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Posts posted by DyamDouglas

  1. @hope said in Space spam escaping tazer:

    @MrSolrac said in Space spam escaping tazer:

    Instead of press space, i would like to see a "Choose a number between 0-9" if you press the right number, you are free (ofc only one try), idk just an idea

    Or simply we can make something like dancing in san Andreas vanilla, to clarify what i mean here is a videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26WA2qCSMog

    I insist on implementing this exactly as shown paired with increased tazer range so I can taze someone in LS from LV, walk to them and arrest them

  2. After reading multiple thoughts on this I think it should work as follows to prevent abuse and annoyances by players:
    The player uses the AltGr interface to select "Prevent next respawn";
    This button makes sure the vehicle doesn't respawn during the NEXT respawn, the one following will respawn the vehicle when the button is not pressed again. Doing it this way makes sure the player cannot AFK indefinitely using the 50m radius I've seen suggested.
    However I think the radius is a good addition and should be implemented too, so if you're out of radius it also voids the respawn invulnerability.
    In addition: it might seem like a nice feature that you can use this on every vehicle so if your RP partner forgets to use the feature you can 'save' their vehicle. But that is a great way to abuse, you could potentially 'steal' people's vehicles and prevent them from respawning altogether. Which can lead to empty bases, no vehicles, and frustration. So give players the ability to use this features only on vehicles they can drive.

  3. Let's count how many chat's I'd have when we add this: Mainchat, LocalChat, TeamSay, CC, Party, PM (with /re I count it as a chat), Police Radio, DE Radio, class chat, country chat, me and do (other purposes but still). For others we can add CB radio, ATC radio then there are admins with an admin chat, SAHA chat (?), staff chat (?).
    I think I covered the majority here. But no I don't see a need for an alliance chat.

  4. Your ingame username: dyam98
    Your ingame alias: Dyam Douglas
    Your year of birth: 1998
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Dutch
    Country of residence: The Netherlands

    How long you have been playing SAES: I started playing on SAES in late 2011.
    Qualities you can offer:
    There's a set of qualities that I think are beneficial for the function I am applying for, Community Staff. These qualities include but are not limited to:

    • I am very unbiased in dealing with conflicts among players giving everyone a fair chance;

    • I have a good understanding of the roles and gameplay options in SAES:RPG;

    • Experience in groups where I had a mediating function;

    • Consistent activity in-game, on forums and discord;

    • I have excellent problem-solving skills regarding conflict management.

    Your weaknesses:
    As goes for anyone, I do also have some weaknesses. The weaknesses I would describe for myself are:

    • I always try to keep everyone happy and that often proves difficult or even impossible.

    • I am very perfectionistic where I stress little things and lose focus of the bigger picture.

    • I do a lot of multitasking when working on tasks, this sometimes leads to unwanted delays.

    What I think is regarding my weaknesses is that I have already established them and can improve on them. In doing that I attempt to turn my weaknesses into strengths.

    Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): My preferred position is Community Staff (CS).

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do have it installed.

    Reason for application:
    For a fair amount of time, I have been interested to support SAES:RPG to a greater extent and I think being community staff is a great way to do that. Years and years, I have enjoyed playing on this server being part of multiple organizations created by players for the players. I have applied before but since then Ive matured and gained more professional knowledge and insights in the server. That is why I decided to send in this application today.

    Server Memberships:
    I am part of a few organizations on this server, here I list them together with my rank in the said organization:

    • Desert Eagles Vice General (VL)

    • FOX Operations X Commander (HQ)

    • San Andreas Interceptors Commander (HQ, Honorary)

    • San Andreas Police Academy Sergeant

    • ProCop Officer

    Additional information:
    I want to use this section to tell something about myself, other qualities I have and things I do that do not directly involve this application.
    In the server I go by Dyam, Im 21 years old and I live in the Netherlands. Day to day I work as a software engineer where I mostly develop websites and apps. Besides that, Im taking an MSc in computer engineering to elevate my capabilities in that field. In my spare time, I play a lot on the server and love to cook. Years ago, I have also taken up designing as a hobby and that has reached a level now where I started to make some money with that on SAES as well as in real life.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have been muted and adminjailed a few times for minor incidents.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: Not available.

    Do you eat pork: Yes, I do eat pork.

  5. This is a manual post

    TXN ID: 8RV38851JJ095003J

    Donation Amount: 15.00GBP

    Requested Awards:
    Vehicle Type: Police LV (GTA V)
    Vehicle Colour: Shader, dyam98_1
    Specify any upgrades: Nitro 10x
    Username to lock: dyam98
    Where you want it placed: FOX Base

    For future reference:
    10 for one vehicle
    5 for one custom shader

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