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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. Yes remove this.. this feature does not make any sense whatsoever.. its so non realistic.. if a cop shot a criminal in real life he would go to the hospital not automatically in jail.. it's literally so dumb, and all of you are gonna say now yeye like SAES has so many other things realistic.. see well thats the problem.. everytime something non realistic gets added everyone says who cares if its not realistic this this and this thing aren't realistic aswell and then we'll get so many unrealistic things that it will be just dumb.. lets not forget this is a Roleplay server after all, and also the cop side is way too overpowered right now, the feature was good for the time it was released in but now I believe it should get removed, because cops should always try to arrest first and not kill.
  2. good luck i guess
  3. @IZZE said in Official Quote Wall: ahh, good old 2011... btw he actually said :"go fuck yourselves with your fucking saes you fucked up motherfuckers, fat americans, you can't do shit, only know how to eat your fastfood and that's all you can. die fuckers CS rules, bitches The fact that you have skype opened down there makes me shit my pants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsUyjzRIU9w
  4. Activity Number #1 Illegal Boxing Event Participants: FC|Griffin, FC|Adriano, FC|Fyzero, FC|duff, FC|Franklin, FC|Greed, FC|Husnu, FC|Casper, FC|Kim, FC|AdemBygt, FC|Voopie, FC|Judy Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. @Filex update this
  6. ~[--#37 Event--]~(green) ~[--Last Man Standing--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Gugu Winner: Arone Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1t3xbz9
  7. ~[--#36 Event--]~(green) ~[--Chicken Nader--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Gugu Winner: Tamo Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YyV8Msx
  8. 1- Personal Part : Nickname: My nickname is Franklin or Franks. Username: My username is franklinclint. Age: I am currently 14 years old. Nationality: My nationality is Slovenian. Rate Your English Level (1-10): I would rate my English skills 9 out of 10. 2- Saes Information Part : Since when do you play SAES:RPG: I started playing SAES:RPG back in 2014 of August. Current Gang/Squad: I am currently the leader of a gang that goes by the name of La Confrerie Des Lions. Current Groups: I am not a member of any groups whatsoever. Tell us about your SAES carrier: My SAES carrier started back in 2014 back then I was quite young and I was mainly playing with my brother who was speaking English pretty fluently but I didn't, I didn't understand anything but I learned pretty quickly. I joined quite a few gangs at the start with my brother's help but soon learned to join them myself. I used to be a hopper when I first joined SAES because I was just so impatient and everything, I was pretty childish aswell which also got me banned 2 times if I'm correct. After I've been unbanned the second time I feel like I've changed and I'm more mature than I was a few years ago. I could go on listing all the things that happend in my carrier, ups and downs but it would be just too long. 3 -Group Question: What do you know about Fight Club: I only know that The Fight Club organizes illegal fights and accept bets on the fights, there might be more behind it but the members are not allowed to talk about it. Which division do you prefer , and why?: Boxer Division. Why do you want to join Fight Club I want to join The Fight Club because it seems like an interesting group to be in, which also has a lot of potential in becoming official. I also have a lot of experience with Fighting since I've had my own fighting organization before. Why should we accept you: You should accept me because I'm a very active and experienced player which has a lot of knowledge about fighting and the server in general.
  9. this is retarded
  10. Thank you all!
  11. ty Hammer and Taffy :3
  12. ~[--#35 Event--]~(green) ~[--Chicken Shooter--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Filex Winner: GhostSniper Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XHgmoHd
  13. Myyyyy bitchhh Hamrrrrr.. happy birthday my bro.. have a good one I love youu.. would post old screenshots of us when we met but sadly lost them hh
  14. @VayraN said in Happy Birthday Latinoo ..: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Latinoo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB I hope you get unbanned nigger racism everywhere.. didn't u leave the server? hbd btw.. flame me more when u get back xd
