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Posts posted by Dexter

  1. ^[alt text]

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    ~[Event Number:]~(#2e2e2e) #42
    ~[Event Type:]~(#2e2e2e) Find and Steal
    ~[LWS:]~(#2e2e2e) @Petrow
    ~[Prize:]~(#2e2e2e) $1.500.000
    ~[Winner(s):]~(#2e2e2e) @SWT
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#2e2e2e) https://imgur.com/a/rZaB4hm
    ~[About Event:]~(#2e2e2e) There are added some different cars in Los Santos. Event partipicants are trying to find ''Sultan'' around of the city. Also, they are driving BMX meanwhile searching Sultan. Find and come with Sultan to finish line.

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  2. ^[alt text]

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    ~[Event Number:]~(#2e2e2e) #41
    ~[Event Type:]~(#2e2e2e) Fallout BMX Race
    ~[LWS:]~(#2e2e2e) @Petrow
    ~[Prize:]~(#2e2e2e) $1.500.000
    ~[Winner(s):]~(#2e2e2e) @Franklin
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#2e2e2e) https://imgur.com/a/gjpCe8T
    ~[About Event:]~(#2e2e2e) Racing on a way,if you fall to down from right or left side, you will be a loser. Drive to finish line with clearly and be careful,because there are some parkours on the road!

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  3. ^[alt text]

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    ~[Event Number:]~(#2e2e2e) #40
    ~[Event Type:]~(#2e2e2e) 2v2 Fight on Bike
    ~[LWS:]~(#2e2e2e) @Cornelius
    ~[Prize:]~(#2e2e2e) $2.000.000
    ~[Winner(s):]~(#2e2e2e) @raafet & @Raider
    ~[Screenshots:]~(#2e2e2e) https://imgur.com/a/91JMWMm
    ~[About Event:]~(#2e2e2e) Shortly, you are fighting against others with your teammate on a NRG-500. Also you can only use Colt-45. But You can not shoot while driving.

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