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Everything posted by Infinity_

  1. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: kelvinpr182 Your ingame alias: Infinity Your real name: Kelvin Your DOB: 01/11/00 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Puerto Rican Country of residence: USA Language skills: English, Spanish & Spanglish English Proficiency: A1 How long you have been playing: 15 years, since 2008 - Nonconsecutively. Your strengths: Patient, creative, pretty good problem solver, great at communicating, honest, best of all: passionate for what I do no matter who is for. Your weaknesses: None for the position I am applying for. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: "Make SAES Great Again" No, seriously. Anyone would agree SAES is not at the best state right now and that is the reason for my application - not that I want to have a panel to mute and kick, rather to move up the team and become a Developer of this server. SAES could use a highly driven individual like myself to bring something fresh. We could all benefit from it. I have tried to make some contributions tore the community through private chambers but is not a secret the current Development team is either busy or just completely loss of motivation. I'm here to lend an extra hand. Unique qualities you can offer: SAES x.0 - Won't get into too much detail but I can actually bring stuff into the game that will motivate people to actually play on this server. I've led servers and been part of a few admin teams throughout my MTA career and I've always been loved by many individuals for what I can bring to the table. Server Memberships: Objection, Relevance? If I caught your attention, my memberships don't matter. Additional information: I have none, just hoping to contribute, you do as you wish with that information. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None Previous (legitimate) bans: Quite a few, you could view my latest ban appeal, won't give the community a reason to have something against me. But on a serious note: I think you have to be banned quite a few times to even be considered to join the clan.
  2. Hello @xxVLadimirxx As a reminder, you have 48 hours from this post to fix the aforementioned mistakes above or the application automatically gets rejected. You may communicate with us under this post should you have any questions or concerns regarding what we are asking of you or if you are having a hard time understanding. Thank you and we hope to see changes within the next 48 hours!
  3. Hello @MrYOLO We would like to thank you for your interest in wanting to become part of PC. After reviewing your application, we have came across few things we want you to fix up. Your explanation for both /me and /do were correct but the examples you used are incorrect and lacking effort. You have 48 hours to fix the aforementioned mistakes and we would get back to you when such changes are made.
  4. CO-IMPOUNDING CC Activity Number: #12 Participants: Me & @Afufu Duration: 15 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hjDMzo7
  5. Underwater Oil Refinery Station Construction number: 015 Number of objects: 462 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  6. Dear Applicant, Congratulations on passing the in-game tests and becoming part of the group. On behalf of SAPD, we welcome you.
  7. CC Activity number: #11 LWS, Admin: @Winter_Soldier Event type: Car show Price: 1st: 3M, 2nd: 2M, 3rd: 500K Screenshots:
  8. Dear applicant, @Gotchi Thank you for sharing your interest in wanting to become a PC member. After careful review of your application, we have decided to go forward with it. Contact any PC tester in-game for your test. Make sure you are also part of our Discord server and you may tag a tester through our #request-a-tester channel on Discord. On behalf of PCD team, good luck going forward.
  9. CO-IMPOUNDING CC Activity Number: #10 Participants: Me & @n0vis0ry Duration: 25+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zjB60WB
  10. Applicant has switched over to the criminal side and as a result, your application is automatically rejected. If you wish to reapply, you may do so in 30 days when you meet the requirements again for becoming part of PC. On behalf of SAPD, good luck going forward. Infinity
  11. Dear @Jojo We would like to thank you for your interest in wanting to become part of PC. Unfortunately, your application did not meet the expectations we were looking for. After being told to review the aforementioned mistakes carefully, you still failed to use the correct examples. I noticed you mention you are part of SWAT, I would strongly advise you to interchange into SAPA so we can help you on these basics or you can even decide to take the internal PC program, offered to everyone, to help them become more knowledgeable on radio usage, /me & /do and anything you might need help with. On behalf of SAPD, we wish you good luck and you may reapply in 30 days if you are still interested in becoming part of PC through our external program.
