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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. @xgangsterx I think he's even more inactive than you are brother :crying_cat_face:
  2. Address: Saes Las Venturas Airport Corp Account name: jaycee2015 Last seen: 18th of January 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/dXumRh3
  3. Address: Flint Country Oil Refinary Account name: jaycee2015 Last seen: 18th of January 2021 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/r6u4NKQ
  4. As a Vice President of Hell Raisers MC, I would like to add something here, as someone before on this topic said that this SR structure gives criminals a decent fighting chance against cops, I think it gives them too much of advantage, as a leader of a level 1 gang we have to take screenshots of activities on store robberies, VIPs and things like such and we find it very difficult to come to a store robbery with our bikes together and take a screenshot, the store robbery just ends way to fast for us to manage that, I think by adding House Robbery it would actually slow down the robberies giving lower gangs a chance to actually get an activity out of it, nonetheless it would be way more fun because you have to use different vehicles to get to robberies, such as boats. +1 from me, I really hope this gets added, but I think every store robbery should be next to a house or water or anything criminals can jump on and stay there so they have just a little bit more of advantage from police if criminals were just standing on the floor without anything they can escape from it would then make it too easy for cops to arrest them. I think House Robberies deserve a shot since the majority voted yes.
  5. ~[--#102 Event--]~(green) ~[--Chicken Nader--]~(green) LWS Hoster: @Stoner Winner: Kok Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. ~[--#101 Event--]~(green) ~[--Bike Show--]~(green) LWS Hoster: @Colo Winner: NulGath, Kok, Velo Prize: $1.750.000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. @liyones123 said in Freelook noclip camera mode: @Franklin it can be disabled in bank by devs somehow , it won't be done exactly as he suggested it , ofc the devs will make some changes. Yes, it can be disabled in the bank, but it can still be used by checking if cops are outside the bank, and that's only one example, even if they lowered the radius it would've still be abused with corner peeking etc, there's no way to prevent it, that's just how this community works. @durby said in Freelook noclip camera mode: The suggestion itself comes with good intentions but no matter how much precaution is taken, this will still be abused, and getting in front of it is nearly impossible. Using the 3rd person camera that the original game provides should be enough (I understand that for someone who wants excellent pictures, in some cases it'll be very hard or nearly impossible to take them). Let alone I doubt this could be scripted. +1
  8. @dawis67 said in Freelook noclip camera mode: @franklin said in Freelook noclip camera mode: -1, this won't work out well, f.e when crims want to BR they will just do /freelook and look around the banks etc to see if there are any cops nearby, it can't be done imo. Well i said disable in banks when br is happening with the radius of max freelook camera distance. that way you cannot use it in BR or any other event where such camera would give unfair advantage If you make a max radius that could work ye but I think it could still be abused in some ways, dunno.. except if its a really tiny radius which doesn't let you go out of your POV, but it could still be used for corner peeking
  9. @liyones123 said in Freelook noclip camera mode: @franklin said in Freelook noclip camera mode: -1, this won't work out well, f.e when crims want to BR they will just do /freelook and look around the banks etc to see if there are any cops nearby, it can't be done imo. you can see the nearby cops even in the GPS with blue blips . That's just not the same lol, they wouldn't only be able to see cops around them but around the banks aswell, read what I said again before u comment
  10. -1, this won't work out well, f.e when crims want to BR they will just do /freelook and look around the banks etc to see if there are any cops nearby, it can't be done imo.
