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About Mrwan

  • Birthday 04/09/2000

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  1. That's very unfortunate, RIP ThC
  2. Best of luck!
  3. Rip :(
  4. ..
  5. Happy birthday man
  6. Happy birthday ya broo <3
  7. rip
  8. Let's goo!!
  9. Mix between OC and TT, Good luck guys!
  10. Happy birthday my dear brother @M7mDGr7 , Have a wonderful day <3
  11. Came back with a bang @Rewind , Good luck my friend
  12. Happy birthday brother!
  13. It's always sad to see something that took a lot of effort goes that easy, Had a great time kicking each other's asses. RIP.
  14. Dear SAES community, We're sad to announce that today the 19th of April 2021 Is the day we decided to close our beautiful project "Generation X", We had a very good time together In this great gang with the great friends and everyone who had the chance to be a part of this family. Special thanks goes to my amazing friends and brother who NEVER let me down and who did their best for the greater good of X. @Rover @M7mDGr7 @Soryair @Jizzy @Jengus @bor @Dice @Nordd @Nevs @Ram I might have forgot few guys but they know themselves anyway. Once again we thank everyone who gave us either a competition or support, It was hella fun. Never tell everything you know - Generation X https://youtu.be/ZRCxtAr5bWw
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