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Everything posted by KarDeL

  1. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: wargold Your ingame alias: KarDeL Your real name: John Your DOB: 10/06/04 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Filipino Country of residence: Philippines Language skills: I'm good at english specially at grammar and such. English Proficiency: I am an advance english guy, even i didn't born on a first world country, i can compete with others with good in english too.. i can rate my self as 9 out 1-10 How long you have been playing: I've played this game last 2014 and sadly i stopped because of other interest and i came back at 2023 or 2022 up until now and i earned 2206 Hours Your strengths: My strengths is specialties is doing about clerical works, i love clerical works even if its repetitive i'm having a enjoyment on that thing, about emotionals, i can make you laugh and annoy if you are having a bad day just to save your day and not to be wasted, i am a good friend on a circle, i am the one who won't let my friend down. Your weaknesses: My weakness is i am the one who saying sorry even tho its not my fault, i just do that thing just because i just want to stop the argument anymore and dont want to make it more a biggger problem, and about time. i'm very sad if i didnt make what i want on a day that i promised i'll accomplished it. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I've applied this application to help the saes team about helping new players, we know that there a lot of newcoming players to get an assistant for all specially my timezone here is so differet, my time is GMT + 8:00 so even if you guys are sleeping, i can manage those people who playing at the time where adminms and such on the team are sleepin, and one of the reason is to give a peaceful server, i want to be fair to all players on the game so even if my brother or gangmates did a rulebreak, i will instantly give him what he deserve based on what kind of rulebreak the person did. even who the person is. Unique qualities you can offer: This is a good question brophy! my unique quality about my self is as i said, i can forgive a person just to say sorry and we're good, even what kind of argument we had, just a sorry and we're good. i want to be friendly to all players on saes and no enemies or such hater, thats what i aim not like other peoples being mean to each others, all i want is fun, peaceful, and respectful servers specially to the staffs who runs this game properly.. Server Memberships: ALT, UE, Rtech, Lounge, Helvete or Halvete, Kopernik, TS Inc, RSA, Additional information: I just want to say that, goodluck staffs at organizing this kind of recruitment, i hope you guys find the real man that will help you on this server to run it properly and more fun! Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I got like 1 warning and 1 aj first warning = it's wayback when ghost triad is alive, someone reported me said i shooted him but inside of me i didnt know that i did that, but sadly i got warned first aj = I got ajed this 2023, forgot the date but it's about a dm (I dmed him on a car while im on a car because the guy is a cop and i expect were going to a vip marker to pick it up the reason why i got ajed is i shooted him while we arent on the vip marker and were on behind them to delay them.. so totally, i got 2 punishment at this server started when i play it.. Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A
  2. Sold to burako, Close this auction.
  3. Close this please, already sold
  4. Bumpity.
  5. Address: 4 Uber Street Starting Bid: 10,000,000$ Minimum Increase per bid: 1,000,000$ Perks -Near Bank (5Secs maximum time using any vehichle) -Near VIP Spawn -Near SR Spawn -Has Car Spawn of the icon -Good place to put donations
  6. Address: Whetstone Service Station Starting Bid: 10,000,000$ Minimum Increase per Bid: 1,000,000$ Perks -Near Whetstone Bank (Max time 10secs from the icon) -Near MT chilliad race -Has a big space for massive donations -Has an interior -Has an ATM and DISK 2secs interval! -Near SR! Screenshots:
  7. Address: hospital_apartment_4 -Near Bank -Near Jail - 13k Daily Income -Can make a gang/squad base -Has a huge Parking STARTING BID: 10,000,000$ MINIMUM INCREASE PER BID: 1,000,000$
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? December 12 Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Infernus + Dollar Wrap Location Hospital Apartment 4 Username:wargold interior n/a Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Cheetah Location Hospital Apartment 4 Username:wargold interior n/a Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Stratum + Sticker 1 wrap Location Hospital Apartment 4 Username:wargold interior n/a Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Bullet Location Hospital Apartment 4 Username:wargold interior n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG 500 Location: QWIKBONDS Username: wargold Interior: n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle: PICADOR Location: UE BASE Username: wargold Interior: n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Infernus + dollar 2 wrap Location: UE BASE Username: wargold Interior: n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Stratum + Sticker 1 Wrap Location: UE BASE Username: wargold Interior: n/a
  9. Username: lexus123 address: Cabin_3 Last seen: November 22 2023 SS:
  10. Address:QWIKBONDS Starting Bid: 20,000,000$ Minimum Increase Per Bid: 1,000,000$ Benefits: Behind Prison and Near Bank (add nrg and ez)
  11. Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots: Type of race: Raceflag Race participants: Refer to screenshots Start: Refer to screenshots Winners (1st/2nd/3rd if applicable): Refer to screenshots Screenshots:
  12. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? August 25 Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Infernus + Dollar Wrap Location El Quebrados Barbers Shop Username:wargold interior n/a Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Cheetah Location El Quebrados Barbers Shop Username:wargold interior n/a Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Stratum Location El Quebrados Barbers Shop Username:wargold interior n/a Part II: What I Want to be Removed: Bullet with warp1 Location QWIKBONDS Username:wargold interior n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Infernus + Dollars2 Wrap Location: Hospital Apartment 4 Username: wargold Interior: n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle: Cheetah Location: Hospital Apartment 4 Username: wargold Interior: n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Stratum Location: Hospital Apartment 4 Username: wargold Interior: n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet with Sticker1 wrap Location: Hospital Apartment 4 Username: wargold Interior: n/a
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