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Everything posted by DyamDouglas

  1. Can I also get interiors to my houses? Got two, and I think I can get at least one interior.
  2. Donator: Dyam98 Transaction ID: 36K10603RF0160517 Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: Shamal, LV Airport #4f4f4f Usernames: dyam98, hassoni, suporter, sw3dy
  3. Roleplay 09-12-'18 We gathered at FOX base to start the briefing. Briefing explained about a group, the Company, who was active in human trafficking. Besides we only knew some locations they are active at but were not aware of any names or location. Together with some members of NNB, we moved to their alleged location: a warehouse in LV. There we found the men and women we were looking for and arrested them with little resistance. The detainees were then moved to FOX Headquarters in Los Santos for further interrogation. First, the leader of the group was interrogated. He told us, in a very resistant interrogation, that we shouldn't have wasted our time on him: 'he would be free any second'. Still, we had no identification of any of the detainees, which made us scratch our heads, how can that be? The leader, @Scooty, insisted on his right to make a phone call. However much we tried to prevent that, we had to give it. Who he ended up calling was even worse, it was the Senator of Los Santos! When we found him knocking at our door demanding the immediate release of the detainees, we had to buy any time we could. So we ended up breaking the printer while printing the release forms. In the maintime we called the Attorney General of the Department of Justice to stop the senator from releasing the detainees. After a tough debate between the two, we got permission to move the detainees to the Los Santos Correctional Facility. Screenshots
  4. Can I offer my 2nd VC beta access to @Ramby DemienD#6187 Goumb-Ramby#1555
  5. @Oscar We are sorry to tell you your application has been denied. This has to do with your sometimes cynical tone in the application, your lack of positive attitude and a general unfamiliarity with FOX's members. We would like to encourage you to work with FOX agents more often to prove our reasons wrong and reapply in two weeks. @Predator & @AnouSa Congratulations! You have passed the theoretical part of the application and have been moved on to the physical part. FOX HQ will find you in-game to have your physical tests taken. Dyam Douglas FOX operations X Supervisor ( * )
  6. Is it possible to have VC beta and donator spawn as well? If so, that'd be nice
  7. Donator: Dyam98 Transaction ID: 789271952Y447572K Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: Alpha at FOX base, with nitro and color; #4f4f4f
  8. @AnouSa You can consider your application to be Under Review, FOX HQ has yet to make a decision about your application. It is only fair to inform you that it will come in the following days. @rayenbobos99 Thanks for your interest in FOX, and apparently some other squads on the server. I'd like to inform you your application has been denied on the following grounds: You haven't correctly interpreted the application process and have failed to meet the basic application standard; You seem to be banned; You literally applied to two squads within an hour worth of time. Therefore your application has been DENIED, and we will not continue the process as of now. You can have another shot in 2 weeks. Kind rergards, Dyam Douglas FOX Operations X, Supervisor (*)
  9. @Alperreis that's the change he finds in the washing machine
  10. @Marko Totally agree, something like this: In this design, both the criminals and the cops have about the same number of corners that are in their advantage. Besides main and back entrance are no longer next to each other ;)
  11. @DyamDouglas That's exactly like real life!
  12. @Alperreis give the rich*
  13. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? July 3rd, 2018 Why do you need to change the location: They disappeared because of inactivity Links to your donation topics: HTTP://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88089-donation-reward-reward-change/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1198/douglas-reward-change HTTP://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88089-donation-reward-reward-change/ Part II: What I Want to be Removed n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Police maverick Color-1: #4f4f4f Color-2: #4f4f4f Location: ::: ::: Usernames: dyam98, sparky, twister, hassoni Vehicle 2: Police LV Color-1: #4f4f4f Color-2: #4f4f4f Mods: 10x Nitro Location: ::: ::: Usernames: dyam98, sparky, twister, hassoni Vehicle 1: Police LS Color-1: #4f4f4f Color-2: #4f4f4f Mods: 10x Nitro Location: ::: ::: Usernames: dyam98, sparky, twister, hassoni
  14. I understand. But I have once made an agreement with SAES:HQ, @lance should know about the details as specified here, as I've created a custom minimap for SAES, for that I was rewarded 2 vehicles, besides I donated 10 pounds. Here is another donation request concerning this situation. Hope this information is sufficient @RAMPAGE, thanks in advance!
  15. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? November 14, 2016 Why do you need to change the location: FOX Base has been moved Links to your donation topics: http://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88089-donation-reward-reward-change/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: http://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88089-donation-reward-reward-change/ I have found my most recent donation change topic and linked to that, browing the archive doesn't go too smoothly Part II: What I Want to be Removed n/a Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: GTAV police car (Probably police LV) Mods: Sandcolour (DE); Nitro 10x Vehicle 2: FBI rancher Mods: Black, nitro 10x Vehicle 3: Sentinel Mods: Black, nitro 10x Location: FOX Base ::: https://imgur.com/a/9Mm4eWA ::: Username: dyam98
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