  15. Best: @RAMPAGE @nicus @Ardron
  16. Is this gonna be my 3rd time passing the DE Rec? Let's find out!
  17. Today I've decided to another of my random constructions, I have made a little party house.. but sadly ran out of objects.. but still had so many ideas :/ ::: :::
  18. GL.. nice banners I made :pig:
  19. ~[--#34 Event--]~(green) ~[--Terrorists vs Counter-Terrorists--]~(green) LWS Hoster: KARIM Winner: Daddy Team Prize: $2.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/bKStT7P
  20. ~[--#33 Event--]~(green) ~[--Last Man Standing--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Alex Winner: U|Paradox Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NTFCPFV
  21. ~[--#32 Event--]~(green) ~[--Musical Chairs--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Alex Winner: UE|Cido Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/btV2dfL
  22. Today, I have decided to build one of my unique events that I thought of.. Red Light - Green Light.. I built it as worker so it's not as detailed and as big as I'd want it to be, but it's something.. take a look in the spoiler! ::: Some of the walls on the pictures are not completely done yet because I've ran out of objects, hope it's not a problem!! :::
  23. - Section 1- - :Personal Information:- Real name: My real name is Aleksander. In-Game name: My ingame name is Franklin aka Franks. Account name: My account name is franklinclint. Age: I am currently 13 years old and I will be turning 14 in December. What is your gender?: I am a male. Nationality: My nationality is Slovenian. English knowledge (1-10): I would rate my English knowledge 9/10. Timezone: GMT+1 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG ? : I've been playing SAES:RPG since August of 2014. How active are you on SAES:RPG ? : I am very active on SAES, I play everyday.. in weekdays 5+ hours and on weekends.. pretty much all day so thats about 10+ hours Describe yourself with one word: Experienced Tell us about you're self (Minium 100 words): My real name is Aleksander Ovar.. most known as Franklin or Franks ingame.. I am currently a leader of an criminal organization by the name of La Confrerie Des Lions.. I am also 13 years old and I will be turning 14 this December. Even tho I am quite young compared to the other players in this server, but I would also say my age doesn't influence on my skills. As you can see my English is pretty fluent even tho it's not my first language, which can already tell you a lot of things about me. I am a very fast learner and I work hard for the things I wish for and I don't give up. I have a lot of experience and knowledge about the game and the server itself since I've been playing it for quite a while now and I think if I join SDO we could learn a lot from eachothers. - :SDO Knowledge: - What do you know about SDO?: I think of SDO as an very unique organization that requieres a lot of skill and perserverance to get in. In general SDO is a skydiving organization that is currently led and founded by Trevor. They also do quite a lot of activities and events that other players that are not in the group can participate in. Have you applied to join SDO before ?: I have made some activities with SDO before, but that was a pretty long time ago, but I'm not sure if I applied. Do you have any friends in SDO?: I don't know exactly, but I may have some. What's our Motto?: The motto of SDO is "If at first you dont succeed SKYDIVING is not for you''. Did you read and understand our rules: Yes, I have. Flying Skills (0/10)?: I would rate my flying skills 9/10 Driving skills (0/10)?: I would rate my driving skills 9/10 RP skills (0/10)?: I would rate my RP skills 10/10 What you gonna do in SDO if you got accepted ?: If I get to join SDO, I will be quite happy because it sounds like a fun organization to be in, I will make sure to do a lot of activities and participate in all group activities aswell everytime when I will be available. Write backstory for skydiver character: There was a normal kid. He was living a happy life with his mom and dad.. One day when he went to his uncle's, he was playing with him. His uncle liked the kid a lot and they were really good friends. They started playing the game "tag" one day and the kid was running from his uncle laughing.. and when his uncle grabbed him and threw him in the air and catched him when he went down because he thought it would've been fun for the kid. The kid didn't like that.. and ever since that day he was very afraid of heights. He wouldn't dare to get anywhere near any heights at all. All his childhood everyone made fun of him in school for having such a huge fear of something, he became really sad, he also didn't have any friends and when he hit puberty he started being bullied not only for being afraid of heights but also for having no friends.. being short and everything the bullies could think of. He became really depressed as days went on.. he had a really hard childhood.. and when he finally finished school, he was relieved, and for his 18th birthday he only wished one thing, to overcome his fear. On his 18th birthday's party he and his one and only friend.. went skydiving. He was so afraid he almost stopped breathing while they were flying with the plane. But when he finally jumped, he overcome his fear and became in love with skydiving. Ever since that day he was no longer afraid of heights and he went skydiving atleast once a month and soon because a professional at it and earned a lot of medals. - :Server Memberships: - Your current gang/squad/company: I am currently The Godfather of La Confrerie Des Lions What are your currently server groups?: I am currently in no groups, because I just came from inactivity not too long ago and I didn't put any effort in trying to join any. Have you been kicked/banned before from SAES:RPG (If yes, details please): Yes, I have been banned twice from the server, for being an admin in a different server, but thankfully all that is over now and it's been quite a long time since there. Have you read and understood the rules in F1?: Yes, I have. Describe with your own words SAES:RPG?: SAES:RPG is an RolePlay Gaming server on MTA, with a big player base. It's been around for 16 years. SAES has a lot of different organizations such as gangs, companies, squads and groups.. some are official and some are not. There are a bunch of different jobs that everyone can try aswell.
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