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Everything posted by user1010

  1. @Kybali0n maybe it happens but do you think anyone here really cares?
  2. Stealing Ammunition ::: I called @Chico to Outfit base to put together a strategy to be able to steal the weapon shop of Las Venturas. We talked about how we would do something like that without being chased by cops. So we formed the following plan: I walk in like a customer in that store, right after the guy walks in and I stab the salesman in the back so he can not stand a chance of hurting one of us. Then we took the car and we drove to the place. Arriving there we stayed waiting a bit ahead of the store reviewing the plan and decided to take action. I walked in the front as a customer whatever asked about the price of some guns and rifles. Then boy came in announced the robbery and when the seller went to tartar to protect or catch some weapon I stabbed him in the back and killed him. Chico and I started taking what we needed most that was Money and ammunition. For we were broken for defending some territories for a long time. We put all the merchandise inside the car and we fled. We took a different route to avoid suspicion of any police in the area, we decided to escape through Bone County. When we were safe, we decided to separate everything from ammunition and money. We told everything we had and then we separated everything on a table. I put everything that was mine inside a car and quickly took it to Outfit Base. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/AYcJ4LO :::
  3. just a joke lmao
  4. It was I who shot
  5. Type: Box All vs All Prince: 1.000.000 LWS: @Sam Winner: @Julio ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/GiMaG6B
  6. Type: LMS Prince: 3.000.000 LWS: @Sam Winner: @Makel ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/GiMaG6B
  7. Resolving Business ::: I was in a bar, when a man came looking for me and said he had some business to settle with a certain man. He owed her money a long time ago and did not pay, it was a high amount. He asked me for a gun so I could figure it out soon he was going to kill him. I went to my car and got a gun for him to do business. He then set up an ambush, waited until the man went to the diner to kill him. -Rick pays me what he owes! or I will kill you! -Bob do not do this let's settle it any other way! "There's no other way, or you'll pay me now or I'll kill you." Rick said he did not have the money to pay the man and then Bob shot him in the head. All Screen Here :::
  8. gl mate
  9. Selling weapons to ToB ::: A member of ToB came to me to buy some weapons for his new gang that was created in the city recently. He said he needed a lot of guns because he was going to build something big. I then showed him all the models I had in my car. After showing all the weapons we started to negotiate. So he would have everything in the car for $ 100,000 We went to the base he paid me and took the car with guns. :::
  10. Denounced ::: There was me and a few more members chatting away at the base of the gang. Arrived some cops. They wanted to do some kind of investigation on the spot. They asked some questions and said there were drugs at the base. So they went to the check. They went inside the base began to scour everything. They were sure they would find something illegal there. The cops did not find anything on the scene. So they went upstairs and searched a little more. They did not find anything there either. They wanted to fuck us somehow but had no evidence against us. So they went scouring the cars in search of something illegal. They did not find anything in the cars either. so they apologized for bothering us and left. I was sure they wanted to take some of us to jail. :::
  11. why accept the retarded who use the tag as pigs?
  12. Buying drugs with CDC. ::: I went after some henchmen to get this service. I'm going to buy some drugs so I went to the favela behind the CDC. To make sure nothing would go wrong I took two trustworthy henchmen with me. Arriving at the base of CDC I offered him $ 2,000,000 for a few pounds. We started negotiating and we reached an agreement. All the money for all the drugs on the table. He then began to count the money to see if everything was complete. We started counting drugs. We put her in the car and left. :::
  13. -Part 1-Personal information: -Nickname: Hazy -AccountName: estyyle -Real Name: Eric -Age: 18 -Nationality: Brazilian -Primary Language: Portuguese -Your english skills: 7/10 -Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES: -How long have you been playing MTA: 5 year -How long have you been playing on SAES: 4 year -How many hours do you play in day: 5 or 6 hour -Previous gang/squads?: -currently gang/squads?: The Outfit -previous gang/squad/groups:Thuga Tugs, Comando da Capital -Part 3-Questions: -Describe Roleplay:Interpretation of paper. In terms of a league in game, it is you entering into the role of your character, thinking like him - and acting accordingly. -What does mean DM: DM is when you kill somebody for no reason -Strengths: strategy and cover -Weaknesses: lag
  14. Pig motherfucker ::: Earlier in the night a pig came to me with the intention of buying some weapons. He said he would need guns or he would smear my name inside the city. Told me to find him in the parking lot of the football stadium. So I went. When I got to the place I showed them some guns they asked me to. He asked how I would have gotten all those guns that were inside the trunk of my car. I told him it did not matter that the purpose of being there was not that. Then he questioned about the guns and asked to see some models. I showed him an M4A1. He likes the gun. So I charge him $ 5000 for the gun. The pig gets enraged and says he would not pay for it. I would not have imagined that that pig besides buying illegal guns with criminals was questioning the price charged. He asked to see another gun he wanted a sniper. I showed him. He asks some questions about the gun seemed to be interested in it. He then grabs the gun in his hand and performs some tests. Ask some questions about how to use it and said that will buy all the weapons that were inside my car. When I turn to close the trunk of the car the son of a bitch pointed a gun at me and said "Never trust a pig" and then shot. I was unconscious so he plundered me. He took the key from the car and took all the guns I had and left. All Screens Here :::
  15. The Corrupt Officer ::: After doing some Robbery I went to the base doing some repairs on my Aplha which was with some strange noises. I was so focused on solving that problem that I did not pay attention to what was around me. I was overtaken by a police officer. He was ready to shoot, I had nothing to do, So I gave up. The officer asked me some questions like why my car was so damaged. I told him I was doing some services. He then decided to check me and eventually found some weapons with me. The policeman was going to take me prisoner. I offered him $ 100,000 for my freedom, he said it was not enough and that it would not pay and that's when we started negotiating. After a long time we came to the value of $ 1,000,000 so he would not arrest me. He then took the money and left. More Screens Here :::
  16. Selling Weapons to C.L.O. ::: Brazz came looking for some guns. I took the car with guns and took Brazz to a secluded spot in the city. He was in need of a sniper and a Combat Shotgun. I picked up some models that I had inside the car to show him. First I showed him the sniper, told him that he was one of the best in the area, I gave him for $ 3000 with 100 ammo. He would also need a Combat Shotgun in case he needs to shoot closely. So I provided him for $ 900 with 150 ammunition. Brazz took the guns and left. He would need to help in a Bank rob of his gang. :::
  17. Good Luck :D , if I can, I can help with something, just call
  18. @nirjhor done
  19. In-game nickname: Hazy In-game username: estyyle Your real name: Eric Age: 18 Nationality: Brazilian Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: Yes, Snome told me to list. What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? I will be loyal to all members I will help everyone I will always be at the disposal of any work that someone offers Additional information about yourself: Hello, my name is eric, I'm Brazilian, I'm 18 years old, I'm playing games for 3 years. I know the rules of the game. I've never been banned. I'm always online. Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 3 years 1 inactive because of school What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): Tuga Thugs for 7 months / Comando da Capital 1 year and 6 months Why have you left the above?: I left Tuga Thugs because I had no friends inside the gang I was single and alone / Comando da Capital kicked out What server groups are you currently a part of?: None Previous server bans and reasons (include links): None
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