  11. ~[--#100 Event--]~(green) ~[--Last Man Standing--]~(green) LWS Hoster: @Laggiaze Winner: @beauty Prize: $1.000.000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. @jay said in Replacing vehicle mods: @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: We're not asking for new vehicles/mods for MCs or anything like that, all we're asking is that the vehicles that are currently suitable for MCs should stay suitable for MCs, such as Stallion and Picador which are highest on the vote here, maybe all MCs are dead and people don't get interested in them because you guys/the community don't support it, ever thought about that? SO far from correct, half of the server used to be modded for SoA when they were a group. They were a good group for a while and then people lost interest, and that's a group not a gang. The best it got for MCs after that was when RDMC and MMC were level 5. They are the only two gangs that were alive at the time to ever do it properly. They organised wars with each other, themed around streetfights, barfights and drive by shootings etc. You just have to know that an MC in this server has almost always had a generally small audience. No other type of gang has had anything made or modded for them to make them successful, they've used the tools the server already has. If you don't think there is enough for you to do that then perhaps you should suggest something in the appropriate section for improvements on the Biker spawn. Mods alone isn't going to gain interest to your MC or any other. @draven said in Replacing vehicle mods: However @Jay , I have always this question on my mind. Why we don't have a mod for bikes ? NRG-500 f.e could have an amazing mod and could be much much better, is this being considered ? Got no issue modding bikes, however bikes as a whole would probably need looking at. If we increase their speed for example we would probably have to reduce how easy it is to fall off but also do it in a way so it's not so overpowered because after all, bikes can get to places a car typically can't. I NEVER said that I wanted NEW mods for MCs, all I said is that I want you guys not to mod the current vehicles that we can drive into something that we can, I hope that's clear for you now.
  13. In my opinion the best jail was that place where Cunning Stunts have base now, having to crack made it so unique and so much more fun! I'd love to see something like that implemented, but yeah it's a problem because some people can't crack, so I guess some fun minigames to open doors would be cool!
  14. @tut-greco said in Replacing vehicle mods: I think Freeway is an exception here as current and future MC's won't agree on 1 bike. So probably best to keep it unmodded and allow individuals replacing it themselves Maybe thats the best solution yeah.. I as a biker who is always around in freeways personally dont want it.. it would ruin our exclusive bike that we modded in the mod shop.. so I wouldnt really like that.. as you said yourself current and future MCs could never agree on 1 bike, also for NRG.. that could get modded tbh.. NRG is a pretty common vehicle and I think if you put up a vote for a mod and replace the current NRG with the most voted mod it would be good, but yeah theres never gonna be a scenario where every single player is satisfied.
  15. @jay said in Replacing vehicle mods: @snome said in Replacing vehicle mods: remove everything Including your community staff, I agree. @killerask said in Replacing vehicle mods: @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: @jay said in Replacing vehicle mods: @franklin said in Replacing vehicle mods: Freeway, Wayfarer? @Jay As I said... but lets look at all the current, older, mostly unused mods that can be purchased from the shops. Alright my bad, should've read the topic first.. just don't give Stallion & Picador a mod that Motorcycle clubs won't be able to drive anymore, if it ends up being voted. I 100% agree finding suitable vehicles for MC's is as difficult as it is already. Yes, we should totally cater for all the level 5 MCs that we have. There is a reason they die, people get bored of them pretty quick I guess. There is the Freeway, obviously, Wayfarer which has a mod, Burrito which is half decent with V8 at least for a van and can also have a shader easily applied. There isn't really much else an MC would use. Perhaps a variation in bikes but given that an MC has such a small market/interest around here it can be argued too much choice is a waste of resource space. We're not asking for new vehicles/mods for MCs or anything like that, all we're asking is that the vehicles that are currently suitable for MCs should stay suitable for MCs, such as Stallion and Picador which are highest on the vote here, maybe all MCs are dead and people don't get interested in them because you guys/the community don't support it, ever thought about that? Maybe just give a little bit of support by not removing the vehicles that we CAN actually drive and not removing them, we already have enough limited vehicles, we don't need more, it's already challenging enough to get members, nowadays everyone just wants to drive the sports cars, so yeah help us out a bit, we would really appreciate it. Not trying to be rude, just stating my opinion.
  16. Back in 2014 of September:) Myself as RDMC*|Jizzy @Woytex as RDMC*|Undrbank @Mr-Togna21 as RDMC|Mr.Togna12
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