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Everything posted by Danger

  1. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @nyx_ Prize:2.000.000$ Type: Chicken Shooter Location: Lv Roca Escalante Winner: @KARIM ScreenShoot:https://imgur.com/a/tEsszWi
  2. Before ::: ::: After ::: :::
  3. Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick:UE|Danger Account name:luuucian Nationality:Tunisian Rate your English Skills (0/10):6/10 Current G/S/C :UNDERGROUND EMPIRE Current Group :N/A Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10):7/10 Talk about our role in ( 15 words Minimum ):Freedom Fighters.Its a criminal groupe, their role is kidnapping,Store robbing,jail breaking they are counter cops,They help in public banks and assist othre criminals in their wars vs the cops
  4. Hoster: Underground Empire & Danger ZIP/LWS: @Licano Prize: 1.000.000 $ Type: Chiken shooter Location: G6 Area Winner: @SniperLyfe ScreenShoot:https://imgur.com/a/HUB87hw
  5. Ingame name: Danger Ingame username: luuucian Previous organizations and leaving causes: Wa kicked (adminjail) CDC Left Inactive members Define Underground Empire: Well, UE is known for many things, that include: Weapon Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, Corrupting Politicians and Police and last but not least Contract Killing. But that is not all, they are an old mafia syndicate that is most active around Las Venturas since they own all of the casinos located there. They also deliver the best drugs all around San Andreas. What binds you with Underground Empire: Mainly the role, I have been into Mafia and that gang life, always. Well, when I started SAES I thought to join UE but I was not good enough for it, but now I am back and better than ever. The gang is also super active and the history of it is just thrilling. What do you know about organized crime: Well there are many steps to an organized crime syndicate. The members in it must be well taught and should have high discipline. The gang needs to do things stealthy and make the most out of what they have done. Also, mistakes will happen never or barely since everything must be so organized and strict. People must do good teamwork also, teamwork is key to everything.
  6. @tut-greco https://imgur.com/a/vwcXx92
  7. Username: slaine97 Last seen: 17/07/2018 SS: https://imgur.com/a/vwcXx92![alt text](image url)
  8. username: slain97 Last seen: 17th june 2018 ss:https://imgur.com/a/GrcnScK
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