  12. CC Activity number: #9 Participants: Myself & @Zyler Duration: Screenshots: Brief story: I was patrolling around the streets of Las Venturas when I got a call about someone in need of tow truck assistance just South of LV Casino. After reaching to the client, I noticed the vehicle was pretty torn up but that I could get it towed to the facility and have a look at it. So immediately, I prepared to grab the hook from my DFT and get this car up on my tow truck. After getting the client's vehicle to the shop, I immediately start inspecting what is wrong with the vehicle. It turns out, it head a oil leak, leading to all the oil leaking out of the vehicle and causing the engine to fail and turn off. Luckily, the client had pulled over immediately, not causing more engine damage. After a thorough inspection, the problem of the oil was found and we completely changed the oil gasket as it was too worn which caused the oil leakage. After completely changing the oil pan gasket, we put in some new oil and sent the client on his way. Here you can see the car completely finished and fixed.
  13. CC Activity Number: #8 Participants: Me/Novisory Duration: 15+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YWKfjwT
  14. CC Activity Number: #7 Participants: Me/Novisory Duration: 15+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/R3vWw0Q
  15. CC Activity Number: #6 Participants: Me/Skes Duration: 15+ mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/raPwClf
  16. Hello, @Manny After thorough evaluation, we have decided to go forward with your application and accept it. You may find a PC tester in-game for further instructions. Make sure you are part of the SAPD Discord server and you may tag any PC tester to arrange your PC test. Congratulations and good luck going forward. Regards, SAPD Staff
  17. RC-LV Bridge Construction number: 014 Number of objects: 36 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  18. Fighting Arena Construction number: 013 Number of objects: 256 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  19. Name: Infinity Username: kelvinpr182 Age: 23 Nationality: Puerto Rican Squad: SAPA Policing Groups: SAI & PC Pro Cop Since (date): 12-20-2013 (1st) & 11-10-2023 (2nd) Link to Pro Cop Sign-in Post: Previous Experience: I was SWAT LT and I was tasked with providing tests for individuals wanting to become part of SWAT. Why would you make a good tester?: I have been around the community quite a long time and I am a very experienced individual. Among the best instructors you will come across, my goal is to always be a great mentor. One of my best unique qualities I can offer as a tester is to well inform each individual and to the best of my knowledge, teach everything there is to law enforcement. That alone should speak enough volume but furthermore what makes me a great instructor is my ability to teach new things, regardless of what you think you know in MTA.
  20. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: FBI Rancher (ID: 29477) Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: Current position in-game: Placed at 'Royal Club Headquarters' property. ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 (Replaced at the new property) Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) "Algerian Law Firm Corp" - new property. You can place it anywhere locked to my username. IF POSSIBLE, GET RID OF ALL THESE OTHER VEHICLES (@Skes - Reward change is due!) My username: kelvinpr182 Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) Interior:
  21. Martial Law Military Post Construction number: 012 Number of objects: 97 Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
  22. While it is a very good idea, to implement it would be way more unnecessary code to handle. You'll have to create checks for each activity (and check if the player is actually actively participating) and honestly, it wouldn't make sense to begin with as you have many other activities such as public events that are hosted, overall gameplay, civilian jobs, etc. It matters in every aspect of the game, the game play must be fair at any activity not just the ones mentioned above.
  23. I also forgot to mention, this should also include FPS as well. MTA has a built in FPS command to lower your FPS limit, perhaps also making it that if you have an extreme low FPS for longer than X amount of time, you would also get warned/frozen and if it continues, either being kicked or a damage multiplier being high on the client with low FPS.
  24. I prefer the newer system. The old one is very outdated and does not work effectively. Overall, along with the new ping kicker, I would also suggest for players with higher ping than 300 will take more damage. Players with stable connection and lower pings shouldn't be affected/be an easier target to those who are lagging or have a higher ping.
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