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Everything posted by KarDeL

  1. I've been deciding this since long time ago but this time i just want to share my thoughts about this water tank cars at sr, isnt too much op or a bit unbalanced because shooting it is the only way to stop the tank car because nades arent allowed at sr and the tank car is not normal car it has too much armor and many bullets or shooters needed to make it stop after doing a massive effect to crims in sr and cops can easy arrest crims specially for those who got down by water tank car like after being down another cop will come to you so thats it. I'm not hating these things as cops i know that this thing is the work of cops but i'm willing to listen to your feedbacks abouts this and additionaly this water tank car can be usefull in turfs, preparing of br, and cr, and vip, but in sr for me because for me the main purpose of this is about the riot suspensions. for me its not applicable as we are in the rp server About cops side too additionally cops cant be do the arrest thing if theres a 1 or more guy doing the water tank car at the sr because the cop can be down too because of the water and it can make an issue between the two cops.. (for example one cop tased the crim inside the sr and the cop using the tank hit the cop who tased the crim and the crim so the ending the crim can be escape quickly after being tased by a cop that got down too because of water tank
  2. Bumpy Bumpy
  3. Address:5 Gay Kenny Road Account name:uveys54 Last seen:September 24 2023 Screenshots:
  5. Address:LS Downtown Tower Corp Account name:uveys54 Last seen:September 24 2023 Screenshots:
  6. Address:Qwikbonds (Behind the Prison) Starting Bid:30,000,000$ Increase per bid: 1,000,000$
  7. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? August 28 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Stratum Location: El Quebrados Barber Shop ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet Location: Qwikbonds (LOS SANTOS PROP) Username: wargold
  8. Address:Qwikbonds Account name:bedirhan12121 Last seen:September 22 2023 SCREENSHOTS:
  9. Address:Qwikbonds Account name:bedirhan12121 Last seen:September 22 2023 Screenshots:
  10. Date: 08/10/2023 SR: CR Assist: Date: 09/10/2023 BR Assist:
  11. Date: 05/10/2023 SR: SR: Date: 06/10/2023 BR Assist: Turf: SR: Date: 07/10/2023 SR: BR Assist: Date: 08/10/2023 SR: Vip: Turf:
  12. Address: Mint Starting Bid: 1,000,000 Increase per Bid: 1,000,000 Refer to screenshots
  13. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots
  14. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots
  15. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots
  16. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots
  17. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  18. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  19. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  20. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  21. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  22. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  23. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
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