointment customer Story: Offering repairs with an discount around Las Venturas X, quick, small repair which could be done on location. A customer had an pick up appointment for his car to be repaired, I went to the customer's house, picked up the car... went to the nearest garage owned by the company. Overviewed the situation, made a repairing list... and fixed the things which had to be fixed. Mr. had an small accident at home, forgot to put his car in neutral with the brakes on, the car went rolling towards their garage. I did the repairs, called the owner and I did wait on the sofa. Participants: @Naulty @tobivend Screenshots:[s=] [/s]
  2. Roleplay: Toweling and repairing an broken car, damaged near the highway. Story: I was patrolling around as usual, repairing cars on request when I got a call from a Mr.Satan. He got an accident near the highway because he was using his telephone and lost controll of the vehicle. He called me for help. I went to Mr his location, overviewed the situation, toweled the car to the nearest garage we have, and gave Mr a cup of coffee. Took a look at the car, made the necessary repairs and gave, when finished, the car back to Mr. Participants: @Naulty @SaTan Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  3. Roleplay: Repairing an broken car - Cuban Cars garage in San Fierro Story: There was an costumer who had an accident a couple of weeks ago, after the research of the local police the car came to our garage. The engine and front window were fully broken. Because of the hard bang the car had in the accident the suspension had to be checked on difficulties but happily they were all fine! After a long day of 6 hours straight hard work we had the job done. Participants: @Naulty, Mechanico @Jean75002 Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  4. Roleplay: Being available for any kind of call, driving around. Story: While waiting for someone who would call me for help, was I driving around Las Venturas when somehow a random car was parked in the middle of the road. This is in my eyes an dangerous situation because the car was not driven by anyone nor someone was around, that's why I toweled the car back to an public parking space near the house of the car's owner. Searched contact with the owner by calling him and did send the exact location of the car. Participants: @Naulty Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  5. ~[Welcome to my Cuban Cars activity page, my name is Naulty and everything related to Cuban Cars, Mechanic, RP will be posted here.]~(red)
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