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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. DJ: Myself Broadcasted on: 1st of April Duration: The duration of the stream was 1 hour. Quiz: $700.000 ::: :::
  2. DJ: Myself Broadcasted on: 31st of March, 2021 Duration: The duration of the stream was 1 hour. Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. @liyones said in Free Logo ganster: You're actually Getting/stealing logos from google/logo maker and calling it your work . Boomer Alert
  4. TXN ID: @Getskillz Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Awards: 1m Vehicle Type: Forklift Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Username to lock: franklinclint Where you want it placed: HRMC base ::: ::: Should be sorted/confirmed by @Getskillz
  5. Happy birthday you faggot, hope you have a nice one! <3
  6. ~[--#107 Event--]~(green) ~[--Hydra Shooter--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Judy Winner: Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. ~[--#106 Event--]~(green) ~[--Last Man Standing--]~(green) LWS Hoster: Judy Winner: Dizzy Prize: $1,000,000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Date and Time: 12th of March in the afternoon Number of members online: 7 Screenshots:
  9. @nanobob said in Money Transporter Job: @franklin said in Money Transporter Job: This job is excellent, the script is great and everything but there really really needs to be some rules set, players are literally scared to go into money transporting because of unclear rules, my member got admin jailed today because of this bullshit, I know Nanobob says its common sense, but it really isn't for everyone, I think there definitely should be some rules set because the way we're getting admin jailed right now is complete and utter bullshit, anyhow amazing script. What exactly do you think requires clarification then in the way of rules? Well everything that you're not supposed to do should be listed in the rules in my opinion, for example that you cannot kill the driver after the truck got destroyed.. The job is fun asf but it's literally scary to go play it because of no clarification of the rules.. I don't know how else to explain it
  10. This job is excellent, the script is great and everything but there really really needs to be some rules set, players are literally scared to go into money transporting because of unclear rules, my member got admin jailed today because of this bullshit, I know Nanobob says its common sense, but it really isn't for everyone, I think there definitely should be some rules set because the way we're getting admin jailed right now is complete and utter bullshit, anyhow amazing script.
  11. Happy birthday friend!
  12. Great fucking script, had so much fun playing this today after midnight
  13. The competition is over, @Laggiaze is the winner.
  14. ohh happy birthday friendo!
  15. Happy birthday @ilyasSs our drama queen <3
  16. Good day to everyone, As you all know Hell Raisers MC has applied for Level 2 and we want to have rewards ready by the time Organization Results come out, we were struggling with making the shaders ourselves so we want you guys to do it, hence why we're hosting this competition. We will also give out a big reward, nothing usual you would get for a normal skin shader! If you want more details add me on discord, Wask#2072 Reward: Above the usual payment for skin shaders, a good amount of cash that everyone will be satisfied with. Be quick so other people don't take your money!
  17. ~[--#105 Event--]~(green) ~[--Team Deathmatch--]~(green) LWS Hoster: @FoxZilla Winner: @ButcheR & @Goldeen Prize: $2,000,000 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. @general said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to shoot while being glued: @franklin In my opinion, everyone should be allowed. But devs are the last ones to decide I guess. I agree ye
  19. @general said in [SUGGESTION] Being able to shoot while being glued: @franklin Or at least it should be a feature only locked to DE and CLO Then I say no, either to everyone or no one.
  20. Happy birthday guys
  21. I'm surprised a cop is requesting this, because if it is going to be added it's gonna be cops crying 24/7. Would like to see it even tho it would be kind of unfair, but it would make sense.
  22. @sanfara said in SAES Meme Pictures V2:
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